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Dirty Game against the Palestinians of Gaza

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By Afshain Afzal
The Israeli Prime Minister Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is planning to take over control of Rafah from the Palestinians and to completly destroy Hamas. Reacting over the latest concern expressed by US President Joseph Biden, Israeli intelligence personnel rushed to Washington to discuss planned ground invasion of Rafah, where the bulk of Palestinian Muslims have been forcibly shifted by the United Nations as the safest shelters. US national security adviser, Jake Sullivan did not disclose about the dignitaries and the agenda points. The statement issued by to the media by Jake Sullivan said, “It would lead to more innocent civilian deaths, worsen already dire humanitarian crisis, deepen the anarchy in Gaza and further isolate Israel internationally.”
Inside sources said that Washington expects a bulk of Palestinian Muslims would cross over to Egypt as planned in the end October 2023, to internationalize Palestine's refugee crisis and to materialize the invasion of the whole Gaza strip by Israel. An Israeli town planner disclosed that he has been instructed to construct new shelters in Gaza cities of Beer Sabah and Khan Younis. There are plans to settle some Jews from India and other nations to justify engineered remains to conclude that non-Arabs were the original inhabitants of these cities.

Interestingly, the United Kingdom government has backed out from the previous definition of extremism as, “vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs” to a new definition that states that extremism "is the promotion or advancement of an ideology based on violence, hatred or intolerance". This would be having a long-lasting impact on freedom of speech and democracy.

As per the new strategy, Washington is pushing hard to complete the control of Gaza including Rafah so that a ceasefire can be accorded with an aim that Israeli occupation of Gaza can be shown at the time of ceasefire. A resolution would be tabled at the United Nations giving control to Israel for the provision of humanitarian aid education and reconstruction of damaged infrastructure caused due to post 7 October war. Hamas has rejected any conditional ceasefire and has announced a complete withdrawal of all foreign forces and elements. Foreign aid organizations, missionaries including Evangelical Christians as well as others are assembling and have plans to replace UNRWA and take over the stage at Gaza. Analysts are of the view that if the Israelis do not withdraw by the end of Ramadan, there are high chances of blood bath of foreign intruders.

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