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Pakistan: Special Assistant to PM threatened to resign from his designation

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QUETTA, 24 April, 2021 (TON): Sardar Yar Mohammad Rind, the Parliamentary leader of the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) in the Baluchistan Assembly has been threatened to resign from the post of special assistant to the PM if he fails to resolve electricity and gas supply issues.

Rind is the special on water, power and natural resources for the province.

Rind, also an education minister in the Baluchistan cabinet, said that over the last three years he was never invited to any meeting by the federal power minister or taken into confidence on any issue related to water and power.

Rind said that he was special assistant to the PM only to the extent of a notification issued in this regard, “but in practice I am nothing.”

The official criticized the Sui Southern Gas Company and Wapda for committing atrocities against the people of Baluchistan by depriving them of proper gas and power supply.

However, according to Rind, he made efforts to find out a solution to gas and electricity supply problem, but the former federal minister for energy and the federal government had given no importance to his efforts.


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