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Fooling the world through UNSC Resolution 2573 – Another War Imposed on Afghanistan

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By Afshain Afzal

Another phase of mass coldblooded murders of orthodox Muslims under the United Nations flag has been planned. Pressurizing Afghans to agree to western plans of future government in Kabul, all resources and humanitarian resources have been blocked for indefinite time period. Instead of addressing non-access to those who control Afghanistan after International Monetary Fund (IMF) blocked access to financial resources through World Bank development projects in Afghanistan worth more than $5.3 billion and $ 12.9 billion raised by Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund, the world nations are trying their level best to keep Afghanistan bleeding.

A new phrase has been coined in the United Nations Security Counsel Resolution 2773 of 2021, passed on 30 August 2021, “Protection of civilians and protection of objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian population.” Cleverly crafted, UNSC Resolution drafted by US, Britain and France worked out a parallel government in United Nations protected safe zones. In the name of diplomacy, safe passage and freedom to be airlifted, the military maneouvers have been worked out to support one against other. The United Nations got its share by having approval of enhancement of technical expertise within United Nations country teams (Afghanistan) to respond effectively to support the provision of essential services. Is that's all?

The hidden words and approvals speaks of malafides plot by the western, Indian and neighbouring players. It is a “Lose-lose situation”, If the Afghan or Pashtun-Taliban cooperate in implementation of UNSC Resolution they lose and if breaches implementation, they again lose. The Resolution confirms Afghanistan as nation in armed conflict and reminds obligations of all parties to armed conflicts the prohibition of attacks directed against civilians and civilian objects, medical personnel and humanitarian personnel exclusively engaged in medical duties, their means of transport and equipment, hospitals, and other medical facilities.

Quite intelligently “civilian populations, civilian objects and all other persons and objects afforded protection” have been included in the Resolution to declare certain ethnic and religious communities as “persons afforded protection” to ensure their participation the the future government.

Phrases like, “Demands that all parties to armed conflicts fully comply with their obligations to distinguishing between, on the one hand, civilian populations, civilian objects and all other persons and objects afforded protection, and, on the other hand, combatants and military objectives, prohibiting indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks, taking all feasible precautions in planning, deciding and conducting attacks to avoid, and in any event minimize, harm to civilians and civilian objects...”, “protecting humanitarian personnel and consignments used for humanitarian relief operations” and “starvation of civilians as a method of warfare as a war crime” speaks the plan to conduct military operation in the garb of humanitarian personnel and consignments engaged in humanitarian relief operations.

It seems that United Nations foresee continuation of armed conflict in Afghanistan for many years to come. It binds parties in conflict to protect civilians operating, maintaining or repairing critical objects to enable the delivery of essential services, as well as their movement for the purpose of maintaining, repairing or operating such objects as well as allowing and facilitating safe passage of equipment, transport and supplies necessary for the reparation, maintenance or operation of such objects.

It is irony that on one side the Resolution talks about armed conflict while on the other plans long term cooperation and coordination at the international level, including technical assistance and capacity building to reduce humanitarian needs, enhance long-term recovery, protect livelihoods, improve access to essential services, build resilience of conflict-affected populations, and recover from the pandemic, while ensuring full, equal and meaningful participation of women in efforts to promote and maintain peace and security and promoting the inclusion of young people, and contributing to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The United Nations Organization must play its due role for peace rather than authorizing long tern armed conflict zones in Asia and Africa to keep nations bleeding. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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