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7th March: A day of remembrance for Pakistani-Bangladeshi greatest leader

Greatest leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman with Fatima Jinnah during campaign against military dictator Greatest leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman with Fatima Jinnah during campaign against military dictator

By Afshain Afzal

DHAKA, 7 March 2021, (TON): Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, on 7 March 1971, laid down his terms for attending the National Assembly session which included; withdrawal of army to barracks; an end to martial law; and the transfer of power to the people. He also demanded an inquiry into the army killings and an end to the reinforcement of the army in East Pakistan. No doubt, none of these demands were unjustified as Awami Leage won the election and as per the Constitution of Pakistan, Awami League to form government. The 7th March speech of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, which is even today present in UNESCO’s archives was greeted with general reaction of the martial law authorities, which is recorded in ‘Khadim Hussain Raja, a stranger in my own country, 2012, page 63’ which highlights statement of Major General Khadim Hussain Raja, then General Officer Commanding in East Pakistan, as speach of Sheikh Mujib ur Rehman as "remarkably conciliatory". He further writes, "Credit goes to Sheikh Mujib for averting an immediate crisis and for preventing a lot of Bengali blood being split on the streets of Dhaka." Majority of West Pakistani loved Sheikh Mujibur Rahman except those who were linked with India and desired to further exploit Bangladeshis. 

America played the most negative role in separating Eastern and Western parts of Pakistan, leading to unrest and chaos. Archer K Blood, then American Consul General writes in his memoir: "The situation remains confused as two sides jockey for position and wait for others to force the issue. Mujib has, we believe, defused the immediate crisis. … Little by little the Sheikh and the Awami League become the de facto authority in East Pakistan. Meanwhile, the concept of Pakistan continues to erode. The Sheikh's tactics, if successful, reduce the chances of open confrontation by exposing only a fuzzy target for the Martial Law Administration. At the same time, he keeps the initiative and maintains control of the situation.

American Embassy in Islamabad was more pessimistic in their assessment: "Thus, events of March 6-7 have deferred showdown, but have not altered basic elements. Bangala appear bent on a degree of autonomy the Pak military (and probably Bhutto) unable to swallow. The question now is whether Yahya or Mujib will blink first – or whether neither will blink. Showdown cannot be put off much longer."

In their assessment of what does Sheikh Mujibur Rahman now intend the US Embassy report wrote: "His goal remains unchanged – 'Emancipation' of Bangladesh from West Pakistan domination. This could mean full provincial autonomy' as under six points. It could also mean Mujib has come to believe that the freedom he seeks is attainable only by outright independence." It is the US which led Pakistan to lose its greatest leader. May Almighty Allah bless Bangladesh peace and prosperity.

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