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Most in Japan 'interested in Olympics' but don’t want them to happen: Poll

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TOKYO, 3 March, 2021, (TON): A prodigious majority of Japanese said they were “interested in the Olympics”, however 58% were not interested to let it happen this year because of fears over COVID-19, a Yomiuri day by day survey showed on Wednesday.

In the overview, led between January 18th and February 25th, when a significant part of the nation stayed in a COVID highly sensitive situation, 30% of the respondents said they were "very interested" in the Summer Games and 40% said they were "somewhat interested", for a joined 70%.

Be apprehensions over the effect on COVID contaminations kept generally contradicted to holding the occasion this year; however the 58% in resistance is around 20 % focuses lower than prior assessments of public sentiment.

In the event that the Games were to go on as planned, 91% of respondents said viewers ought to be kept to a slightest or not permitted by any stretch of the imagination, the Yomiuri survey showed.

An overview by worldwide consultancy Kekst CNC distributed on Wednesday showed comparative paces of majority share resistance in Japan, at 56%, just as in Britain and Germany, at 55% and 52% correspondingly.

Number of COVID patients is low in Japan in contrast to the US and other European nations. Japan has so far confirmed 431,250 COVID-19 cases and 7,931 deaths as of March 1st, Monday.

Japan has been an Olympic land since the Summer Games of 1964. Last March, the Tokyo Olympics were postponed and since then, the speculation has been endless. The Tokyo Olympic Games were reorganized to occur this year from July 23.

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