Bangladesh: FM seeks German investment for green transition

DHAKA, 11 December 2021, (TON): Foreign minister AK Abdul Momen sought German investment on electric vehicles and locomotives in Bangladesh to help Bangladesh’s endeavour for green transition as part of its efforts to mitigate climate change.

A foreign ministry press release said “he made the urge when newly appointed German ambassador to Bangladesh Achim Tröster called on him at state guest house Padma in Dhaka.”  

Acknowledging Germany as one of Bangladesh’s largest trading partners, Momen invited the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry to set up its office in Bangladesh.

The foreign minister urged the German embassy to facilitate student visas for young Bangladeshi applicants.

In the meeting, they also exchanged views about the progress with the e-passport project implemented by a German company and other possible areas of collaboration including IT enabled services.

Momen urged Germany to continue to remain engaged on the question of Rohingya repatriation and acknowledged the German support so far.

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