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Pakistani President stated that India is utilizing Afghan soil for causing terrorism in Baluchistan

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ISLAMABAD, 23 April, 2021 (TON): On Thursday, the Pakistani President Arif Alvi said that the Pakistan cannot move towards normalization of ties with India it rolls back its August 5 decision to scrap Indian-occupied Kashmir's autonomy.

He made the remarks while speaking to the U.S. media on various issues.

He commented on the Afghan Reconciliation Process, saying that the US' decision to withdraw its forces from the war-torn country is a positive step towards peace in Afghanistan.

The President said, "Pakistan will try to persuade the Taliban to take part in the Turkey conference."

"India is using the Afghan soil to meddle in the affairs of Baluchistan and carry out terrorism there," he said.

However, Alvi also said the relations between Pakistan and the US are improving.



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