Afshain Afzal

Afshain Afzal

MUZAFFARABAD, 5 February 2020, TON: Indian Army troops carried out unprovoked firing in the Lepa Valley from across the Line of Control (LoC) on Tuesday midnight, deliberately targeting civilian population, In use of small arms and 81 mm mortar four unarmed Kashmiris, including two women and a child were injured.

Meanwhile, the Foreign Office summoned a senior diplomat from the Indian High Commission in Islamabad to register Pakistan's strong protest at the ceasefire violations by Indian occupation forces along the Line of Control.

According Foreign Office’s statement, due to indiscriminate and unprovoked firing by the Indian forces in Danna Sector of LoC, 22 year old Shamim Bibi, 10 year old Farhaz, 35 year old Ansar, all three residents of village Chatargam and 17 year old Moniza Bibi, resident of Bagh Ali, sustained serious injuries.


JAMMU, 4 February 2020, TON: On 11 January 2020, the Indian Police officer, who was awarded the highest medal, “Sher-e-Kashmir Police Medal for Gallantry” in 2018 was arrested on the charges of fake operations and aiding terrorists to spread terrorism inside Jammu & Kashmir and Pakistan.

According to the Central Reserve Police Force sources, Indian Superintendent of Police, Davinder Singh was caught red handed along with self-classified Hizb-ul-Mujahideen terrorists, who otherwise had no link with any independent movement for Kashmir or Mujahideen organization. Those arrested included Naveed alias Baba, Altaf alias Rafi, and Irfan and another person who was a lawyer by profession. The mobile phone confiscated by the Police authorities from the possession of Davinder Singh contained personal numbers of senior Indian Army officers from 15 Corps and Commanding Officers of Infantry Battalions. Beside contact list reflecting ranks and names, certain numbers were stored with codes pertaining to Indian Military Intelligence.

Police authorities claimed on the condition of anonymity that the arms and ammunition recovered from the possession of Indian Superintendent of Police, Davinder Singh residence near Headquarters 15 Corps bore the signatures of Pakistan and these terrorists were to be flushed into Pakistan through Line of Control (LoC) to carryout terrorism and bring back these weapons back to India after the accomplishment of activities.

On the contrary, arrested Mujahideen member, Naveed alias Baba disclosed during interrogation that he was tasked by Davinder Singh and an Army officer of Major rank to carryout firing during the visits of foreign delegations including fro European Union and the Americans to give impression if Pakistan is sponsoring terrorism inside Jammu & Kashmir controlled by India. Afterwards he was tasked to travel to Pakistan from Jammu to develop authenticated links.

Interestingly, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) instead of questioning Indian Military personnel is visting Kashmiri politicians to develop links with terrorists. On 3 February 2020, NIA team visited Tihar Jail, to investigate former Jammu and Kashmir MLA Sheikh Abdul Rashid for his links with Hizbul Mujahideen who is in the jail since 9 August in connection with funding of terror activities in Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir State.

In the past, on the orders of Supreme Court of India, a special court was constituted to exclusively hear the case of involvement of twelve persons in terrorism including Lieutenant Colonel Prasad Shrikant Purohit, Dyanand Pandey alias Swami Amritanand Dev, Rakesh Dhawade, Major (Retired) Ramesh Upadhyay and Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur, who are in judicial custody since October 2008. NIA dropped charges under the Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA) against all the accused, including Colonel Purohit. The RSS-BJP alliance was blamed for putting pressure on NIA for sparing the saffron terror. Earlier investigations also confirmed involvement of Major General (Retired) Premnath Hoon, Colonel Jayant Chitale and Major (Retired) Ramesh Upadhyaya and others, who also served in Indian Intelligence agencies on different appointments for carrying out explosions including  Malegaon, Nanded, Ajmer and Shamjhoata Express but they were spared.

REASI, 4 February 2020, TON: Indian Army Chetak helicopter crashed at Rudkhud area in Arnas belt of the district Reasi in India occupied Jammu & Kashmir State. The Army  authorities ruled out any terrorist activity or firing by the Pakistani forces and claimed it a technical failure. A court of inquiry for the incident has been ordered.


KENYA, 4 February 2020, TON:Former Kenyan president Daniel arap Moi rose to power promising to end tribalism and corruption and to make his country a Cold War bulwark against communism. Despite condemnation by human rights organizations for brutally crushing political opposition, deepening of ethnic tensions, enriching himself at the public’s expense, and stealing millions of dollars in aid money, Mr. Moi’s was supported and backed by the United States as he was fulfilling Washington’s self-interests in Africa and elsewhere.


KHARTOUM, 3 February 2020, TON: The United States on Sunday invited General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, head of Sudan’s sovereign council, to visit Washington. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo confirmed that General al-Burhan will be visiting on his invitation. The development is part of bilateral ties since the army toppled President Omar al-Bashir last year. In December 2019, the two countries planned exchange of ambassadors after a gap of 23 year.

In 1993, the U.S. government added Sudan to its list of state sponsors of terrorism over allegations Bashir’s Islamist government was supporting terrorist groups, a designation that makes Sudan technically ineligible for debt relief and financing from the International Monetary Fund and World Bank.

DAR ES SALAAM, 3 February 2020, TON:  Pastor Boniface Mwamposa had been drawing huge crowds by promising prosperity and cures for diseases to worshippers who step in what he calls “blessed oil” during his services.

Pastor Boniface Mwamposa was arrested by Police when he was trying to flee the country.

Tanzania has seen a rise in the number of Christian missionaries in recent years, who promise to lift people out of poverty and perform what they call miracle cures.

BEIRUT, 2 February 2020, TON:  Tens and thousands of Muslim protesters took out to the streets of Beirut to protest against President Trump’s announced Middle East Peace. They chanted slogans against USA and Israel and declared that US dreams to establish Israeli Embassy at Jerusalem will never be allowed till one Muslim is alive.

Awkar Square witnessed speeches and display of slogans to remind the world regarding conspiracy against Muslim by depriving them of their sacred Holy places. 

Meanwhile, officials of US Embassy in Beirut have been restricted from entering the area of the demonstrations.

WASHINGTON, 2 February 2020, TON: US President Donald Trump issued travel ban for immigrants from six countries including Nigeria, Sudan and Tanzinia. Nigeria and Sudan are Muslim majority area where Islamic law (Shariat Law) is applicable while through demographic engineering the Muslim population of Tanzania has been show much less than the original size. Western nations intend to impose law in Muslim countries that grant citizenship nationals of other countries residing for a long time including refugees and asylum seekers.

In 2015, when President Trump was presidential candidate, he called for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States of America.” 

The proclamation will take effect on 22 February has banned entry of nationals from Nigeria, Eritrea, Sudan, Tanzania, Kyrgyzstan and Myanmar. Officials of US Department of Homeland Security was quoted by reporters to have said, “US administration is not satisfied about pluralist reforms and sharing of data  regarding terrorism including details of their visit, bank accounts and passport entries.”

Iraqi President Barham Salih named Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi as new Iraqi Prime Minister on Saturday, however, protesters expressed their dissatisfaction and continued with their  protests.

If we recall, former Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi resigned in November 2018 due to mass anti-government unrest where hundreds of thousands of Iraqis took to the streets demanding the removal of Iraq's political elite due to corruption and mass killings of opponents. Human rights organizations have reported over 600 protesters and affiliated to opposition have been killed in a deadly crackdown by security forces. However, the number of killings could not be confirmed through independent sources.

Meanwhile, Shiite leadership in Baghdad, backed by the western nations deployed in  Iraq, have been challenged.  However, politicians have generated anti-American rallies and demanded withdrawal of US troops.

BRUSSELS, 1 February 2020, TON: Britain’s Union Jack was removed from row of 27 EU member state flags at the European Council and European Parliament buildings in Brussels on Friday evening ahead of the United Kingdom’s exit from the bloc at midnight (2300 GMT). Britain has become the first country to quit the European Union 

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