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US awaits ‘constructive’ Iranian response on nuclear deal

WASHINGTON, 15 June 2022, (TON): The United States said “it awaits a constructive response from Iran on reviving the 2015 nuclear deal that excludes extraneous issues, a possible reference to Iran’s demand that its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps be dropped from a US terrorism list.”

State Department spokesperson Ned Price said “we await a constructive response from the Iranians, a response that leaves behind issues that are extraneous to the JCPOA.”

In 2018 then-US President Donald Trump reneged on the deal, under which Iran restrained its nuclear program in return for relief from economic sanctions, prompting Iran to begin violating its core nuclear limits about a year later.

Speaking at a briefing, Price was responding to questions about the Iranian foreign minister’s statement that Tehran had put forward a new proposal on reviving the agreement, which the US spokesperson did not address in detail.

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