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MOSCOW, 12 December 2021, (TON): Russia called upon Nato rescind a 2008 commitment to Ukraine and Georgia that they would one day become members and said “the alliance should promise not to deploy weapons in countries bordering Russia that could threaten its security.”

The demands were spelt out by the Russian foreign ministry in its fullest statement yet on the security guarantees that President Vladimir Putin says he wants to obtain from the United States and its allies.

The ministry said in a statement “in the fundamental interests of European security, it is necessary to formally disavow the decision of the 2008 Nato Bucharest summit that ‘Ukraine and Georgia will become Nato members.”

Ukraine is at the centre of a crisis in East-West relations as it accuses Russia of massing tens of thousands of troops in preparation for a possible large-scale military offensive.

Russia denies planning any attack, but accuses Ukraine and the United States of destabilising behaviour, and has said it needs security guarantees for its own protection.

PARIS, 12 December 2021, (TON): French President Emmanuel Macron hailed a convergence of views with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz as the two men met for their first talks as leaders. Macron and Scholz, both pro-EU centrists, are the new tandem in charge of Europe’s biggest economies that have the greatest influence inside the 27-member European Union.

Scholz, a Social Democrat, heads a new coalition whose commitment to strengthening Europe’s strategic sovereignty has raised hopes of progress in the fervently pro-EU French government.

Addressing Scholz as “dear Olaf” and using the informal “tu” pronoun in French, Macron said he had seen “a convergence of views, a desire to have our countries work together, and a firm and determined belief in Europe, which I knew already, which we will need in the months and years ahead.”

He added at a news conference “the visit was a very important moment to build solid foundations for cooperation between our countries.”

RIYADH, 12 December 2021, (TON): State media reported Saturday “over 190 Houthi militants were killed after the Arab coalition carried 26 operations against the group in Marib over the past 24 hours.” 

It said that the attacks in Marib destroyed 20 military vehicles and drone control units.

LONDON, 12 December 2021, (TON): Foreign Secretary Lis Truss’ meeting with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on 10 December 2021.

Foreign Secretary Liz Truss met US Secretary of State Antony Blinken ahead of the G7 Foreign And Development Ministers’ Meeting in Liverpool.

Both agreed their support for Ukraine and expressed deep concern about the build-up of Russian troops on Ukraine’s border. In addition they said that any incursion by Russia would be a strategic mistake for which there would be serious consequences.

The Foreign Secretary and Secretary Blinken both agreed on the importance of defending and promoting freedom and democracy and the need for a unity of purpose from the G7 to achieve this.

In discussions over ‘Build Back Better World’ the Foreign Secretary welcomed this initiative and stressed how the UK’s new British International Investment will provide reliable and honest tech and infrastructure finance to lower and middle-income countries.

TEHRAN, 12 December 2021, (TON): A top Iranian military official warned on Saturday of a heavy price for aggressors, state media said, after a report of US and Israeli plans for possible military drills to prepare for strikes against Iran's nuclear sites if diplomacy fails.

Nournews, affiliated with Iran's top security body, said on Twitter "providing conditions for military commanders to test Iranian missiles with real targets will cost the aggressors a heavy price.”

A senior US official told Reuters on Thursday that US and Israeli defence chiefs were expected to discuss possible military exercises that would prepare for a worst-case scenario to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities should diplomacy fail and if their nations' leaders request it.

Iran denies seeking nuclear weapons, saying it wants to master nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

The US-Israeli preparations, which have not been previously reported, underscore Western concern about difficult nuclear talks with Iran that President Joe Biden had hoped would revive a 2015 nuclear deal abandoned by his predecessor, Donald Trump.

ANKARA, 12 December 2021, (TON): The world’s first Turkish-made Eren laser-powered drone has successfully fired at distances of 500, 300 and 100 meters, Anadolu reports.

It is noted that the drone will be transferred to the armament of the Turkish Armed Forces after the completion of all phases of testing.

The Eren drone, developed by the defense companies TÜBITAK and As-isguard, is capable of re-motely neutralizing explosive elements using laser weapons.

TEHRAN, 12 December 2021, (TON): Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-abdollahian announced here that Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi will chair the first meeting of High Council of Iranian Affairs Abroad after eight years.

Amirabdollahian made the remarks during his speech to a gathering attended by ambassadors and envoys of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the neighboring states.

Neighbors are among main issues in new Iranian government’s foreign policy, the foreign minister said, adding that there is consensus in the new government over importance of policy on neighborliness.

He added “new Iranian government believes that the country and all neighbors should benefit from strengthening relations.”

ISLAMABAD, 12 December 2021, (TON): Pakistan yesterday urged the United Nations to play its role on the issue of occupied Kashmir.

In a message on the Human Rights Day, Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said “Pakistan joins the international community in celebrating the 73rd anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights.”

The Declaration continues to be a beacon of light and a moral compass for states, societies and communities to promote and protect rights, freedoms, and dignity of every human being, without any distinction.

He said “the annual commemoration of this day also signifies the progress achieved in realizing the universally shared ideals of equality, non-discrimination, justice, tolerance, peace and development.”

He added “yet, this day is also a reminder of the need to both preserve these gains and to redouble efforts in empowering those whose rights remain unrealized, whose freedoms and dignity remain under attack and those who have been left behind.”

DHAKA, 12 December 2021, (TON): The Afghan Taliban have distanced themselves from the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) after the latter recently claimed it was a branch of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA).

TTP chief Mufti Noor Wali Mahsud, in a video available on social media and purportedly shot during his visit to Pakistan's northern areas, had declared that his outfit came under the larger umbrella of the IEA.

Mahsud, flanked by armed TTP fighters, can be seen saying in the video as he addressed a group of men "Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan is a branch of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, [and] is a part of that umbrella on this land.”

Afghan Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid, in an interview with Arab News on Friday, rejected Mahsud's claim of affiliation with the IEA.

"They are not, as an organisation, part of IEA and we don’t share the same objectives,” Mujahid is quoted as saying by the publication.

DHAKA, 12 December 2021, (TON): Bangladesh has urged the international community and the relevant UN agencies to scale up their efforts to share the international burden and responsibility given the protracted nature of the Rohingya crisis.

Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the UN Ambassador Rabab Fatima made the call while speaking at the General Assembly Debate on “Strengthening of the coordination of humanitarian and disaster relief assistance of the United Nations, including special economic assistance.”

Highlighting the humanitarian assistance provided by Bangladesh to the Rohingyas sheltered in Cox’s Bazaar in cooperation with the UN and other humanitarian partners, she called for increased international attention to the situation in Myanmar to create the conditions for the safe and sustainable return of the displaced 1.1 million Rohingyas to their homeland.

The UN Ambassador called for increased international attention to the situation in Myanmar to create the conditions for the safe and sustainable return of the displaced Rohingyas.

The Ambassador said “the protraction of the crisis will further compound the already complex political and humanitarian situation in this region.”

On natural disaster and climate related humanitarian situations, she shared Bangladesh’s good practices and substantive investments in disaster-risk reduction, prevention, adaptation and resilience building, mitigation and relief.

“We’ve adopted the Mujib Climate Prosperity Plan which shifts the focus from vulnerability to resilience building and prosperity.”

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