Civilians must not pay the price for Ukraine crisis, Gulf nations tell UN

NEW YORK, 24 February 2022, (TON): During a meeting at the UN, Gulf nations expressed great concern about the deteriorating situation in Ukraine and urged all participants to work to resolve the crisis through dialogue and diplomacy.

Speaking on behalf of the Gulf Cooperation Council, Abdulaziz Alateek, Saudi Arabia’s deputy permanent representative to the UN, expressed the council’s support for international efforts to encourage calm and a deescalation of tensions.

He appealed for the full implementation of Security Council Resolution 2202, which was unanimously adopted in 2015 and calls for a ceasefire in eastern Ukraine and the simultaneous withdrawal of all heavy weapons by both sides to create a security zone.

His remarks came during a plenary session of the UN General Assembly to discuss the latest developments in the long-simmering crisis along the eastern borders of Ukraine.

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