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The UN Probe into the Bangladesh affairs

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By Afshain Afzal

A United Nations team headed by Mr Rory Mungoven, Chief of the Asia-Pacific region at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, arrived in Bangladesh on 22 August 2024, to discuss with unconstitutionally installed interim government the process of investigating alleged human rights violations during the recent movement, which toppled the government of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in August 2024. The official statement from the UN’s team said, “It is important to note that this visit is not an investigation, but rather it will focus on discussing the process for investigating human rights violations in light of the recent violence and unrest.” The UNO is a world organization of peace and justice and one expects that this organization will carry out probe and investigation on the basis of internationally-recognized justice system, democratic norms and rule of law.

It is alleged that the UN fact-finding team is in Bangladesh to probe atrocities committed during the student protest in July-August 2024. However, it is on record that all the parties including Awami League of PM Sheikh Hasina have called for probe into the killing during the unrest and identification of those who were behind the killing of students and other during the protest. The video and photographs of June – August 2024 reflected that anti-PM Hasina mobs carrying large sticks and iron rods killed or injured many of PM Hasia loyalists including students, government officials especially police personnel, lawyers, judges, politicians and others including ordinary citizens. In a statement PM Hasina said, “I want everything to be investigated, because it needs to be found out what happened behind it and how these happened. I have appealed to United Nations to send their experts. If any other country wants they can send their experts too”. She added, “I want these incidents to be investigated properly. We’ll have to take action against the culprits no matter who they are”.

If we recall, on 10 December 2021, the US Treasury Department imposed sanctions on Bangladesh’s paramilitary force, the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), as well as seven of its current and former officers due to serious human rights violations whereas RAB received training and equipment from USA and operated in a manner taught by the Americans. Later, the Human Rights Watch, Bangladesh opened forced disappearances Inquiry on 29 August 2023. Statements such as one from the US issued last year said, “those undermining democratic elections would be denied visas” and similar other statements generally encourage activism by Human Rights organizations that is taken as direct support by powerful western governments. This bring the UNO and human right organizations into action but surprisingly, on 15 May 2024, US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia Donald Lu told the Bangladesh government that they would support the withdrawal of sanctions against RAB. The US also asked Bangladesh to ensure timely payments to American companies conducting business.

One wonders why the US Treasury Department imposed sanctions on Bangladesh’s paramilitary force, the RAB, as well as seven of its current and former officers due to serious human rights violations and why after two years later, the US authorities claimed to be supporting the withdrawal of sanctions against RAB…. It seems these are mere pressure tactics, blackmailing political governments and noting else. Are these actions by powerful nations tricks, pressure tactics, blackmailing’s or what? It is strange that India has made the whole Kashmir nation, after illegally declaring disputed Jammu and Kashmir State as part of Indian Union and all those who resist are eliminated but the UNO is silent. Similarly, in Gaza same practice is followed by the Israelis forces, who are continuously carrying out genocide and other war crimes against Palestinian Muslims. Quite surprisingly this time it is the turn is of Bangladesh where PM Hasina has been deprived from her premiership despite enjoying 3 / 4th majority and most of those killed or arrested belonged to PM Hasina party or allies, but at least 12 criminal cases filed against Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina including nine for murder, one for abduction, and two for committing crimes against humanity and genocide in Bangladesh. Human and political rights in Bangladesh require the restoration of democracy and the return of PM Hasina.

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