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Alarming suicide rate in American Armed Forces

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WASHINGTON, 21 October 2022 (TON) - Pentagon report released of alarming number of on Thursday the latest figure supported by data of earlier years.
The US Department of Defence reported alarming number of death of US servicemen and reserves in US Army, Marine, Navy and Air force. The annual Pentagon report found that while the rate had decreased from 2020 to 2021, there was a gradual increase in suicide rates between 2011 and 2021.
Meanwhile, a member of the US Department of Veterans Affairs said on the condition of anonymity that reduced deaths as result of suicide have been shown to satisfy general masses as they exerted too much pressure. He claimed that methods of measurement was altered which gave encouraging results. He claimed that there were 29,580 suicidal deaths in 2001 which increased to 45,861 in 2019 and there was further increase.
Elizabeth Foster, Executive Director at the Pentagon's Office of Force Resiliency said, "We need to see a sustained, long-term reduction in suicide rates to know if we're making progress, however, this year saw a decline." The report said that the rate of suicides in 2021 was 24.3 per 100,000 service members, down from 28.7 per 100,000 members the year prior. The report said that about 67%, of suicides deaths were carried out by self shooting by firearms.

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