Arab Americans losing major benefits from US Census’ ‘discriminatory’ exclusion

CHICAGO, 02 July 2022, (TON): The continued exclusion of Arab Americans from being counted in the decennial US Census is another form of discrimination, resulting in the loss of financial benefits and critical data needed for healthcare and other programs, according to Samer Khalaf, national president of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee.

During an interview on The Ray Hanania Show on the US Arab Radio Network and sponsored by Arab News, the ADC leader said “while he favors using the term “Arab” on the census, the community consensus to use MENA, or Middle East and North African, has the support of the Biden administration and cuts through the many divisions in the community.”

Being excluded in the census, Khalaf said, has resulted in Arab Americans losing benefits from receiving federal grants to being included in congressional political empowerment programs.

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