Afghanistan: "We are not deleting them", Taliban promise progress on girls' schooling

KABUL, 03 November 2021, (TON): Afghanistan's Taliban government said it would announce good news soon on older girls being allowed to go back to school, but urged the international community to help it fund the process as most external aid has been halted.

Ensuring rights for women and girls has been one of the most sensitive issues facing the Taliban since they seized power in August, with international bodies demanding proof they were being respected before any discussion of formal recognition of the new government.

In September, the hardline Islamist movement drew global condemnation when it allowed boys to return to the classroom but told older girls to stay home until conditions permitted their return.

Waheedullah Hashimi, Director of External Programmes and Aid at the Ministry of Education, told media in an interview "Inshallah we will have a good announcement for the whole country, the whole nation.”

In some northern areas, girls have already resumed their education but others are forced to study in hiding and heavy scepticism remains with countries from the United States to Russia demanding they match promises with action.

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