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US admits defeat, blames Afghan allies for cowardice and Plans future Afghan strategy

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By Afshain Afzal (published in The Orient News)

In the latest development, President Joseph Biden said in his speech, “American troops cannot and should not be fighting in a war and dying in a war that Afghan forces are not willing to fight for themselves.” Aggrieved over Afghan allies’ failure to mount any real resistance to the Taliban and failure to engage in diplomacy to seek a political settlement with the Taliban, Washington has categorically announced that “there is no chance that American military boots on the ground would have made any difference”. Criticizing Afghan political leaders who gave up and fled the country and collapse of Afghan military without trying to fight, US President leveled all blame of US failure on the people of Afghanistan, on whom Washington claims to have “spent over a trillion dollars”.

Projecting Afghanistan as the graveyard of empires, President Biden pronounced his verdict, “no amount of military force would ever deliver a stable, united, secure Afghanistan.” He said, “I am deeply saddened by the facts we now face. But I do not regret my decision to end America’s war-fighting in Afghanistan.” Interestingly, it is no more now a secret that Americans negotiated with Qatar-based Taliban splinter group to allow them take over control of several Afghan airports, manned through recently deployed fresh 6000 Indian cum American troops in collation uniforms and unhindered airlift to as many Afghan nationals to various foreign countries as possible. Military and civilian aircraft including several C-17s, C-120s, Boeing 777s, Qatar Airways, Air India, Pakistan International Airlines etc transported uncountable passenger, many many times more than the aircraft’s capacities, to destinations outside Afghanistan. Washington has concluded special agreements with India, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Qatar, an African country and even Russia for the mass airlift and settlement to those loyal to Americans and NATO troops during two decades of US intrusion.

In fact, US has planned to keep an eye and indirect intervention in Afghanistan through the conclusion of new Counter terrorism agreements and reification older ones with incoming Afghan government. This would allow even access to American and allies to station its limited forces in Afghanistan for counter terrorism operations and carryout aerial attacks on targets inside Afghanistan and border with Pakistan and Iran. Another plan that was revealed is to persuade Taliban or future Afghan government to ensure safe access of International Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations for the data collection role and digital revolution. In another project, Pentagon and CIA posted thousands of Afghan Hazara and similar communities including Aga Khanis to man Radio Interception Rooms (RIC) for digital and satellite surveillance in various countries. As long term plans they would map opponents to eliminate them for smooth take over on lines of US’ pre-withdrawal almost two decades era.

Admitting US anti democratic moves seriously denting Afghan sovereignty, President Biden emphasized in his recent speech, “Our mission in Afghanistan was never supposed to have been nation building.  It was never supposed to be creating a unified, centralized democracy. Our only vital national interest in Afghanistan remains today what it has always been: preventing a terrorist attack on American homeland.” Although it is an eye wash that foreign nations intend to bring peace in Afghanistan as Washington, India and some European nations are trying to bring terrorism through foreign-funded and armed Afghan nationals who would pose themselves as Taliban, Haqqani group Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. Boko Haram and ISIS (K) in their communication to mislead the world. Interestingly, many countries especially China, Pakistan and Middle Eastern & African countries which would monitor their communication and social media activities would believe what they would hear and transcribe communications in the language and dialect they understand well.

If we recall, in December 2008, President Barack Hussain Obama began speaking about a new policy direction in the US strategy in the Afghan war. He said, “We can’t continue to look at Afghanistan in isolation. We have to see it as a part of a regional problem that includes Pakistan, includes India, includes Kashmir, includes Iran.” Washington is attempting to finalize a dangerous plan, segregating North and West from from rest of the Afghanistan and linking it with Central Asia on one side and Wakhan Corridor to create a new country for ethnic minorities and other faiths. It would be a fire and blood game to bring ingenious terrorist revolution by arming and funding terrorists. The testimonies presented before the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee from time to time recommend de facto partition of Afghanistan as alternative to US defeat in Afghanistan. US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) has successfully carried out experiment in the name of biological defense at various military labs but disposal of waste has become an issue due to dangerous contents. One of the names appeared in the unreferenced report was Army lab at Fort Detrick in Maryland. It is suspected that as the past record of carrying nuclear attack on Japan, Pentagon may carryout a biological attack that would bring COVID like symptom leading to mass killing of Taliban or orthodox Muslim areas in districts presumed to be included in the future partitioned state. There are unconfirmed reports that some portion of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan may also be included in the targeted areas. One wonders if United Nations Organization is aware of all this why why it is not intervening to stop this bloody great game.

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