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ADEN, 1 March, 2021 (TON): Progress of the projects carried out by the country were discussed by the KsRelief office in Aden, and the UNICEF‘s representative to Yemen.  

The projects include providing and improving water access, environment sanitation, and health services in 15 Yemeni governorates, the draft operational program to support the 2020 UN Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan, and the response project to the coronavirus across health facilities in Yemeni governorates.

Meanwhile, on Sunday KSrelief inaugurated the second phase of the winter clothing project in Marib that would benefit 4,000 displaced families.

The head of the executive unit of internal displacement camps, Saif Muthana, stressed the importance of such projects in alleviating the suffering of displaced families.

It seems that the project comes in response to an appeal from the local authority to assist displaced families suffering from the harsh and extremely cold weather in Marib.

RIYADH, 1 March, 2021 (TON): A memorandum of understanding (MoU) has been signed virtually between the ultra-luxury destination on the Kingdom’s northwestern coast, Amaala and the Saudi Federation for Cyber security, Programming and Drones (SAFCSP).

The MoU was signed virtually in the presence of Amaala CEO John Pagano and his counterpart at SAFCSP, Muteb Alqany.

Pagano said, “Amaala is strongly committed to developing an exceptional luxurious destination for the most special travelers seeking unique and inspiring experiences. Therefore, using technology is essential to achieve Amaala’s aspirations and the Saudi Vision 2030, which is considered a bold reflection of the people’s ambitions, through providing new job opportunities in sectors such as technology and innovation.

“This agreement marks an important cooperation initiative between Amaala and SAFCSP that reflects our commitment to determining and adopting pioneering techniques, including AI and the Internet of Things, to ensure Amaala’s full readiness for the future.”

The agreement constitutes an important step toward developing the electronic services’ programs and promoting knowledge and expertise in the cyber security field.

It is important to note that innovative techniques in the field of drones, programming and artificial intelligence at Amaala will be adopted under the MoU.

NEW DELHI, 1 March, 2021 (TON): On Monday, Prime Minister Narendra gave a call to make concerted efforts in the farming sector in the country to find a comprehensive technological solution from "irrigation to sowing, till harvesting and earning".

"Now we have to give such options to farmers in which they are not limited to growing wheat and rice. We can try organic food to salad-related vegetables. There are several crops," Modi said during a webinar on effective implementation of Budget provisions regarding agriculture and farmers' welfare through video conference.

Modi said it's time "to make concerted efforts in the farming of the country, to find a comprehensive technological solution from irrigation to sowing, till harvesting and earning".

The Prime Minister also stressed the need to promote startups associated with the agriculture sector and connects the youth to involve the farm sector in achieving the 'Aatmanirbhar Bharat' (self-reliant) goal.

For the self-reliant India campaign emphasis is being laid on creating clusters for fruits and vegetable processing in districts across the country, he stated.


TUNIS, 1 March, 2021 (TON): On Sunday, Tunisia’s biggest political party apologized for the violence against journalists during Saturday’s rally.

Ennahda apologized for “the abuses committed against journalists” during the march in the capital Tunis, that had been organized by the party, media reported.

“The abuses committed by participants in the march against a number of journalists by no means represent the party’s position in dealing with media professionals.”

The union said they will prosecute assaulters and the organizing committee over violating “the laws guaranteeing the freedom of work of journalists, the report added.
“The people want to protect institutions” and “The people want national unity.”
However, the dispute has played out against a grim backdrop of economic anxiety, disillusionment with democracy and competing reform demands from foreign lenders and the Tunisian General Labor Union, UGTT, as debt repayments loom.

BEIJING, 1 March, 2021 (TON): On Monday, the Yangtze River Protection Law officially takes effect, with the aim of protecting China's longest river.

The law aimed at strengthening the ecological protection and restoration of the Yangtze River Basin, promoting the rational and efficient use of resources, ensuring ecological safety, and realizing the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

It also features new requirements for the Yangtze River biological protection, sewage treatment, flood control and disaster relief, and ecological restoration. 

The implementation of this law means we're attaching greater importance to the health of the river and environmental protection. This is the way green, eco-friendly development should go," Wang Fengchun, deputy director of the Legislation Department of China's National People's Congress Environmental Protection and Resources Conservation Committee.

The coordinating departments said the Law marks a change in direction for China.

KABUL, 1 March, 2021 (TON): The State Department stated on Sunday, US envoy to the Afghan peace process, Zalmay Khalilzad, will travel to Afghanistan and Qatar to resume discussions with the Afghan government officials and Taliban representatives.

As part of the mission aimed at working toward a just and durable political settlement and permanent and comprehensive ceasefire in the Afghan conflict, Khalilzad and his team will also visit other regional capitals.

 However, the department did not provide dates or other details.

US-brokered peace talks began in September but progress has since slowed and violence has risen with uncertainty over whether international forces will pull out troops by May as originally planned.

President Joe Biden's administration is conducting a review of a February 2020 deal with the Taliban that is expected to determine whether it will meet the deadline to withdraw the remaining 2,500 US troops from America's longest war.


DUBAI, 1 March, 2021, (TON): On Sunday, the media reported that a Russian warship has entered a Sudanese port where Moscow plans to build a naval base on Sudan’s Red Sea coast.

Admiral Grigorovich is the first Russian warship to enter Port Sudan.

In November, Russia announced a deal that outlined the creation of a logistical support center in Sudan where repairs and resupply operations would take place, as well as providing rest for crew members.

Under the deal, Russia will also be given the right to transport weapons, ammunition, and equipment via Sudan’s ports and airports.

It is noted that Moscow has been exploring Africa for this purpose as it enhances its geopolitical standing.


TRIPOLI, 1 March, 2021 (TON): On Sunday, Libya rescued at least 100 migrants off the west coast.

The Libyan coastguard rescued the mostly African migrants, the majority being from Cameroon, Sudan and Mali, as they attempted perilous sea crossings to Italy.

The migrants brought to Tripoli at a naval base met a team from the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

The survivors included six women and two children. Two people in critical condition were transported to the hospital in the capital city while around 20 were missing.

According to IOM, on Saturday, German charity Sea-Watch said it had saved nearly 150 migrants off the Libyan coast in two operations and more than 1,200 migrants and asylum-seekers died while crossing the Mediterranean in 2020, according to the IOM.


KABUL, 1 March, 2021 (TON): In line with the historic accord between the two sides in Doha last year, the Taliban urged the U.S. to completely drop its troops from Afghanistan by 1 May.

The group warned on Sunday, that any move in substitute of the deal was doomed to fail.

In a statement, it said, “The Islamic Emirate (the name of the Taliban’s former government) is committed on its part to all contents of the agreement and views its implementation as the sole effective tool for resolving the Afghan issue and establishing peace that shall be realized under the shade of an Islamic system.”

“The Islamic Emirate also calls on the other party to the agreement to honor its own commitments towards security and stability in Afghanistan by implementing all parts of the agreement,” the group said.

The demands were issued on the anniversary of the controversial deal that followed almost a year and a half of secret talks between the Taliban and US delegates. The group has said that its fighters had not attacked foreign troops and major Afghan cities since signing the agreement.

The Taliban’s statement follows repeated comments by officials in US President Joe Biden’s administration that Washington will review the deal signed under former President Donald Trump’s watch.

However, It seems very unlikely that the Taliban will agree to an extension if Biden unilaterally decides to stay past the deadline.


KATHMANDU, 1 March, 2021 (TON): On Sunday, Prime Minister of Nepal, KP Sharma Oli laid the foundation stone in Jhapa district that would set up a total of 192 small, medium-sized and large factories inside the park.

The park would be the largest in the country of Nepal.

The media reported that Damak Clean Industrial Park, a Nepali partner for the joint venture along with Lhasa Economic and Technological Development Zone Investment Development Co. Ltd and Jing Ping Joint Creation Construction Project Development Co. Ltd from China are working on the project.

The China-Nepal Friendship Industrial Park is expected to host enterprises of producing white goods, transportation equipment, and textile and garments and food processing, among others.

A significant portion of the industrial park will be developed in the next two years and around 45,000 people are expected to be employed during the first two years of the development phase, PM said.

"Infrastructure development is expected to be completed in the next five years employing tens of thousands of people," he said during the foundation stone laying ceremony on Sunday.

"Modern industries will be set up inside the park helping the country's industrialization."

However, the development of China-Nepal Friendship Industrial Park is part of the Kathmandu government's industrialization drive, and that it will help the country achieve economic prosperity.



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