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People of Port Blair and Andaman & Nicobar Islands fears elimination at the hands of Indians forces

The Indian health authorities are carrying out scientific live research in search of COVID-19 at the Islands of Port Blair and Andaman & Nicobar Islands. The scientific officer said on Saturday,18 April 2020 that the medicines and therapies would be carried out on ingenious population of Andaman & Nicobar Islands. It is interesting to note that till yesterday, India announced that the Andaman & Nicobar Islands are Coronavirus or COVID-19 free.

Nodal officer for COVID19 in Andaman and Nicobar Islands said, the government has established a hospital with 60 beds and 10 rooms whereas private hospitals have also agreed to help the government.

Meanwhile, the virus outbreak has brought the Jarawa, Onge, Great Andamanese and Sentinelese indigenous tribes of the Islands into focus once again. The Jarawas, with an estimated population of 500, were much perturbed over the Government statements regarding the spread of paramedics. Indian Navy has forced Jarawas to live in the Jawara tribal reserve which extends from South Andaman to Middle Andaman. Locals said that the Indian Government and its tri-services command has plans to eliminate the entire population. Although the Indian Supreme Court ordered in 2002 that the Andaman Trunk Road should be closed but there was no implementation and Indian Army, Navy and Air force convoys regularly ply through the reserve as well as other parts.