Afghanistan: Ministry of Finance urges release of Afghan Bank reserves

KABUL, 02 November 2021, (TON): Referring to Afghanistan’s bank reserves abroad which have been frozen, the Ministry of Finance (MoF) said that the international community, especially the United States (US), would be responsible for any possible humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan.

Ahmad Wali Haqmal, spokesperson for the MoF, said “the Afghan assets should be released without any conditions, adding that freezing Afghanistan’s assets opposes international law and is a clear sign of cruelty against the Afghan People.

Ahmad Wali Haqmal said “the frozen money is not the asset of the Islamic Emirate, it is the money of needy people and businessmen. It is against international law and should be released soon.”

In the meantime, dozens of industrialists and traders gathered to raise their voices against the continued hold on Afghanistan’s reserves. They said Afghanistan’s severe economic crisis will harm not only Afghanistan but also other countries.

“If the money is not released, the crimes will increase, the cultivation of poppy and the smuggling of drugs will increase as well, which hurts Afghanistan and other countries,” said Mohammad Shah Shahab, an industrialist.

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