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New World Strategy to defeat hearts and Minds of Muslims

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By Afshain Afzal
Sunday, the 30th of January 2022, proved to be a new journey of Israel, putting official step at the Arab land under "Abraham Accords". Tel Aviv choose United Arab Emirates to enter the hearts and minds of Muslims through a two days official visit. Tomorrow, Israeli President is scheduled to meet UAE's Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum. This means that Abu Dhabi has buried decades-old Israeli war with the Palestinians and has angered not only the Palestinians but also the Muslims of the world.
In the latest development 21-gun salute was given to Israeli President Isaac Herzog who was received by Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan in Abu Dhabi. During the ceremony, the national anthems of both countries were played.This opened a new avenue for official recognition of Israel by other Muslim States.
Israeli President Isaac Herzog read out carefully crafted statement, "We are two successful nations who started with very little in our hands, developed our lands into a successful paradise and in many ways set an example to the world of how to lead and develop a nation with a vision of the future... We are sending a message to entire region that there is an alternative of peace and living together, and that the sons and daughters of Abraham can reside and dwell together in peaceful coexistence for the benefit of humanity.”
If we recall, US-brokered agreements known as the Abraham Accords as western strategists had successfully installed leaders of loose characters on the top positions and these blackmailed leaders could not muster-up courage to counter the principle stance on Palestine and other disputed states anymore. US President Joseph Biden's administration hammered the final nail on Arab unified identity and off it goes the Islamic identity and Islamic law. The US and Israel have taken opposition leadership in Tehran and splinter groups within Houthi rebels in Yemen's civil war into confidence to install government in UAE and Yemen having friendly ties with Iran and the Shiites. In Afghanistan too, the so called Taliban are the ones who surrendered before the American forces are are friendly towards Iranian leadership.
In other parts of the world, US and Israel as well as UK, Greece and Italy have planned operations in Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bahrain, Syria, Morocco, Somalia, Sudan, Palestine, Lebanon etc where in the name of western and Indian funded ISIS, locals and orthodox Muslims would be eliminated. On the other hand, Israeli businesses have started setting up business in may Muslim countries. Alone in during 2021 around 150,000 Jews visited UAE and 45 Israeli businesses have been set up there including Israeli Swvl. Other services which Tel Aviv has planned to take over and have completed much of its homework are communication, banking and financial services.
Countries like Saudi Arabia has condemned Herzog's visit to UAE. If we recall, in November 2020, Western agents made black propaganda that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a secret trip to Saudi Arabia, which proved totally baseless. Traitor or in Pakistan like Mohammad Ali Siddiqi, who is based in Karachi and migrated from India made a lot of propaganda that Riyadh putting pressure on Islamabad to normalize relations with Tel Aviv. Saudi Arabia has always condemned move to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and declared that Palestinians have the right to have its own land and vowed Tel Aviv to withdraws to the 1967 boundary. There is no doubt that Saudi Arabia has announced that it will be the last Muslim country to recognize Israel in violation of Palestinians' rights.
As series of changes are planned under "Abraham Accords", UAE and other Muslim countries are quickly changing their Islamic personal laws, allowing unmarried couples to cohabitate, loosening alcohol restrictions and allowing transgenders and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) to involve in un-Islamic activities. Western exaggerated figures claim that there are around 400,000-550,000 LGBT people in the United Arab Emirates for who many laws have been changed. No Muslim is against the Jews but the Jew-Christian strategy to force way for anti-Abraham laws (Hazrat Abraham Alhe Salam) in Islamic world is unacceptable. It is time to challenge the un-Islamic laws in the name of peace and interfaith harmony. One wonders do the Abraham of Jews and Christians teaches sins and violation of Divine Laws; Old Testament and New Testament.

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