Afshain Afzal

Afshain Afzal

ROME, 4 August 2020, TON: King Juan Carlos born in Italian capital Rome in 1938 and ascended the throne on 22 November 1975, two days after the death of General Francisco Franco. He stepped down in favour of his son Felipe on 18 June 2014. Presently, former King Juan Carlos is linked to an inquiry into alleged corruption so he has decided to leave the country.

Statement from the royal palace says, “Juan Carlos made the announcement in a letter to his son, Felipe, to whom he handed power six years ago. He said he would be available if prosecutors needed to interview him.” Spanish press reports also confirmed that he is no longer in the country. The media gave reference to his letter said; the former monarch wrote that he was making the decision in the face of the public repercussions that certain past events in my private life are generating and in the hope of allowing his son to carry out his functions as king with tranquility.

In June, Spain's Supreme Court opened an investigation into the alleged involvement of Juan Carlos in a high-speed rail contract in Saudi Arabia. As per the details Spanish firms won a €6.7bn (£6bn) deal to build a Mecca-Medina rail link. Spanish anti-corruption officials suspect that the former king kept some undeclared funds in Switzerland, and a Swiss investigation is under way. There were investigations involving his daughter's husband and a controversial elephant hunting trip the monarch took during Spain's financial crisis.

There are reports that that Western world was dissatisfied over Spanish monarch involvement in Headquarters of Islamic world and  was taken as tilt of Royal family towards Islam. If we recall, crown prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman was due to attend a banquet with Spain’s King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia before meeting with Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and with Defense Minister Maria Dolores de Cospedal on 12 April 2018. Amnesty International, Greenpeace, Oxfam and Spain’s Fundi Pau have criticized a possible contract to build and sell five Navy corvettes, valued at €2 billion that Spain is seeking to sign with Saudi Arabia that could be used by the Saudi-led coalition fighting Iran.

SRINAGAR, 4 August 2020, TON: Curfew has been imposed in Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir in anticipation of State-wide protests ahead of 5 August - the day Indian government illegally and unconstitutionally declared UN recognized disputed State as part of India.

Kashmiris throughout the world including disputed Jammu and Kashmir State are observing 5 August as “Black Day”.

India, in order to stop Kashmiris from exercising their fundamental right of peaceful assembly has decided to impose curfew. Earlier, orders were passed by Department of Disaster Management vide Order No.65 and 66-JK-(DMRRR) of 2020 dated 03 July 2020 extending COVID-19 lockdown till 5 August 2020. However, to give relaxation to Indian security forces and Indian nationals, the order said, “The protocol for returnees/passengers shall, however, be governed by the Government Order No.71-JK(DMRRR) of 2020 dated 30 July 2020.” Indian Union Home Secretary in his capacity as Chairperson National Executive Committee (NEC), vide Order No. 40-3/2020-DM-I(A) dated 29 July 2020 issued guidelines for implementation of the extended lockdown.

The disputed Jammu and Kashmir State and adjoining regions witnessed strong protests and security forces used third degree methods to control the masses. Thousands of Kashmiris were picked up from their homes and are being continuously harassed since 5 August 2019. In most of the cases there whereabouts are not know. Despite arrests and detention of thousands of people, including three politicians and people from other walk of lives, protests against the move were continued. The Kashmiris have decided that they would not sit idle and continue their peaceful struggle to acquire their right of self-determination which has been guaranteed by international law and supported by United Nations Security Council Resolutions.


SRINAGAR, 3 August 2020, TON: The government of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir today extended the lockdown until 5 August due to the fear of State wide protests against Indian occupation of Jammu and Kashmir State are removing the special status of the State from the Indian constitution.

The order issued by Department of Disaster Management said that in exercise of powers conferred under Section 24 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005, the State Executive Committee hereby orders that the guidelines/ instructions issued vide Order No.65 and 66-JK-(DMRRR) of 2020 dated 03 July 2020 shall continue to remain valid till 05 August 2020. The order gave relaxation to passengers, “The protocol for returnees/passengers shall, however, be governed by the Government Order No.71-JK(DMRRR) of 2020 dated 30 July 2020.”  

Meanwhile, the Indian Union Home Secretary in his capacity as Chairperson National Executive Committee (NEC), vide Order No. 40-3/2020-DM-I(A) dated 29 July 2020 issued fresh guidelines for implementation of the extended lockdown in Containment Zones (Red Zones) for activities in areas outside Red Zones which would require Indian occupied State and UT Governments to assess the current spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and based on this assessment, allow or prohibit certain activities.

A strange announcement has been made by Air Marshal B Suresh, Air Officer Commanding in Chief (AOC-in-C) Western Air Command of the Indian Air Force that the personnel of the Indian Air Force including the pilots, ground crew and the fighter will be operationally ready at various Indian Air Force (IAF) Stations as Rafale fighter jets from France reach India on 29 July 2020. These aircrafts, having ability to carry nuclear warheads and are going to be deployed in three IAF bases including IAF Station, Chandigarh, IAF Station Leh, IAF Station Hindon and IAF Station Ambala while IAF Station Thoise would be alternative base in case of hostilities. The practice exercise on Fighter aircrafts took place in which a shoot down an enemy aircraft from a distance more than 100 kilometers, without even crossing the Indian air space. Without naming any country, the Air Marshal said these preparations are amidst the ongoing tension India and Pakistan and India and China. The announcement said that four newly acquired aircrafts are deployed at IAF Station Ambala while whereabouts of other Rafale fighter jets were not shared. Earlier Air Commodore Hilal Ahmad Rather, India’s Air Attaché in France confirmed the Fighter aircrafts having taken off from France.

Meanwhile, Air Commodore DS Joshi, Air Officer Commanding (AOC) IAF Station Ambala made a quick comparison of Pakistan Air Force (PAF) counter-attack ability on 27 February 2019, when Islamabad claimed to have shot down two Indian fighter jets and capturing alive of Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman and compared it with Indian prevailing abilities. He claimed that after acquisition and deployment of new Rafale fighter jets IAF is all prepared to strike any target inside Pakistan without even crossing the border. He hinted to carryout surgical strikes on targets inside Pakistan in August or September 2020. He added that the morale of Indian Armed Forces was low after the 27 February episode but after acquisition of Rafale fighter jets the morale of Indian Armed Forces is all time high.

Pakistan has JF-17 Fighter aircrafts falls into the category of Light Combat Aircraft (LCA). The aircraft is capable of carrying short range beyond visual range (SRBVR), anti-ship as well as anti-radiation missiles. The Indian Rafale fighters are armed with Scalp cruise Air to Surface missiles, which have a range of over 300 kilometers. It can also be fitted with Missile d'Interception, de Combat et d'Autodéfense (MICA)  missile, which has two interoperable seekers (active radar and imaging infrared) to cover the spectrum from close-in dogfight to long beyond visual range. It was in 2001 that the IAF floated proposal to buy Medium Multi Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA), however, this could not be materialized in 2012, when India agreed to buy 36 Rafale jets.  

There recent decision by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to honour the decision of Supreme Court of Turkey for conversion of portion of Hagia Sophia Museum into a Mosque was criticized by many world leaders and nations. The case was pending before Turkey’s highest court for one and a half decade to ascertain future of the Hagia Sophia museum in Istanbul; if the site was personal property of Ottoman Sultan Mehmet II, who conquered the city in 1453 and built Mosque, and that a 1934 decision to turn the building into a secular museum should be annulled. The evidences placed before the court revealed that the site was personal property of Ottoman Sultan Mehmet II, who conquered the city in 1453, and decision to turn the building into a secular museum should be left up to the government if it allows it to be turned back into a Mosque. President Erdogan converted a portion of museum into mosque and rest remained as museum. Christians consider it cathedral of Hagia Sophia and a symbol of interfaith and intercultural dialogue.  It is being discussed that with the Turkish presidential decision, Turkey's relations with the EU, US, Greece, Russia and UNESCO would suffer badly.

Before we finally comment reconversion of Hagia Sophia Museum in Istanbul or the UNESCO listed Hagia Sophia (Divine Wisdom), known in Turkey as “Ayasofya-i Kebir Camii Serifi” into a Mosque, we have to understand that the Coptic Christians of Turkey, Middle East and Africa are different from rest of Christians. They believe in monotheism, pray five times a day, women usually wear headscarves as a sign of honor and purity, and both men and women remove their shoes before entering the sanctuary of the Church. Coptic considers same sex activities and relations outside the marriage as unpardonable great sin. In fact, since the times of Last Prophet of Islam Muhammad Alhe Salam (Sal Allah Ho Alhe Wasalam) Coptic were following the true path and were never converted or asked not to follow their religion. There are numerous verses in holy Al Quran which allow Muslims to inter-dine and inter-marry with followers of Judaism and Christianity (Coptic), who believe in monotheism and last day of Judgment.

The Christian community in Turkey is led by the Coptic. Ecumenical Patriarch Dimitri Bartholomew claims to be 270th Patriarch of Constantinople and direct successor of the Christian’s Apostle Andrew and the spiritual head of Christians worldwide. The Turkish government does not recognize the title Ecumenical Patriarch, or Bartholomew's role as an international religious leader as he is officially viewed as a local bishop who leads around 3,000 Greek citizens in Turkey. Even if the Turkish government recognize him successor of the Christian’s Apostle Andrew, Bartholomew seems to be the last Patriarch of Constantinople as he is the only Turkish national Patriarch while others are not Turkish nationals and law require patriarch to be a Turkish citizen. So with a hope that Turkish government will allow Turkish citizenship to Orthodox archbishops overseas a few archbishops have applied but their cases are pending. Regarding the conversion of Sofia Museum into Mosque, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew said in a statement, “The conversion of Hagia Sophia into a Mosque will disappoint millions of Christians around the world.” Other Christian leaders were more or less holder of similar opinion.

Coptic are very particular about the character of their archbishops. If we recall, a week ago, Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria and Patriarch of St. Mark Diocese announced defrockment of priest Rewiess Aziz Khalil on 18 July 2020, following allegations of sexual abuse of children. A resident of North America, Rewiess Aziz Khalil was a priest of the Diocese of Minya and Abu Qurqas. He was stripped of his title in February 2014 and returned him to his pre-ordination name Yousef Aziz Khalil. In the present letter Pope Tawadros II  directed Egypt and in the United States of America to revoke any recognition of Yousef Aziz Khalil as a priest of the Coptic Orthodox Church. In other words this clarifies that Christians of Turkey (Coptic) and Muslims coexist and the recent decision of Supreme Court of Turkey will not cause too much impact of the Turkish minorities.  

The relationship between the Ottomans and the Christians did not evolve hostility and conflict, as is generally assumed. History is witness that there was very cordial relation between the Christian and Ottoman Muslims even before Muslims took over of Constantinople in 1453. Ottoman Emperor Murad II married a Byzantine Princess while Hass Murad Pasha (died 1468) and his younger brother Mesih Pasha (died 1501) were nephews of the last Byzantine Emperor Constantine XI Paleologos (1404–1453)If we recall, John VII Palaeogus died childless in 1448, a dispute erupted between Constantine XI Palaeologus (1404 - 1453) and his brother Demetrios Palaiologos over the throne. Demetrios drew support for his opposition to the union between the Orthodox and Catholic churches. The Empress Helena, acting as regent, supported Constantine. They appealed to the Ottoman Sultan Murad II to arbitrate the disagreement. Murad decided in favor of Constantine and on 6 January 1449 Constantine was crowned in the cathedral at Mistra by the local bishop. 

                Similarly, Sultan Mehmed II (1432 – 1481) in order to repopulate the Istanbul, deported Muslim and Christian groups in Anatolia and the Balkans and forced them to settle in Constantinople. He restored the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate in 1454 and established a Jewish Grand Rabbi and an Armenian Patriarch in the city.  There were many Christian princesses from Royal family who married Ottomans. Anna Hatun, the daughter of Trabzon Greek Emperor David Komnenos and Helena Kantakuzenos was married to Zognush Pasha Ottoman military commander in 1461.

The Halki seminary, located in Forest land, educated future Greek Orthodox bishops, theologians and patriarchs for more than a century but the Turkish Supreme Court ordered its closure in 1971. Since then, it's remained unoccupied. Theological School of Halki was founded outside Istanbul in 1844. In March 2012, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s announced decision to open Halki Seminary for which evenUS President Barck Obama appreciated Turkish President for his efforts to protect religious minorities. In the same regard, Turkey’s Council of Foundations returned 190 hectares of forestland to the Theological School of Halki through Greek Orthodox foundation in January 2013. Government of Turkey also allowed the liturgical celebration by the Ecumenical Patriarch at the historic Sumela Monastery and the return of the former Greek Orphanage on Buyukada Island to the Ecumenical Patriarchate. In addition, Coptic Monastery of Mor Augin, also known as the Monastery of St. Augin was reopened in 2010.

In the recent past, Turkey reopened the iconic Bulgarian St Stephen's Church in  Balat, Istanbul  in January 2018 after seven years of restoration as its original wooden structure was destroyed in a fire. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım attended the opening ceremony of the Church built in 1898. Erdogan said reopening of the Iron Church was an important message for the international community. He said, "I believe it is the responsibility of the state to ensure everyone can worship freely," adding that Turkey has supported the restoration of more than 5,000 artifacts in the past 15 years.

In the latest development, after Turkish President Erdogan Sofia Museum as Mosque and held Jumma prayers on Friday, around 350,000 Muslims offered their Friday's prayer in the Mosque. The President also announced appointment of Mehmet Boynukalin, a professor of Islamic law at Istanbul's Marmara University, and Ferruh Mustuer and Bunjamin Topcuoglu, the Imams of two other Istanbul mosques. There is no doubt, the Turkish President Erdogan has done for the minorities in Turkey, especially the Christians is worth appreciation. One wonders should we forget good things about the Ottoman Empire as well as present Turkish Muslims what they did for the Christian and Jews or we should follow the band wagon of media in a critical mode. If Christians really consider cathedral of Hagia Sophia as a symbol of interfaith and intercultural dialogue so this is the high time to respect Turkish highest court’s verdict. It is high time that Christians must unite under Ecumenical Patriarch Dimitri Bartholomew for the union between the Orthodox, Catholic and Protestants churches. This would allow the Muslims and the Coptic to clear their apprehensions and joint work for the development of Turkey.

WASHINGTON, 28 July 2020, TON:  The United States has doubled its allocation to American firm Moderna, around US $1 billion to expedite development of a potential COVID-19 vaccine. The final stage of clinical trials has already started from Monday.

The Moderna biotechnology company has confirmed about the latest development on Monday. Moderna representative said that in the Phase clinical trial of a potential vaccine is to include 30,000 participants who will be given a 100-microgram dose of the vaccine, while the rest will be given a placebo.

Moderna, which has been working with US health authorities, said it expects to be able to produce 500 million doses a year -- and potentially up to 1 billion -- starting in 2021.

Meanwhile, last week, the American-German BioNTech/Pfizer pharmaceutical alliance announced that the US government had committed $1.95 billion to procure 100 million doses of its eventual vaccine.


KABUL. 27 July 2020,TON: The Qatar-based faction of Taliban say they are ready for talks with Afghanistan’s political leadership after Eid ul Adha holidays in August 2020, by that time when all the Taliban prisoners would be free.

The Taliban’s political spokesman Suhail Shaheen  said in a statement on Sunday offer made by Taliban’s political spokesman Suhail Shaheen in a tweet late Thursday follows one of the most significant shakeups in the Taliban in years.

Meanwhile, the High Council for National Reconciliation confirmed that they are still working through the Taliban’s prisoner list. As per the Afghan national security sources, remaining around 500 Taliban prisoners in the release list have been convicted of serious crimes by the Courts. Hence Afghan government is hesitant to release them without other assurances.

Negotiation were held for the release of 5,000 Taliban prisoners held by the Afghan government and 1,000 Afghan personnel and security personnel held by Taliban custody Meanwhile, the faction has finalized its 20-member negotiating team, which includes 13 members of the Taliban’s leadership council under Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar.

SHOPIAN, 27 July 2020, TON: As per the details, a team headed by Tehsildar, Shopian conducted the drive in Palpora, Kaprin and Rai villages of Shopian, during which 55 kanals of Kahcharia and state land were retrieved, besides 16 upcoming shops along with two complexes, that were at plinth level, were also demolished at Palpora. The witnessed said that they were the occupants of the land and doing business but their land has been forcibly taken away on the grounds that the owners were militants and their property was confiscated. It was also revealed that some of the land was actually encroached and belonged to the State which was illegally taken over illegally by some of the occupants.

Meanwhile, anti-encroachment drive in the tehsil Shopian and other districts is in the full swing and Kashmiris are being deprived from their ancestral lands. The official statement said that in the last two months more than 400 kanals of Kahcharai and state land has been retrieved from encroachers in the tehsil along with demolition of a number of structures.

The India security forces and the Police have launched side by side operations against the Kashmiris so as to avoid law and order situation due to forcibly taken away the lands from some the genuine holders. Police said, they carred out search and cordon operation in Zainapora area of Shopian district and discovered a hideout of militants which was busted. The Army troops, personnel of 44 Rashtriya Rifles   (RR) and 178 BN Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) and Police participated in the operation.

MECCA. 27 July 2020, TON: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced on Saturday the arrival of pilgrims to the new King Abdul Aziz International Airport in Jeddah from the country’s five cities for the annual Hajj. The cities included Madina, Riyadh, Abha, Tabuk and Jazan. Priority was given to non-Saudis who do not have any pre-existing health conditions and have not previously performed the Hajj pilgrimage.

Meanwhile, the Hajis have started visiting Kaaba and offering their prayers and other Ibadat. The people attending the Hajj were satisfied with the arrangements and tanked the Kingdom for making arrangements and looking after them.

According to the Hajj and Umrah Ministry due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Kingdom has decided to limit the current Hajj season to domestic pilgrims. Saudi Minister Dr. Muhammad Saleh bin Taher Banten commented in a statement, “This selection was not a human selection, but it was Allah’s selection to choose this person to be one of the limited number of people to perform Hajj.”

The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah has implemented strict precautionary measures at the hotel to maintain the safety of the pilgrims including providing a separate room and hand sanitizers for each person. Those who live close enough to Mecca are not required to stay in the hotel.

MECCA, 21 July 2020, TON: The moon-sighting committees of Saudi Arabia was constituted to determine the 1st or beginning of the 12th month of the Islamic calendar. The committees gave a unanimous decision that Wednesday, 22 July   will mark the first of Zul Hijjah and the 10th day of Zul Hijjah will be 31 July 2020. Hence, 31 July will be celebrated as first day of Eid Al Adha.

As per the details, the committees confirmed that the crescent of Zul Hijjah was not visible on Monday, 20 July  and will be clearly visible after the sunset of on Tuesday 21 July, which means that Wednesday, 22 July will be the first of Zul Hijjah that marks the start of this year’s Hajj. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has organized the Hajj with usual high level of arrangements but has limited to only 10,000 pilgrims from within the Kingdom due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

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