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NEW YORK, 8 March, 2021 (TON): On Sunday, the three-term Governor Andrew Cuomo lost support from the two top Democrat legislatures.

The move appeared amid mounting allegations of sexual harassment and undercounting COVID death rate in nursing homes.

It is time for the Governor to seriously consider whether he can effectively meet the needs of the people of New York, Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie said.

On Saturday, two more women who worked for Cuomo publicly accused him of inappropriate behavior.

NY State Senator, Stewart-Cousins said in a statement, “New York is still in the midst of this pandemic and is still facing the societal, health, and economic impacts of it. We need to govern without daily distraction. For the good of the state, Governor Cuomo must resign.”

Her public push for his resignation came shortly after a Sunday press conference where Cuomo said it would be “anti-democratic” for him to step down.

“There is no way I resign,” Cuomo said.

Cuomo seemed to say that they don’t override the people’s will; they don’t get to override elections for he was elected by the people of New York State.

Reports state that others who have called for Cuomo’s resignation include U.S. Rep. Kathleen Rice, a Long Island Democrat.



KABUL, 8 March, 2021 (TON): A leading role of the Afghan women in the country’s peace process is to enter a new phase in the coming weeks or months, the UN said on Monday.

Deborah Lyons, the Secretary-General's Special Representative for Afghanistan said, "The peace process has brought to the fore strong Afghan women leaders, who have negotiated on behalf of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and rallied support in their communities for a peaceful solution to the conflict."

"Empowering these women and expanding women's participation will be critical to ensure a just and sustainable peace that protects the rights of all Afghans."

Aleta Miller, UN Women Representative in Afghanistan said, "Women must be at the front and center of decision-making, to achieve a peace that lasts, for a bright future for all Afghans.”

Under the 1964 constitution, Afghan women gained equality but rights were taken away in the 1990s including under the Taliban regime. But 2001government of President Hamid Karzai, which was formed by the U.N., included women. Moreover, 27 percent of the 250 seats in the House of the People are reserved for women as per the 2004 Constitution.




NEW DELHI, 8 March, 2021 (TON): Starting from Tuesday till 21 March, the Uzbek and Indian soldiers will carry out counter-terror drills to enhance capabilities in Chaubatia near Ranikhet in Uttarakhand.

The exercise is named Dustlik and it is the second edition. The first one took place in November 2019 near Tashkent in Uzbekistan.

The exercise is to counter-terror operations in a mountainous rural and urban scenario.

Special Forces tracking techniques, surveillance through a hi-tech command post, slithering operations from helicopters, and intelligence-based surgical strikes will be highlights of the exercise.

The Uzbekistan Army contingent arrived in Delhi on Monday morning.

There would be a module in the drill wherein the forces would learn to avoid collateral damage from each other in built-up or residential areas where counter-terror operators take place.

The Uzbekistan Army contingent arrived in Delhi on Monday morning.

An opportunity for greater cultural understanding, sharing experiences, and strengthening mutual trust and cooperation will be provided to the armies.

However, it is likely to say that the growing military relations between the two are a diplomatic move as Uzbek has its connectivity to Afghanistan and Iraq important for India to counter Pakistan and also in the wake of China's Belt and Road Initiatives.



DHAKA, 8 March, 2021 (TON): As the BNP (Bangladesh National Party) chief Khaleda Zia sentenced to jail for two corruption cases, the law ministry has recommended extending a freeze on her jail sentences on the writ of her brother.

On Monday, the law ministry said that the recommendation has been sent out to the home ministry.

The 76-year-old former prime minister had served 25 months out of 17 years of prison sentences in two graft cases, involving Zia Orphanage Trust and Zia Charitable Trust before she was released amid the pandemic.

The government suspended the sentences of Khaleda twice before for six months each on the condition of receiving treatment at home and not abroad.

MALABO, 8 March, 2021 (TON):  On Sunday, at least 4 massive blasts hit a military camp in Equatorial Guinea killing many.  

The media reported that the first blast occurred in the early afternoon on Sunday.

A local resident Teodoro Nguema told the media, "We hear the explosion and we see the smoke, but we don't know what's going on."

The reason for the blasts remained unclear, however; early reports suggested they might have come from the camp's armory,


NEW DELHI, 8 March, 2021 (TON): On International Women’s Day on Monday, thousands of women have joined the farm protests on the outskirts of Delhi.

Since December last year, the farmers along with families have been camping at three sites on the outskirts of the Indian capital to scrap the new farm laws.

The women took the stage at one key site, head covered with yellow scarves, raising slogans, holding marches, and addressing the public through loudspeakers to target the laws.

More than 20,000 women gathered at the site near Delhi’s border with the state of Haryana, police and event organizers said.

The farm activist Kavitha Kuruganti said, “This is a day that will be managed and controlled by women, the speakers will be women, there will be a lot of feminist perspectives brought in, and discussions on what these laws mean for women farmers.”  

“It is one more occasion to showcase and highlight the contribution of women farmers both in agriculture in India as well as to this movement.”

Women farmers have as much at stake as men from the new laws, the activist told.

However, considering the largest protests and demonstrations in the capital the PM Narendra Modi has offered to suspend the reforms for 18 months but the agitated farmers denied to cooperate and demanded the repeal of the laws.  


WASHINGTON, 8 March, 2021 (TON): The media reported that the U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken in a letter to Afghan President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani proposed an UN-led peace conference on the country’s prolonged conflict.

 The media reported as it received the copy of the letter that in the 28 February dated letter to Ghani, Blinken proposed the conference in Turkey to discuss a unified approach to supporting peace in Afghanistan.

As per the reports, U.S., China, Russia, Pakistan, Iran and India’s diplomats would attend the proposed conference.

The proposals included a road map for a future Afghan government with Taliban representation; a revised constitution; and terms for a permanent and comprehensive cease-fire.

As the US had not decided to pull out the remaining about 2,500 troops from Afghanistan by May, it concerns that the Taliban could make rapid territorial gains following an American withdrawal, Blinken noted.

While, the State Department spokesman denied saying, "We have not made any decisions about our force posture in Afghanistan after May 1. All options remain on the table."

In February last year the two sides, U.S. and Taliban agreed on calling for a withdrawal of the American troops from the war-ridden country by May this year if the Taliban cooperates on the conditions of the deal, however, the Biden administration has stated that the Taliban has not fulfilled the conditions of the U.S.-Taliban deal.


CANBERRA, 8 March, 2021 (TON): Defense cooperation with Myanmar has been suspended by Australia and is again directing its humanitarian aid because of the military dominance and detention of an Australian national.

On Monday, the Australian FM Marise Payne said that “Australian diplomats and relatives had only been able to contact economic policy adviser Sean Turnell twice by phone since he was detained in early February.”

 She described the access as very limited consular support.

“We believe Professor Turnell has been arbitrarily detained along with senior members of the Myanmar government including State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi, including President Win Myint,” Payne told media.

She added, “We do not accept the conditions of his detention and the reasons for his detention. We seek a return to democracy. We seek absolutely the cessation of any armed violence against unarmed peaceful protesting civilians. And in everything we are doing, we are seeking Professor Turnell’s release.”

Australia has also announced to suspend a defense training program with Myanmar of about 1.5 million Australian dollars in worth.

However,  Australia has not fully withdrawn from lending a helping hand to Myanmar but has decided to restrict its humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable and needy in Myanmar including Rohingyas and other ethnic minorities rather than the government authorities and government-related entities.  

 “I assume that we are going more softly than otherwise at the moment until Sean is returned to Australia,” she added.

BAGHDAD, 8 March, 2021 (TON): PM Iraq Mustafa al-Kadhimi and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani discussed ways to enhance security and stability in the region on call.

On Saturday, Rouhani called the PM Iraq to develop bilateral relations at various levels and appreciated the efforts to enhance security and stability of the region, a statement by PM’s media house read.

The two leaders called on "all actors in the region to enhance calm through wisdom in dealing with regional crises and challenges", the statement said.

They also agreed that "dialogue is the only way to solve conflicts and crises in the region".

Rouhani also "condemned all activities committed by some groups that disturb the security of Iraq", the statement said, referring to the recent rocket attacks targeting military bases, as well as the US embassy in Baghdad.

Although the relations between the two countries have been stained since 3 January 2020, when the American drone struck a convoy near the Baghdad airport and killed Qasem Soleimani commander of the Quds Force of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, deputy chief of Iraq's paramilitary Hashd Shaabi forces.



WASHINGTON/SEOUL, 8 March, 2021 (TON): On Sunday the State Department said under an agreement between the U.S. and South Korea, South Korea will increase its contribution cost of U.S. forces stationed in the country.

A State Department spokeswoman said, “The agreement reflects the Biden administration’s commitment to reinvigorating and modernizing our democratic alliances around the world to advance our shared security and prosperity.”

As the Special Measures Agreement between the two sides as the previous arrangement expired in 2019, the spokeswoman said, “The agreement included a negotiated meaningful increase in host nation support contributions,” but gave no further details.

The spokeswoman added that there are about 28,500 U.S. troops stationed in South Korea as deterrence against North Korea. More than 90% of Seoul’s contributions under the previous agreement went directly back into the South Korean economy.

Presently, it remains clear that Seoul currently pays Washington about $920 million a year, however, the deal is yet to be approved by the South Korean legislature.



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