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Afghanistan witnessing Pushtun takeover of the country

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By Afshain Afzal

Sources at Pul-e-Khumri disclosed that Pushtun are everywhere and in three to four weeks period Pushtun would be controlling more that 90 percent of the Afghanistan. Afghan leaders Abdul Rashid Dostum has sent is commanders to Mazar-e-Sharif for its defence. The Hizb-e-Wahadat aides claimed that Talibans could not capture more than 25 percent of Mazar-e-Sharif . However, conflicting reports speaks the Talban faced negligible resistance everywhere except certain capital cities. Interestingly, the Taliban after taking control of six Norther provinces of Kanduz, Sheberghan, Zarang and Samangan are taking control of Farah and Baghlan. Presence of Taliban was not contradicted by the sources. The Taliban avoided Balkh and instead gained successes in Mazar-e-Sharif. Many Afghans have crossed the international border and taken refuge in Central Asian Republics and Russia.

Locals at Mazar-e-Sharif disclosed that Taliban driving humvees and American heavy powerd pick-up trucks were seen moving with confidence. Two skeleton of humvees were also seen after these were destroyed in aerial bombings. The Western nations are working on a plan to deport asylum seekers to Afghanistan. In a latest development Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Greece and the Netherlands have started carrying out coercive deportation of migrants back to Afghanistan. Local holding the nationality of foreign forces said advisors were aiding Hizb-e-Wahadat and forces loyal to Abdul Rashid Dostum. However, General Sami Sadat admitted losses without specifying the numers. Same could not be confirmed.

In an important development, Washington is giving a gesture as if it would delay officially admitting complete troops withdrawal by 11 September. Meanwhile, talks between Taliban splinter group based in Doha and US's special envoy Zalmay Khalilzad were held, later trying to convince advancing Taliban to accept a ceasefire. However, at this juncture Taliban and the Taliban splinter group based in Doha seems separate entities. American and probably allies aircrafts continued bombing Pushtun populations, which led families to leave their houses. The anti-Taliban black propaganda from the Western and Indian media center has over influenced other news and analysis. However, those who are negotiating with Taliban and at the same time dubbing them as terrorists should not forget that they have proven links with Taliban or in International language are harbouring and aiding Taliban.

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