Afshain Afzal

Afshain Afzal

SRINAGAR, 8 April 2020, TON: More than 2568 Kashmiri Muslim political and civil rights inmates including 18 Kashmiris imprisoned on the charges of carrying out terrorism against Indian Army deployed in Jammu and Kashmir were shifted to unidentified locations on Tuesday, 7 April 2020. The decision to transfer the prisoners was taken after the inmates held a protest due to lack of health facilities and the possibility of the novel Coronavirus outbreak.Indian Inspector of prisons revealed that they have strict orders not to release any Kashmiri.  

Jammu and Kashmir Prison Department official disclosed that last month too on 31 March some 1240 Kashmiris prisoners, especially the young, who could turn to more violent in the wake of international pressure to free prisoners amidst spread of Coronavirus have been moved to three detention centers in neighbouring Punjab province including Lucknow.  Most of them were pro-freedom Kashmiri, who were alleged to have links with Pakistan.

If we recall, there was tremendous pressure from Organization of Islamic Conference to free all political pressure and quite recently, international human rights organizations in a joint statement urged Government of India to release all unjustly detained prisoners in the disputed state of Jammu and Kashmir in an effort to contain the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. The statement was issued by Amnesty International India, CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation, International Commissions of Jurists (ICJ), Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA),  World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) and International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH).

QUETTA, 7 March 2020, TON: Provincial Police resort to baton charge to disperse the protesters in provincial capital Quetta on Monday. The protest was launched by Pakistani doctors and medical staff against a lack of protective gears to guard against Coronavirus. The Government of Balochistan had given an undertaking of to provide masks and gloves but so far nothing has been supplied at the hospitals.Despite efforts, TON could not approach representatives of National Disaster Management Authority for their comments. 

On Tuesday, doctors across the province went on strike in non-critical care wards to protest against the Monday arrests and lack of equipment. However, those on emergency and Corona wards did not participate in the protest. Spokesman of Young Doctors Association (YDA) confirmed that over 50 doctors were arrested on Monday, 6 April 2020. They highlighted that so far, at least 18 doctors have been infected with the Coronavirus in Balochistan due to lack of provision of safety gears. They demanded that military doctors and paramedics must also join them in fight against Coronavirus.

Doctor  Nasir, one of the protester  disclosed that the incident  took place due to non provision of  safety gear by the Government, putting lives of doctors and paramedics at risk. He said that a number of doctors and paramedics had been injured in the baton charge by Police.

A statement issued by Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) on Tuesday said, “Emergency supplies of medical equipment including PPEs being dispatched to Quetta on orders of COAS to help medical staff fight Covid-19 effectively in Balochistan.

As per the details after government failed to deliver the promised supplies, hundreds of doctors and paramedics chanted slogans demanding safeguards items. Polices used force to disperse the protesters in which some of the doctors and paramedic staff were dragged off by the police equipped with rifles and batons.

Police authorities said, they arrested 30 protesters who were defying a ban on public gatherings imposed during a lockdown in connection with efforts to check spread of Coronavirus.  Doctors threatened to stop working unless the detained protesters were released.

Meanwhile, hundreds of Zaireen who visited Iran from Pakistan or were residing there from some years were expelled by the Iranian Government and forced to crossover to Pakistan through FIA Gate Taftan, Mand and Rabat area. Pakistan has reported a total of 3,352 cases of the Coronavirus and majority of the cases as well as initial spread was from the Iranian border.

AWANTIPUR, 7 April 2020, TON: The Indian Army announced conclusion of operation against the Kashmiri innocent villagers after The Orient News (TON) reported Indian brutal adventures aganst the innocent Kashmiris. A statement issued by India Defence spokesperson said, “Indian Army Infantry Battalion Commanding Officer deployed in Keran sector on LoC. They had launched Operation Rangduri Behak on April 1 after detecting terrorist infiltration against terrorists who may have caused mayhem in hinterland in Kashmir valley. The operation was conducted over 5 days. On operation Rangdouri Behak in which 5 Pak-backed terrorists were killed.” 

If we recall TON reported on 5 April 2020 that elements of 3 Division, 70 Infantry Brigade and other Infantry Battalions were reported to have also deployed at Kupwara district for special operations. Despite bad weather, operations against Kashmiri youth continued on Saturday, 4 April 2020. A defence spokesperson later on Sunday, claimed that troops carried out combing operation and killed five Kashmiris militants. However, a villager who was an ex-serviceman and also witness to the operation said, he saw eight dead bodies of the civilian youth being evacuated by Indian Army to Base hospital. He claimed that that some soldiers told him that they have come from Leh and Karu have joined the security forces to eliminate all those who dare to violate curfew.

It is an open secret now that about 33 kilometers south of Srinagar, Awantipora is located, where the headquarters of Victor Force is engaged in terrorist activities against the Kashmiri masses and neighbouring Pakistan. The present General Officer Commanding in Chief (GOC-in-C) 15 Corps, Lieutenant General BS Raju spent tenure here as commander of  Victor Force that performs counter-terrorism operations in the area of responsibility. The strategy adopted is that anyone who talks about joining on the basis of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution is operated upon, isolated, either eliminated or isolated through series of operations and if apprehended tortured to joing Indian intelligence service as Special Police Officers (SPOs) and Under Ground Workers (UGW) for the Indian Army and Delta Company of Border Security Force (BSF). Hundereds and thousands of innocent Kashmiris have been so far recruited and forced to join peaceful protesters as militant cadres to approach local populations to convince them that to target Indian Army and security forces. In case any odd person joins them, an operation is launched to misguide international media about terrorist activities by Kashmiris. In order to accelerate the recruitment of Kashmiris, Indian Army runs projects like schools and colleges, and a Military hospital has been established to target Kashmiris in the guise of COVID-19 treatments.

AMMAN, 6 April 2020, TON: His Majesty King Abdullah of Jordon on Sunday directed the government to examine the gradually resumption of operations in productive sectors, especially in the export sector to support the economy.
Chairing a National Policies Council (NPC) meeting which was also attended by His Royal Highness Prince Faisal bin Al Hussein, adviser to the King, urged creative solutions that create balance between public health and economic plans. He stressed on studying small and medium sized enterprises with focus on  public-private partnerships.  
King Abdullah also discussed progress of remote learning and the measures being taken to sustain the educational process.

ISLAMABAD, 6 April 2020, TON: Pakistan’s Ministry of Health released latest figure of COVID-19 positives and deaths. It has been reported that the total number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 is 3,059 including 45 deaths in Pakistan. However, the officials at provincial hospitals claimed that the figures are exaggerated as they have admitted many cases who had fever and some of the symptoms with the apprehension that they are COVID-19 positive. Dr Naveed disclosed that the list prepared in each hospital show names of many individuals who had previous history of multiple respiratory diseases and presently some hospitals show admissions and deaths to have occurred due to COVID-19 but actually, no tests have been carried out to confirm they actually contracted the viral disease.  

The Heath Ministry’s statistics presented by the ministry showed that at least 512 people were tested positive while eight deaths were registered from Friday to Sunday.

In Punjab province 1,319 confirmed cases were reported while in Sindh province 881 cases have been reported. In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province 372 cases were reported while 206 in Gilgit-Baltistan, 189 Balochistan and 78 in the capital Islamabad. The death gigures show that 12 people died in Punjab, 15 in Sindh, 14 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and 4 elsewhere. Overall, 170 people across the country recovered.

BANDIPORA, 5 April 2020, TON: Another Indian Army soldier committed a suicide. A case has been registered against unknown persons. As per the initial reports the ill-fated Soldier belonged to 14 Rashtriya Rifles at Army camp in Pannar, and had brawl with his Commanding Officer over leave but later declined and sent him to operation area,

As per Police authorities, he committed suicide by shooting himself with his service rifle at an Army camp in Bandipora district of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir on Sunday. Police has claimed that they have registered a case, however, cause of suicide could not be ascertained.



KUPWARA, 5 April 2020, TON: Elements of 3 Division, 70 Infantry Brigade and other Infantry Battalions were reported to have also deployed at Kupwara district for special operations. Despite bad weather, operations against Kashmiri youth continued on Saturday, 4 April 2020. A defence spokesperson later on Sunday, claimed that troops carried out combing operation and killed five Kashmiris militants. However, a villager who was an ex-serviceman and also witness to the operation said, he saw eight dead bodies of the civilian youth being evacuated by Indian Army to Base hospital. He claimed that that some soldiers told him that they have come from Leh and Karu have joined the security forces to eliminate all those who dare to violate curfew.

Meanwhile three Indian soldiers were killed in Keran sector as the result of firing by Pakistani troops. Military spokesman confirmed that the soldiers were guarding Line of Control (LoC) in Kupwara district.

SRINAGAR, 4 March 2020, TON: The Indian Government amended the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization (adaption of state laws) order 2020, in exercise of the powers conferred by the Section 96 of the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization Act 2019, Indian Ministry of Home Affairs spokesman said. The law would be termed as “Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization (adaption of state laws) second order 2020.

The new domicile law of Jammu and Kashmir provides that Jammu and Kashmir domiciles include anyone who has resided in Jammu and Kashmir for 15 years or has studied in Jammu and Kashmir for seven years.

In Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services (Decentralization) and Recruitment Act 2020 following sections were amended: “under section 3A (i) in sub-section (1) omit word “deemed to be” and “Carrying a pay scale of not more than level-4 (25500)” and in sub-section (2) omit “Deemed to be and in clause (a) for “have served” substitute “shall have served”. Section 5A has also been amended:“A post carrying a pay scale of not more than level-4 (25500)” substitute “any post”. In Section 8 before clause (ii) add: “(i) is a domicile of Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir.”

Anyone who is registered as a migrant by the Relief and Rehabilitation Commissioner (Migrants) will also be deemed to be a domicile. The others who can be deemed to be a domicile include children of those central government officials, all-India services officers, officials of public sector undertakings and autonomous bodies of the central government, public sector banks, officials of statutory bodies, central university officials and those of recognised research institutes of the central government who have served in Jammu and Kashmir for 10 years.

As per the notification, children of those who fulfill any of the conditions or children of such residents of Jammu and Kashmir as reside outside Union Territory in connection with their employment or business or other professional or vocational reasons but their parents fulfill any of the conditions provided in sub-section are also deemed to be domicile of Jammu and Kashmir.

Meanwhile, Kashmiri leadership including Syed Ali Geelani rejected the Indian government conspiracy to change the demography of disputed State of Jammu and Kashmir and demanded United Nations Organization (UNO) to intervene. They also demanded from the Pakistani leadership and the masses to do something including approaching International Court of Justice to stop India from its nefarious designs before it is too late.

 Kashmiri leadership and general public are not being allowed to come out of their houses and protest against the illegitimate Indian law that violates United Nations Security Council Resolutions. The Indian Army and security forces are deployed everywhere in occupied Jammu and Kashmir and if someone comes out he is declared COVID-19 positive and afterwards his whereabouts are not know.

WASHINGTON, 4 April 2020, TON: The United States of America has agreed in principle to relax sanctions imposed on Iran to allow the country fight COVID-19 related import, said a Pentagon official on the condition of anonymity. It may come as surprise but independent reports speaks that Washington has already provided aid and material to Iran to fight Corona virus.

The senior official having remained deployed in Baghdad, Iraq said Pentagon feels that it is time to engage Tehran if it agrees to new terms and conditions.

US sanctions has disallowed world’s companies and individuals from carrying out even lawful trade with Iranian companies. Reportedly, China and Moscow are supplying medicine to Iran.

In the past, President Donald Trump administration’s refused to halt its economic war on Iran saying it is against US’s national interests.


SRINAGAR, 3 April 2020, TON: National Conference Provincial President Devender Singh Rana today demanded immediate withdrawal of Jammu and Kashmir domicile law to pave the way for widespread consultations with all the stakeholders to evolve a robust safeguard mechanism in the larger interests of the bona-fide locals. He said, the law is unjust and betrayal with educated unemployed youth, saying this should be withdrawn forthwith

Devender Singh Rana said, “All political parties should rise above politics and commit themselves to the just cause of our youth and speak against the law in one voice” He said, “Our youth are second to none and have proven their worth in various national level competitive exams but when it comes to jobs, it should be understood that those coming from far-off areas or belonging to weaker sections, scheduled castes and tribes, the level play field is not the same as elsewhere in the country due to poor infrastructure and education system”.

Asking if a special provision could be envisaged in various states like Himachal Pradesh and North East with regard to exclusive rights of local youth over all category of jobs why the same is being denied to J&K youth. The avoidable deprivation could lead to alienation of youth, irrespective of region, religion or caste,

He cautioned, saying the bonafide residents are feeling terribly let down and betrayed beyond imagination.  Rana also referred to the timing of announcement of the new law and said the people, grappling with the pandemic of corona virus like other parts of the country and the world, are shell shocked and dumb struck over the “insensitive, illogical and irresponsible move, which has bellied all their hopes”, especially in the backdrop of assurances held out and promises made by central leaders from time to time in recent months.

Rana said, “What could be more irony than that those looking for special dispensation to overcome the burgeoning unemployment problem in Jammu and Kashmir are finding themselves pushed to the wall and nowhere to go, he said and urged the Centre to revisit the law in deference of the overwhelming wishes of the people.” He questioned the rationale behind opening the jobs for outsiders when the local youth were struggling for sustenance in the wake of meager job avenues available here in the absence of organised corporate sector and big business houses.


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