Russia vetoes UN demand that Russia stop attacking Ukraine

NEW YORK, 26 February 2022, (TON): Russia vetoed a UN Security Council resolution demanding that Moscow immediately stop its attack on Ukraine and withdraw all troops, a defeat the United States and its supporters knew was inevitable but said “would highlight Russia’s global isolation.”

The vote was 11 in favor, with Russia voting no and China, India and the United Arab Emirates abstaining, which showed significant but not total opposition to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of his country’s smaller and militarily weaker neighbor.

The resolution’s failure paves the way for supporters to call for a quick vote on a similar resolution in the 193-member UN General Assembly, where there are no vetoes. There was no immediate word on a timetable for an assembly vote.

The vote was delayed for two hours the United States and Albania, which co-sponsored the resolution, and their supporters scrambled behind the scenes to get wavering nations to support the resolution. China’s decision to abstain, rather than use its veto alongside usual ally Russia, was seen as a diplomatic achievement.

US Ambassador Linda Thomas Greenfield told her Russian counterpart “you can veto this resolution, but you cannot veto our voices.”

“You cannot veto the truth. You cannot veto our principles. You cannot veto the Ukrainian people.”

Brazil’s Ambassador Ronaldo Costa Filho, whose country’s vote was initially in question but turned into a yes, said his government is “gravely concerned” about Russia’s military action.

He said “a line has been crossed, and this council cannot remain silent.”

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