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Napal: PM Oli inspects flood-affected Helambu

KATHMANDU, 11 July 2021, (TON): Nepal’s Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has reached Sindhupalchok for onsite observation of flood and landslide-ravaged Helambu and Melamchi.

He arrived in Helambu in a helicopter and will be visiting Melamchi then after. PM Oli is then scheduled to visit Ganeshbagar following discussions with local representatives and locals at Melamchi Ghyang. The Prime Minister will also make an aerial inspection  of the main tunnel of the Melamchi Water Supply Project.

He is accompanied by Minister for Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Basanta Kumar Nembang, and other concerned officials.Floods and landslides triggered by incessant rain on June 15 following the onset of monsoon had led to loss of lives and massive infrastructural damages in the district.

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