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Indo Nepal new Agreements – Hope and Despair

Dwaipayan Regmi, TON, Nepal

Prime Minister Narendra Modi did not just come in a chopper landing on Lumbini for the occasion of Buddha Purnima, making his fifth visit there but there had been different other motives that were there in the background too.

Although it all appeared like it was a religious trip, it was then focused on other bilateral ties in fields relating to culture, technology, education, electricity, and development. It was during that visit, that Modi laid the foundation based stone on India International Centre for Buddhist Culture and Heritage in Lumbini's Monastic Zone where there had been a total of six memoranda of understanding which were signed by Indian and Nepali counterparts - overseen by prime ministers that would extend and consolidate the cultural aspect, technological along with educational ties. There was agreement among the Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR) and Tribhuvan University along with Kathmandu University for the establishment of a research chair on Indian studies.

There was also an agreement between Lumbini Buddhist University and ICCR for establishing Ambedkar Chair for Buddhist studies there. Academically, there was then the next set of agreements between the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras and Kathmandu University for a joint degree program at the Master's Level. There was the next agreement that was signed where India's Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd and the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) signed an agreement for the development and implementation of the Arun IV hydropower project there.

This Modi's visit then welcomed Nepal's Primeminister Deuba on New Delhi's visit for three days. During this visit, there were four major agreements were signed. This included joining the international solar alliance, Indian technical assistance for Nepal's railway sector, cooperation in the field of the petroleum sector, and ultimately an exchange of expertise between Nepal Oil Corporation and the Indian Oil Corporation.

This set of agreements was announced after they had delegation talk levels where both prime ministers flagged off Kurtha Jayanagar cross-border passenger train services. There was a joint launch from Deuba and Modi for India's RuPay digital card for being used in Nepal and then jointly inaugurated Solu Corridor 132 KV Power Transmission Line and Substation in Nepal which was built under the Government of India's Line of credit.

Nepal's prime minister proposed to resolve boundary disputes through bilateral mechanisms and then he mostly appreciated the friendly ties that both the nation held. This has been a practice, every time the bilateral diplomatic talk between two nations come into the existence, there appear certain bases and something that would be seen to be attractive there. They will certainly play some vital role on the surface and something amazing and impressive treaties will be coming out. But, things just don't rely on those factors, there are several hidden and grounded pictures that come around on the surface too. The movement and scenario which plays the role there will certainly play vital importance. These dimensions here will hold several restrictions too. India had been promising various prosperity-based agreements to Nepal and was hit when they came up with the motto of 'Neighbor First' too.

But, things were not as easy as they appeared in reality. Though there had remained huge support from India's side in voices and speeches; even in agreements and signings but the case was different at the time of implementation there. They had promised something really big during the earthquake that Nepal went through - but that all turned out to be some kind of fake hope. No one could utter a word, and it all went in vain. Where India betrayed Nepal badly was at the time of their demonetization too, leaving thousands of Indian currencies in Nepal go wasted. I lost a few thousand rupees, as it went wasted! There was no support from the Reserve Bank of India, and I had no place to exchange those Indian Currencies then too.

Whenever they meet, they discuss something chocolaty, but the hard factors like Sugauli Treaty’s revision or border encroachment issues remain suppressed. As Marx said, a bigger nation will keep dominating smaller nations and this will continue for a long – the perfect scene can be traced out there too. Though these two nations share culture and living patterns to large extent, there is not anything huge too. Nepal has no choice, but to remain suppressed – as everything from salt to bigger trade – Nepal has to be dependent on India, the dark side of the landlocked nation.

The treaties will be signed, will be made big news – but time explains – they are signed just for the sake of being signed.

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