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The political atmosphere in Bangladesh

By Syed Ali Hasnain

Bangladesh has been remained a very fine field for the politics either used by other actors directly or indirectly. The upcoming elections in Bangladesh 2023 have created political uprising and point of concerns for many political actors which have been involve in political games of Bangladesh. Boosting one political party and opposing other to look for favorable conditions in Bangladesh, the international actors have always played their role at their best to set up the regime in Bangladesh. The reason behind this unfortunate or fortunate is the variation in the ideologies of the political parties in Bangladesh. Moreover the common interests also do not lie on the sample point and the principles as political parties are more likely busy in earning fame in the world politics by creating win-loss situation in Bangladesh.

The comparison of the last elections that held in Bangladesh and the predictions on the basis of previous elections for forthcoming elections in 2023 has created political unrest in Bangladesh which is resulting in damaging the infrastructure of the state and mass killing of the innocent public which is totally against the law and democracy.  Moreover the international watchdog and human rights observers have also condemn this pathetic activity which is being carried out in the name of politics. Politics never means the disloyalty or selfishness in the state rather it is done for the betterment of the state and people of the state. The states which never compromised on their state’s basic ideology are counted now in the developed states and world powers. The territorial mass and the people or public mass are the building blocks of any state, harming any of the block means the harming of the whole state.

In recent times the political unrest in being marginalize to give more heat to the situation in Bangladesh which is becoming worst by every passing day. Both the main parties, Bangladesh Nationalist Party, BNP and Awami league, AL, are not agreeing on single stance and both have contradictions on certain points such as caretaker government and election commission  for the election of 2023 in Bangladesh. The clear stance of Bangladesh not trusting AL leadership is just because of the previous elections which have been controversial throughout the debates in the international world politics. However, democracy has been at risk in Bangladesh during past years. BNP assured Bangladesh to restore democracy in Bangladesh. Keeping these petty issues in view Turkish Ambassador to Bangladesh in event organized by the Centre for Governance Studies (CGS) in partnership with Friedrich-Ebert-Sifting, Bangladesh, at a city hotel, Mustafa Osman Turan gave his comments that Bangladesh will miss the opportunity to hold a free and fair election if opposition parties do not participate in the polls which are yet to be held. In Bangladesh, there is obviously room for dialogue among political parties. Unfortunately, it is not taking place. However, he thinks that the government and the Election Commission are trying to do their best to create possibility of participation for all parties but in fact the struggles are very limited that they could not reach up to any solution yet.  But if we analyze the current political situations and the forthcoming elections, there are about 14 months until the next election. The BNP will join the polls as the circumstances may get changed. Many things could happen before the election, there could be a change in the world, and there could be a change in the country and even in politics. So taking decisions on the base of predictions may be proven wrong.  The ruling party must be challenged by the opposition and then decision should be left up to public as by using democratic rights. People who are the sufferer of the policies or get benefits could best illustrate the shortcomings and the requirement of the time for the state and the people. Moreover, the incumbent EC wants all political parties to join the elections, and it does not want to be the referee of the game in which only one team is participating. For EC, the biggest challenge is to create a level playing field for everyone, and bringing all the parties in the election is also a challenge.

These political parties under the flag of Bangladesh should priorities the state first and then they should go for any challenge to achieve. AL should accept the shortcoming any the blunder that it committed during its regime and should not react badly when it is being assessed and criticized. If the leadership of AL finds the other politician good and loyal for the state and the people of the state it must not stop or create hurdles in the way rather it should encourage for the sake of state.




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