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Pause in genocide for polio drops

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By Afshain Afzal

The world has decided to contribute the Polio-drops vaccines to compensate Israeli genocide of orthodox Palestinians in Gaza; some 40,000 Palestinians martyred in Gaza alone in less than 10 months according to unconfirmed sources based on media credible reports. Gaza has been polio-free for decades but how and why this happened is only known to the world powers that are supporting, funding, arming and defending Palestinian genocide. This is the typical strategy when Western and allies attack Muslim nations. Ironically, companies from countries supporting Israeli genocide in Gaza will be in the forefront sending supplies of the polio-drop vaccines and their trained workers.

Without wasting a day, the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has called the proposal “a must,” noting the “ultimate vaccine for polio is peace and an immediate humanitarian ceasefire.” In an emergency meeting of the World Health Organization and UNICEF called for a humanitarian pause in Gaza for 7 days to allow two rounds of polio vaccination to take place, following the recent detection of virus in environmental samples and the identification of three suspected cases of acute flaccid paralysis in children.

These authorities have made such an innocent appeal to the Israeli authorities to pause genocide for seven days to complete two rounds of polio vaccination so that the Palestinian children, who die as the result of Israeli and allies’ bombings, die polio-free. Thank you! UNO, WHO, UNICEF and hundreds of International INGOs for such a generous acts but please remember Almighty Allah (God) is watching us. One wonders had the same proposal put forward for execution for the children of Israelis, Americans, Briton etc and those working in UNO, WHO, UNICEF and hundreds of International INGOs in case facing a similar situation in Gaza.

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