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Pakistan celebrates 23 March 2020 with special prayers in mosques

ISLAMABAD, 23 March 2020, TON: This year to express solidarity with rest of world regarding Coronavirus COVID-19 spread, the 23 March parade and other events were cancelled. However, throughout the country, special prayers and recitation of Al Quran was arranged after Namaz-e-Fajr (morning prayers) on Monday, 23 March 2020. Despite restrictions, large numbers of people assembled at the mosques throughout the country to offer special prayers for the safety and security of Pakistan as well as blessings from Almighty Allah to overcome the deadly coronavirus COVID-19 from Pakistan and around the world.

To celebrate getting rid of the dominion status and becoming Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 23rd March is being celebrated every year with zeal, enthusiasm and national spirit. Every year as ‘Pakistan Day’ is celebrated to commemorate Lahore Resolution adopted of 23 March 1940 which later paved way for the partition of India and independence of Pakistan on 15 August 1947.  A national tradition, the day begins with Fajar prayers and recitation from holy Al Quran, followed by Guns salute in Federal Capital Islamabad and all provincial capitals, followed by an impressive Armed Forces parade to show of military might showcasing war and pace capabilities including missiles, tanks, fighter jets, radars, aerobatics and commandos parachuting from helicopters as well as cultural and traditional floats.

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