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Afghan peace conference 2020 Efforts for Peace

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By Usman Khan Khalil

It is  a good omen  not only for  Afghanistan and  Afghan people  but also for its bordering countries  to see that that an international  mega event Afghan peace- conference 2020 is being held in collaboration with the government of Afghanistan, Finland and the united nations .The impact of this quadrilateral pledging conference would  be far-reaching results and  significant development for the Afghan Government and the international community to bring together a common objective for promoting sustainable development, peace, harmony and prosperity in Afghanistan.

The prime goal of the conference is to commit the Afghan government in collaboration of the international community to shared development objectives for 2021-24, to coordinate development cooperation, and to ensure financial support for the Afghan administration. In addition to the pledges of financial support, a joint political declaration and new aid architecture are the anticipated outcomes of the conference.

This ministerial level conference is anticipated to bring together over 70 countries as well as international organizations and agencies. It was last held in 2016 in Brussels and in Tokyo in 2012.  After a long pace of time it is initiated, the 2020 Afghanistan Conference is commencing on 23-24 November, 2020 in Geneva is big milestone in the history of Afghanistan’s and will open new avenues of peace, harmony, prosperity and self-reliance in this neglected part of the world.

The quadrennial ministerial level pledging conference is jointly organized by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the Government of Finland and the United Nations.

The prime objective and aim of the conference is to revive the international and Afghan goals to streamline the policy of development and stability of Afghanistan, to agree the joint development for 2021-24 and to work on jointly development pledges, commitments regarding the financial support for Afghanistan by international community. Afghanistan is indeed standing on the threshold of its historic moment of pursuing and achieving its national. The commencement of Afghanistan Peace Negotiations is new chapter of opportunities for development in this neglected area of the world. Strengthened partnership and sustained international support are vital for Afghanistan and the Afghan people taking on the uphill task of building and sustaining peace after decades of inflicting war and suffering.

”Afghanistan is passing through at very critical juncture at the moment. Long lasting durable peace and desirability of feasibility and credibility is the need of hour to build Afghanistan on the right footing because the Afghan people already rendered precious lives and other unmatchable sacrifices during the Afghan war. When we look into the future, we must remain united in our vision and ambition to realize a progressive, prosperous, democratic, free and stable Afghanistan in peace with itself, its neighbors and the world. On development, while maintaining emphasis on high-level planning, the focus must shift to delivery and implementation. The Afghan government and its international development partners must work together on getting this visionary goal for demonstrable reduction in poverty that is realistic well-defined and well-targeted. Investment in peace and development must provide sufficient guarantees for gender equity, protection of human rights, women’s rights and the rights of minorities as well as democratic principles. The Republic is a true embodiment of Afghanistan’s diversity and must be strengthened. Corruption, which drains Afghanistan’s valuable resources and interrupts the process of realizing self-reliance, must be fought in all its forms,”

“Finland looks committed along with the united nations” in support of Afghanistan and its people  in respect of sustainable development, prosperity and a lasting peace and wants to ensure the women's meaningful participation at all parts  of the peace process to bring them at par with  quality life,” .

 Since, 2001 it has progressed and improved a lot the political, social and economic outlook in Afghanistan. Yet it has to be decided by the untiring efforts which are required for Afghanistan to reach its potential as a stable, peaceful and self-reliant society during the last years of its Transformation Decade up to 2024.

“By embarking upon Afghanistan Peace Negotiations to end the more than four decades-long conflicting and war ravaged policy between the various warring and political factions of Afghanistan .The urging and hope of the international community is not less on this occasion in Geneva to reaffirm its firm and steadfast support to Afghanistan's development, in parallel with the peace process. The worrisome factor of the whole episode is that the anti Taliban forces don’t to see these talks success full because with the restoration of these peace talks the comeback of Taliban is inevitable that’s why they are attacking in twenty three provinces in one guise or other to shatter the dream of peace and harmony in this country.  Despite this fact, the UN is committed to working with the Afghan Government, Finland, and the donor community to deliver the best possible outcome for the benefit of all Afghans,” said Deborah Lyons, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Afghanistan is also a commendable step and must be praised. Although the conference is under way but the hopes are being pined for yielding positive results for the participating countries.

“Finland is looking forward to co-hosting the pledging conference together with the Government of Afghanistan and the UN. Solving the multifaceted challenges in Afghanistan require joint efforts and long-term commitment from Afghanistan and the international community. Together with the partners they are committed to reshape and rebuild  the aid architecture while ensuring that it will preserve the progress achieved over the past decades and strengthen the further realization of human rights and democratic principles,”

The event is currently taking place at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, in a hybrid format where delegates may also participate virtually. More than 70 countries, international organizations and Afghan Government officials, as well as civil society representatives are expected to participate in the mega conference.

Keeping in view, the above mentioned facts in mind let’s pray and hope for the best.



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