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NEW DELHI, 29 December 2021, (TON): A senior official for the state of Tamil Nadu told media “a Foxconn iPhone factory in India at the centre of a mass food-poisoning incident will extend a week-long closure by an extra three days.”

The official said “the factory, which employs some 17,000 people, had been due to resume some operations on Monday but is now expected to restart production with 1,000 workers.”

He added that the state government had conducted inspections of workers’ hostels.

Last week, protests erupted after more than 250 women who work at the plant and live in one of the hostels had to be treated for food poisoning. Some of the protesters were rounded up by the police but later released.

The incident has thrown a spotlight on living conditions for the workers – most of them women – who reside in hostels near the factory which is located in the southern city of Chennai.

The official said ”the Taiwanese contract manufacturer for Apple Inc and other Big Technology names as well as 11 of its contractors including those who provide food and living facilities were summoned for a meeting.”

WASHINGTON, 29 December 2021, (TON): The United States has said “the attempted suspension of Somalian Prime Minister Mohammed Hussein Roble was alarming and that it supported his efforts for rapid and credible elections.”

The US State Department African Affairs Bureau said in a tweet late on Monday that it was also prepared to act against those obstructing Somalia’s path to peace.

On Monday, President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed said he had suspended Roble’s powers for suspected corruption, a move the prime minister described as a coup attempt.

BEIJING, 29 December 2021, (TON): Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said “the actions of US space companies endanger astronauts in orbit, the US government needs to start respecting international space law and take appropriate measures.”

Earlier, China’s permanent representatives to the UN sent a note to the UN Secretary General, in which they said that the Chinese orbital station Tiangong had to maneuver twice this year to avoid collisions with the US company SpaceX’s Starlink satellites.

The note also notes that the satellites have come too close to the station, jeopardizing the safety of the Chinese astronauts there.

Lijian said at a briefing “I can state with full responsibility that the satellites of the American company SpaceX twice this year found themselves at a dangerous distance from the Chinese space station – in July and October. The Chinese astronauts were at the station at that time. They had to take emergency measures to prevent a collision.”

He also recalled that, according to the international treaty on outer space, signed in 1967, including by the United States, all countries of the world must protect the safety of astronauts, and in the event of situations that threaten their lives and health, immediately inform the UN Secretary General.

WASHINGTON, 29 December 2021, (TON): US Ambassador to the Russian Federation John Sullivan criticized the decision of the Russian court to liquidate Memorial (recognized as a foreign agent), thus continuing a series of statements about Russia’s internal affairs, despite the fact that the United States itself has repeatedly and unsubstantiatedly accused Moscow of interfering in the affairs of its state.

Sullivan quoted the United States Embassy in Twitter “today’s decision by the Russian Supreme Court to close International Memorial – one of the oldest and best-known Russian human rights organizations – is a blatant and tragic attempt to suppress freedom of speech and erase history.”

On Tuesday, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation ruled to liquidate the international society Memorial (already recognized as a foreign agent in Russia) at the suit of the Prosecutor General’s Office, and tomorrow the Moscow City Court will consider a similar claim against the human rights center Memorial.

LONDON, 29 December 2021, (TON): The participants in the talks on the Iranian nuclear program in Vienna announced technical progress, pointing out the importance of continuing to work on a tight schedule.

This was reported by local media, citing diplomats from Britain, France and Germany.

According to them, the parties have “several weeks, but not months” to save the deal. At the same time, they refused to name a specific deadline until which they are ready to negotiate.

On Monday in Vienna, where negotiations on the Iranian nuclear deal have been underway since April, the eighth round of consultations began within the framework of the meeting of the Joint Commission of Iran and the “five” international mediators (Russia, Great Britain, Germany, China and France) on the restoration of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on the Iranian nuclear program (JCPOA).

DHAKA, 29 December 2021, (TON): Dhaka wants prior discussions before the US takes any decision on Bangladesh regarding security cooperation so that the country can ensure protection of its security interests.

Foreign Secretary Masud Bin Momen told "we will communicate to the US that they should let us know before making any decision if they have any allegations against any organisation of Bangladesh.”

He said “if the US says that they have credible information on any organisation, Bangladesh would seek to learn of the source of the information.”

Masud Bin Momen said "we will seek adequate time to explain the measures that Bangladesh will have taken and its position.”

The meeting discussed various aspects of Leahy Law that governs the nation's funding to foreign security forces. Officials from the home and law ministries and law enforcement agencies were present at the meeting. The law will be effective from January, 2022.

In a letter to Dhaka on December 1, Washington said Dhaka needs to inform in writing the consent to the Leahy Law for assistance on security cooperation.

The US will need consent of the countries where the US cooperates on security issues. Bangladesh would need to inform the US government of the security forces that get security assistance from the US and how it will be used.

NEW DELHI, 29 December 2021, (TON): Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that India has emerged as the second biggest startup hub in the world, and this has been achieved majorly with the help of students from the Indian Institutes of Technology.

Addressing the 54th convocation ceremony of IIT Kanpur, the Prime Minister said "in this 75th year of independence, we have over 75 unicorns, over 50,000 startups.

Of these, 10,000 have come only in the last 6 months. India has emerged to be the second biggest startup hub in the world, and this feat has been achieved majorly with the help of students from IITs." Modi said IIT Kanpur's contribution in developing 5G technology has been recognized globally.

The Prime Minister said when India will celebrate its 100th year of independence, it will include the contribution of all the students who are present here today.

Modi said "in the last 7 years, several programs have been introduced by the Center to aid students. The youth is being readied to face bigger challenges more efficiently with the help of National Education Policy.”

He further said that everyone should strive religiously for achieving Atmanirbhar Bharat.

He added "we should have achieved a lot of things by the time India completed 25 years of independence. But unfortunately, we could not do much. But now, we do not have even two minutes to waste. We must strive religiously for a self-reliant nation.”

DHAKA, 29 December 2021, (TON): Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said that it was surprising to hear the United States speak of justice, rights and democracy while harbouring a prime suspect in the assassination of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

She exclaimed “after coming to power, I wrote to all the presidents of the USA requesting them to deport the convicted criminal. I don’t know why America, which is very vocal about democracy, is giving shelter to a killer.”

She added “it’s surprising that we have to take lessons from them on the rule of law, democracy and justice.”

She made the remarks while unveiling Mujib memorial books titled ‘Bangabandhu ebong Bichar Bibhag’, ‘Bangabandhu and the Judiciary’ and Mujib Borsho Souvenir ‘Nyay Kantha’ (Voice of the Justice) published by the Bangladesh Supreme Court on the occasion of Mujib Borsho (Mujib Year), reports UNB.

All the cases filed against Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and their verdicts alongside the laws enacted by the Bangabandhu government were incorporated in the books “Bangabandhu ebong Bichar Bibhag”, and “Bangabandhu and the Judiciary”.

DHAKA, 29 December 2021, (TON): Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen has said “the Bangali nation is a victorious nation that has mastered the art of facing challenges and adversities.”

He said while addressing a discussion meeting organized by Bangladesh Sangeet Parishad “When we are united, there is no challenge for us. Moreover, we are inspired by Bangabandhu's speeches, which have always guided us to work with sincerity and patriotism.”

The event marked the occasion of the birth centenary celebration of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, and speaking at the event, Momen said “Bangabandhu's daughter Sheikh Hasina is taking the country forward by tackling various adversities.”

Momen said at the event "within 2041, we expect and desire, just like our Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, that we will achieve the 'Sonar Bangla' of Bangabandhu's dream. During this process of achieving the goal, we will face many kinds of problems, challenges, situations and adversities. That being said, we will be successful and victorious because we are a victorious nation, we know how to face the challenge.”

VIENNA, 28 December 2021, (TON): Negotiators trying to save the landmark Iran nuclear deal resumed discussions on Monday with the EU chair warning of difficult work ahead.

Negotiations to salvage the 2015 agreement restarted in late November, after a five-month hiatus following the election of ultraconservative Iran President Ebrahim Raisi.

The talks seek to bring back the US, after it left the accord in 2018, and curtail Iran’s nuclear activities, stepped up in response to the US withdrawal and reimposed sanctions.

EU diplomat Enrique Mora, who is chairing the talks, said “all sides were showing a clear will to work toward the successful end of this negotiation.”

The talks’ coordinator, Mora told a news conference “if we work hard in the days and weeks ahead we should have a positive result. It’s going to be very difficult, it’s going to be very hard. Difficult political decisions have to be taken both in Tehran and in Washington.”

He was speaking shortly after a meeting of the remaining parties to the deal; Iran, Russia, China, France, Britain, Germany and the European Union, formally kicked off the round on Monday evening.

Mora said “there is a sense of urgency in all delegations that this negotiation has to be finished in a relatively reasonable period of time. Again, I wouldn’t put limits but we are talking about weeks, not about months.”

He said “the talks will discuss US sanctions-lifting and Iran’s atomic commitments in parallel despite comments by Tehran and Beijing suggesting sanctions would be the focus.”

Mora added “we are working on both tracks in parallel, we are not working on one side and forgetting or neglecting the other. On the contrary, both tracks are mutually reinforcing.”

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