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Indian Army’s Fake Encounter Against Kashmiris on Rise

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NEW DELHI, 3 December 2024, (TON): Indian officials said that they received an Intel regarding terrorists in Dachigam so, they launched a cordon-and-search operation in the upper part of Dachigam on Monday night.

As a result of a search operation Indian forces killed an innocent civilian Junaid Ahmed Bhat and to cover it up they associated him with Lashkar-e-Tayyiaba’s freedom fighter of occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

Indian Army and security apparatus have increased gradual genocide of Kashmiris. Now this operation needs to be scrutinized through the lens of prior evidence that exposes a troubling pattern of false encounters. In the Sophian fake encounter of 2020, three Rajouri residents were initially labeled as "terrorists" by the the Indian Army, and it was later admitted that the operation was not only fake but violated the powers granted under the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) in disregard to Supreme court guidelines. The Jammu and Kashmir High Court's decision to grant bail to one accused in this case only further highlights the questionable nature of these operations.

These operations like many others before are part is a broader strategy to perpetuate the narrative of counter insurgency, often at the expense of innocent lives. Indian army and security forces kept killing ordinary Kashmiris in various parts of occupied Jammu and Kashmir to spread terror among Kashmiris so that they do not raise their voice for their right of self determination and independence. They are using these kind of self engineered operations to maintain control, and reshape the narrative around the Jammu and Kashmir.