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Time to discuss a strategy with opposition leader

By Nasriya Naffin, TON Sri Lanka

Currently, Sri Lanka’s economy is at an unstable stage where it can collapse at any given moment. The country is facing its worst financial crisis where the public has started spending most of their productive time in long lasting queues for their essentials like LP gas, fuel for vehicles, milk powder and kerosene oil.

Furthermore, never ending price hikes on essentials like rice, vegetables, fruits, and medicine has made the nation frustrated. As a consequence protests are taking place in public areas all over the country demanding for daily needs, reasonable price for essentials and mostly importantly demanding for the existing government to resign.

Violence has been repeatedly reported in these anti-government protests where the country police try to control the protesters using teargas and water cannons. Many have been injured and several deaths have been reported.

The unstable political background has already made many parliament members to resign including the former prime minister, Mahinda Rajapaksha. Resignation of some members of the parliament has so far done little to calm public anger. Things became far worse after the prime minister stepped down when the president had requested the opposition to join hands with him for a collaborative government.

President Gotabaya requested the opposition leader to take up the duties as the country's prime minister after his elder brother’s resignation. But Sajith refused the position at that time pointing out that he would not work with the present corrupted government. However later he sent a letter of interest to the president for the post of Prime Minister but by that time the president had already selected Ranil Wickramasinghe for the post.

With a new cabinet and the prime minister, the government has not shown any progress on the ongoing crisis.

Meanwhile, opposition leader Sajith Premadasa has individually requested some developed countries and the international community to support Sri Lanka to overcome this situation. He even met some ambassadors to discuss the ongoing crisis and requested these countries to continue provinding help. Sajith urged India and China to extend their support as well. Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations International Children’s Fund (UNICEF) recently held a discussion with him on the problems faced by children due to the current crisis. During a discussion with the European Union Delegation held recently the opposition leader did not forget to request foreign countries to lift adverse travel advisories imposed on Sri Lanka to boost tourist arrivals and the EU to extend the loan concessions that were provided to rebuild the tourism industry.

Sajith’s strong bonds with the international community and the respect he has gained from many developed countries can bring many benefits and opportunities to the country. Combination of the President, prime minister and opposition leader will give an extra strength to face this crisis. Such a combination will bring back the country's unity and enhance the image of Sri Lanka, which is vital for more foreign assistance. Bringing Sajith into the system can improve the political stability of the country, which is crucial at this point. Sri Lanka needs immediate assistance from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and political stability is a key point they would investigate before they take any further step.

On the Contrary, President Gotabaya has decided to finish his remaining two years in the term despite all the protesters demanding him to go home. “I can’t go as a failed president,” he said at an interview held recently at his residence in Colombo. President has now realized the mistake he has made by completely cutting down the chemical fertilizers in the country to make it 100 percent organic farming which led to a severe food shortage and a drastic price hike in food.

The new Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe has formally requested Sajith Premadasa to join hands with the government to resolve the crisis in the country and Premadasa has replied saying he will support any correct decisions made by the government to resolve the problems faced by the people. The PM even sought support from Sajith to assist in raising funds to procure at least one out of 14 essential drugs that are currently in short supply. Sajith has agreed to extend his support in this regard.

Now, is the best time for the President to hold a discussion with him and come up with new strategies to overcome the situation, and get Sajith more involved in the current issues. His experience, knowledge and influence cannot be forgotten at this moment.

The situation has gone out of hand and has become impossible for a single political party to resolve the crisis alone. To survive and overcome the crisis the country needs critical thinking, leadership, and strategies. So far none of the politicians or a political party has demonstrated these traits. Hence, a collective collaboration is the only way forward.

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