US helicopters hold first live-fire drills in South Korea since 2019

WASHINGTON, 26 July 2022, (TON): US Army Apache attack helicopters based in South Korea are holding live-fire drills with rockets and guns for the first time since 2019, as the allies step up military exercises amid tension with North Korea.

Training resumed at the Rodriguez Live Fire Complex just south of the heavily fortified Demilitarised Zone along the border, after having been canceled in recent years when those living nearby complained about noise and safety concerns.

Over the past week, AH-64E v6 Apache helicopters engaged in certification drills, video images and photographs released by the US 2nd Infantry Division showed.

The division said on Twitter “crews are qualifying during both day and night on the AGM-114 Hellfire missile, Hydra 70 rocket and 30mm canon.”

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