Bangladesh: Bangladesh has elected president of the APRC for the next two years

DHAKA, 12 March 2022, (TON): The 36th Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization ended, calling for a One Health Approach.

The four-day conference was held at the InterContinental Hotel in the capital.

The conference was hosted by Bangladesh for the first time.

Agriculture Minister Dr Abdur Razzaque told reporters that, during the conference, 46 members accepted the final report giving importance on the One Health Approach.

He added “several issues were considered in the conference such as establishing digital hubs, raising research funds, enhancing greenery and climate-tolerant agriculture, and building sustainable agri-food systems.”

A proposal by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to set up a “special fund” for research and innovation in agriculture has been accepted.

The minister said that the One Health Approach was adopted to protect the health of the people, the animals and the environment.

He said “the negative impacts of climate change have already begun and it is far greater than we thought.”

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