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BEIJING, 12 March, 2021, (TON): Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said on 11 March, 2021that China opposes separatist activities aimed at “Taiwan independence” but ready to have a dialogue by Taiwanese political parties on cross-Strait relations.

China considers Taiwan as part of it and vows to integrate it with the Chinese mainland. It opposes the present Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, who is a firm advocate of Taiwan independence.

Addressing a virtual press conference at the end of the Parliament session, Li said the Chinese mainland’s policy regarding Taiwan has been consistent and clear-cut, adhering to the 1992 Consensus that embodies the “one-China” principle.

“Under this premise, we welcome any political party or group in Taiwan to communicate with us and conduct dialogue on cross-Straits relations and the future of the nation,” Li said.

 “We believe that the two sides of the Straits are one and the same family. Over the years, we have introduced a number of policies benefiting Taiwan businesses and compatriots,” Li said.

He further added that the mainland will continue to enable Taiwan residents to enjoy the development opportunities on the mainland and promote integrated development across the Straits.   


GANDHINAGAR, On Friday, the Indian PM Narendra Modi said while speaking at Gandhi Ashram in Sabarmati, Indi’s startup ecosystem has become an attraction for everyone in the world.

He made the remarks after flagging off a replica of the famous Dandi yatra, carried out 91 years ago by Mahatma Gandhi to oppose the salt cess levied by the British.

Prime Minister said, "We are leaving a lasting impression on the science and information sector. India's startup ecosystem is a world attraction today and a matter of discussion everywhere. India's capability and personality is getting echoed all across every global platform. Today India is moving towards fulfilling the aspirations of its 130 crore citizens."

"We are fortunate that we are celebrating 75 years of Independence and the 125th birth anniversary of Subhash Chandra Bose simultaneously. This is not only a coincidence but a combination of the vision of India's past and future. Subhash Chandra Bose had rightly said that India's freedom struggle is not only against British rule but also against the global empirical rule, "Netaji termed India's freedom struggle necessary for the entire humankind. With the passage of time, Netaji's saying has been proved true. After India's Independence, many other nations also became free from empires and empirical rule came to an end in the entire world," the PM added.

While addressing India’s achievements, he said, "Today our achievements are not only for us but showing the path to the entire humankind. India's developmental path, intermingled with Atmanirbharta (self-reliance) will be the pathway for the entire world. In the times of Corona, this is also being proved. The entire world is benefiting from the Atmanirbharta of India in vaccine manufacturing. We are helpful in getting rid of everybody's pain and sorrow. But while doing so we are sacrificing ourselves. This is India's ideology."

Today, countries of the world are congratulating India, putting their trust in India. This is the first glimpse of our glorious future, he emphasized.

DHAKA, 12 March, 2021, (TON): US State Department upheld a workshop in Rajshahi upgrading understudy police commitment through authority development zeroed in on countering savage radicalism, mentorship, local area policing, and resistance.

Thirty students from Rajshahi University, Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology, Rajshahi College, and five Rajshahi Metropolitan cops joined the current year's Student Leadership Development Workshop on Thursday, said a US embassy press release.

US Ambassador to Bangladesh Earl Miller and Rajshahi Additional Metropolitan Police Commissioner Md Sujayet Islam spoke at the inaugural ceremony of the workshop.

Ambassador Miller applauds programs like the Student Leadership Development Workshop, which illustrates the United States and Bangladesh’s enduring commitment to building a brighter future together.

The series’ five seminars involved over 150 Rajshahi students and 25 police officers, promoting the US embassy’s effort to countering violent extremism. Since 2016, the US States Department of Defense and Department of Justice utilized this program in Bangladesh.



ANKARA, 12 March, 2021 (TON): In April, Turkey is planning to host a round of Afghanistan peace talks, FM Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Friday.

The peace talks will be hosted in Istanbul, as Ankara would appoint an Afghanistan special envoy.

The U.S. shared a plan calling for replacing the government with interim administration pending election as per the new constitution.

The remarks were made following the U.S.’s draft peace plan shared with the Afghan officials, Taliban leaders, and others.

However, earlier Russia also announced to hold a conference on Afghanistan in Moscow later this month.

Experts believe that Ghani might give up his seat of power sooner than later for talks with Taliban have to be revived. That is why he did not want a government at first, however; the provincial government would serve to be crucial in Intra Afghan talks.

DUBAI/ANKARA/MOSCOW, 12 March, 2021, (TON): Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said that Turkey, Russia, and Qatar are making a joint attempt to promote a political solution to Syria’s 10-year conflict.

“Today we launched a new trilateral consultation process,” Cavusoglu said on Thursday after talks in Doha with Russian and Qatari foreign ministers. “Our goal is to discuss how we can contribute to efforts towards a lasting political solution in Syria.”

In a joint statement after the talks, the ministers also reaffirmed their commitment to “preserving the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity” of Syria.

Turkey and Qatar have backed fighters who sought to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, while Moscow provided military support which helped al-Assad seize back most of the country.

Diminishing Syrian suffering

Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani said the ministers had also discussed mechanisms for delivering humanitarian aid across the whole of Syria, adding “there is a crucial need to lessen the suffering of the Syrians”.

He said the purposes behind Syria's suspension from the Arab League in 2011 remain, while Cavusoglu said ongoing global commitment with al-Assad's administration frustrated endeavors for a political arrangement by giving it more authenticity.


MUMBAI, 12 March, 2021 (TON): The officials said on Friday, the Indian Navy rushed to aid a stranded navy cargo ship, M.V. Nayan with most onboard failed pieces of equipment sailing from Oman to Iraq.

On 9 March, the cargo ship while on its voyage drifted out at the sea after its propulsion, power generation machinery, navigational and other equipment failed, which had 7 crew members on board. It sent out an SOS call.

In response, deployed in the Gulf of Oman, the Indian Naval Ship INS Talwar made a preliminary assessment about the situation and dispatched its Visitor Board, Search and Seizure team, and a technical team by boat to help the stranded ship.

For working over 7 hours, the teams were successful in restoring its two generators, steering pump, seawater pump, compressor, and main engine, making the vessel seaworthy again.


COLOMBO, 12 March, 2021 (TON): While participating in a recent official discussion with the Turk ambassador, Power Minister Dullas Alahapperuma stated that the government is planning to halt using diesel for power generation by 2030.

"The contribution of green and renewable energy to the national power generation will be increased to 70%, the share of diesel to generate power will be reduced to 5% by the year 2025," the Minister said.

The ministry is planning to explore new sources to end the diesel usage for power generation alongside developing existing renewable sources, he stressed.

During the discussion, the Turkish Ambassador agreed to provide the technical assistance required for the development of renewable energy to enhance the power sector in the country. 

With announcing the plan of diesel usage, he also looks forward to investments, both in public and private sectors as he says Turkey intends to involve private investors, thus, new energy projects in the country are to be established to advance the industry.


WASHINGTON, 12 March, 2021, (TON):  China for quite a long time has pursued a mission to annihilate Tibet's proud culture and history, House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi has affirmed, stating that the US will keep on remaining with the Tibetan public and honor the individuals who forfeited for their privileges and opportunity.

 “Tibetan men, women, and children want simply to practice their faith, speak their language and celebrate their culture free from violence and intimidation. Yet, Beijing for decades has waged a campaign to destroy Tibet’s proud culture and history, which remains a clarion call for action to freedom-loving people worldwide,” the top Democrat said.

That is the reason, a year ago, the US reaffirmed its bipartisan, bicameral help for individuals of Tibet by ordering the Tibet Policy and Support Act, which fortifies political ties between the US and the Central Tibetan Administration and clarifies that choices with respect to Tibetan religion ought to be made exclusively by Tibetan strict pioneers, she attested.

She further said that “Guided by His Holiness’s spirit of hope, we will never rest in our efforts to advance freedom and opportunity in Tibet and throughout China, because if we do not stand up for human rights in China due to commercial interests, then we lose all moral authority to talk about human rights in any other place in the world.  We will not be deterred in this vital mission,”

SANAA, 12 March, 2021 (TON): Yemen is being struck by the biggest famine of modern history, says World Food Program (WFP) Executive Director David Beasley.

He told the UNSC on Thursday, “Just two days ago, I was in Yemen, where over 16 million people now face crisis levels of hunger or worse. These aren’t just numbers. These are real people. And we are headed straight toward the biggest famine in modern history.”

While stressing on the several thousand death of the children, he said, “It is hell on earth in many places in Yemen right now. Around 400,000 children may die in Yemen this year without urgent intervention. That is roughly one child every 75 seconds.”

“So, while we’re sitting here, every minute and a quarter, a child is dying. Are we really going to turn our backs on them and look the other way?”

“To add to all their misery, the innocent people of Yemen have to deal with a fuel blockade… The people of Yemen deserve our help. That blockade must be lifted, as a humanitarian act. Otherwise, millions more will spiral into crisis,” the chief added.

Despite, the humanitarian assistance, around 16.2 million people are food insecure, the reports said.

However, as the global man-made conflicts and violence are increasing, it is increasingly driving instability and causing greater plight in the region of Yemen that is likely to sweep across the world.   

COLOMBO, 12 March, 2021 (TON): A four-day tour has been made by the Indian High Commissioner Gopal Baglay to the northern and eastern provinces to meet the political leaders and inspect the Indian-funded projects.

The sources said that the projects with Indian investments are in various stages of implementation.

As this is the first visit of the official since his appointment as Indian High Commissioner to Sri Lanka, Baglay would also visit the religious worship places.

The Jaffna cultural center and the Palali airport development are the two key projects financed by India among various others.

However, recently the PM of India has renewed his India’s call for the implementation of the 13th Amendment in full. The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka (13A) is an amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka which created Provincial Councils in Sri Lanka. This amendment also made Sinhala and Tamil the official languages of the country and English as the "link language".


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