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Dirty Game in Afghanistan – Foreign forces blame ISIS for terrorist attacks

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By Afshain Afzal

The 26th August 2021 cowardly intelligence-operated attacks proved to be a perfect match with the plan made by the US and NATO forces. Earlier Pentagon made it clear that Washington has plans to adjust the timetable and the attack has made it “raison d’etre” for the extension of withdrawal. Interestingly, this time too Islamic State in Khorasan Province (ISKP) has claimed responsibility for the deadly suicide attacks outside Kabul airport. US surgical units on board C-17 aircraft confirmed 13 deaths and 21 injuries of US servicemen. Eye witnesseses claimed 55 deaths and countless injuries. US President Joseph Biden announced revenge from the Afghans who carried out terrorist attacks at Kabul airport. His statement said, “We will respond with force and precision at our time, at a place we choose, in a moment of our choosing,” He said, “These ISIS terrorists will not win. We will rescue the Americans and we will get our Afghan allies and our mission will go on. America will not be intimidated.” Interestingly, Taliban kept themselves away from either capturing big cities or taking seat at Kabul. Rather they allowed US and foreign forces to take over the control of airports including and Hamid Karzai International Airport at Kabul. Later, the Qatar-based splinter group was asked by Americans to carryout only the physical check of those entering Kabul airport.

Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said, “We can confirm that the explosion at the Abbey Gate was the result of a complex attack that resulted in a number of US & civilian casualties. We can also confirm at least one other explosion at or near the Baron Hotel, a short distance from Abbey Gate. We will continue to update.” Story circulated in the foreign circles said, “Two suicide bombers detonated in the vicinity, the Abbey Gate and Hamid Karzai International Airport near Baron Hotel and adjacent Abbey gate, which was followed by ISIS gunmen who opened fire on civilians and military forces.” Marine Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr,  head of U.S. Central Command said in a statement, “We believe attacks have been thwarted by them,” he said, but he added that it is unclear whether Taliban members allowed the militant near Abbey Gate, where the attack occurred. One of the Taliban’s responsibilities is to filter people who approach the gate” Meanwhile, clear instructions have been issued to United States force-commanders to chalk out operational plans to strike key assets, leadership, facilities and hideouts of the Islamic State terrorist group in Afghanistan. There are indications to strike Pakistani Balochistan province to link the name Khorasan with ISIS.

If we recall, Washington and allies, despite warnings from Afghans, were not interested to leave by 31 August 2021 and requested various stakeholders including Taliban to extend the period by the end of this year. Meanwhile, the US troops were seen shooing Afghans from Kabul and other airstrips. Statement issued by US State Department said that they have authentic reports of terrorist attacks at Kabul airport.  Referring back to British and Australian governments, US warned of a high threat level of terrorist attacks. Reports from the Kabul said that around 20,000 people are awaiting their evocation to foreign countries; some 10,000 were estimated at Kabul Airport on 26 August 2021. Britain had pledged to accommodate 20,000 Afghans but did not allow more than 3500. Another report said that London wanted to limit at 5000 immigrants. US claim that more than 80,000 people foreigners and Afghans have been evacuated since 15 August 2021 but the figures seem exaggerated and reports from Qatar, Tajikistan, and other European countries are in contradiction to claim.

Meanwhile, as predicted, United Nations Organizations has decided in principle to make emergency arrangements for hundreds of Afghan families who have been camping near the Kabul airport since 15 August.  The Pakistani authorities have agreed to provide food and medicine provided by World Health Organization (WHO) at Mazar-i-Sharif. The Pakistan national flag carrier would be utilized to carry the load. Islamabad has been also asked to eliminate terrorists from Pak – Afghanistan border and Balochistan. There were extensive movements of aircraft and drones were witnesses from remote bases in Tajikistan. Eyewitnesses say they are preparing for a massive attack. However, the same could not be confirmed taking place in the next 24 hours. Despite undertaking by the US and NATO to ensure the withdrawal of all troops by 31 August 2021, no on-ground preparations have been witnessed. It seems that the United Nations Organizations got another chance to show their humanitarian skills through renewed funding arriving from everywhere rather than permanent peace in Afghanistan. Let the eyes of UNO remain shut that India as a western ally has created ISIS and RAW is behind the Kabul airport attack.

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