Bhutan's water dispute with India

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TON Research Desk

The boundary has been more or less detailed and refined in the period 1973-1984 through talks between Bhutan and India. Regions between Sarbhang and Geylegphug remain undefined. They border the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh. Unless they solve the border dispute they indulge into the water dispute. Indian foreign policy has been failed as India is no more able to maintain better ties with its neighbor Bhutan. Bhutan has been entered into the emerging conflict of water resources with India. The claim on the water resources by Indian nationals is a victim of vagueness. In the days of Covid-19, Bhutan has stopped releasing channel water for irrigation in June 2020 along its border with India near Assam. Indian farmers in Assam and in border villages of India-Bhutan have been badly affected as they were using this channel since 1953. However, Bhutan has banned Indian farmers from entering her legitimate land because several people have entered to Bhutan, pretending to be a farmer. However, they are doing illegal activities and human trafficking by Indian nationals with the consent of Indian armed forces deployed on the border. 

In June 2020, Farmers of the Indian villages also held a protest in the Baksa district of Assam against water blocking because Indian farmers walked into Bhutan through an open border. The farmers claim that they are the earliest inhabitants of the state. They practice the irrigation called Dong-Jamphai system, which is over 100 years old. These villagers and farmers had people to people contact with Bhutanese, but Indian forces are trying to do their smuggling business in the reward of these relations. India wants those farmers to hold official relations with Bhutanese, which will lead them to stop their self made long-existing mutual and cultural ties with Bhutanese. 

A member of the local association that organized the demonstration Sewali Borgiary stated to the media that "At this time every year, farmers of the locality enter Samdrup Jonkhar (a town in Bhutan) and repair the irrigation channels to carry the water of Kalanadi River to the paddy fields on the Indian side. However, this year, the authorities in Bhutan have refused the entry of Indian farmers. Because of this, for the past five days, the dongs have not been able to carry water to the paddy fields. We need water. Otherwise, we will not hesitate to intensify our agitation." 

After the water dispute with India, China claims on Bhutan shakes the administration of Bhutan. India's skirmishes with China halted Bhutan's progress and increased the tense environment between Bhutan and China. India's consistent involvement in foreign policy and domestic matters, led China to stop India's hegemonic behavior. Bhutan stops the water just because of India's Interference and the armed forces' smuggling in Bhutan's territories. However, Bhutan's legitimate right to banned Indian nationals from entering the boundary of Bhutan. 

Here the question arises why India and China involved in the matters of Bhutan?

Indian government remained silent on the Bhutan issue. It seems that they want to make a new cult and established an insurgent group to destabilize Bhutan and China's construction site. India's hegemonic ambition in the region and engagement with the International community to counter China-led India policies towards conflicts and dispute to pave the way for the international community or NATO to take over the region's security matter in the name of freedom. They also want to provoke China, that in anger or frustration, they claim Bhutan's territories. Bhutan is a small country that faces the pressure of India couple of times and its agencies. 

Bhutan engagement and progressive projects fear India's hegemony in the region. India uses their Farmers, which is full of anger because the government is unsuccessful in playing a vital role in her foreign policy to solve these farmers' matters. It has been observed that India's role in the region is becoming more critical regarding all of her neighbors. India has severe clashes over water with China, Pakistan, and Nepal, which have not been sorted out. Every country in the region is becoming an opposition against India one by one because of failure of its policy over bordering countries. 

Later or sooner, India will urge the International community that Bhutan's sovereignty is undermined by China and help Bhutan, although Bhutan is moving towards in right relationship with China. Indian agenda is to bring the model of Arab spring in the region to counter China. They also support their people to take an active part against its neighbors- as they did in the dispute with Sri Lanka on the island issue-to allow international players to install their forces in the region as the contemporary world is witnessing the new concept of Indo-pacific. The Bhutan dispute of water is part of the strategy of India.

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