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KABUL, 03 December 2021, (TON): Two sources familiar with the matter said “the World Bank’s board has backed transferring $280 million from a frozen trust fund to two aid agencies to help Afghanistan cope with a brewing humanitarian crisis after the US withdrawal.”

The sources said “the 31 donors to the World Bank-administered Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF) must approve the transfer before the funds could flow to the World Food Programme and UNICEF, the sources said. The donors were expected to meet.”

The World Bank board met informally to discuss transferring up to $500 million of the $1.5 billion in the ARTF to humanitarian aid agencies, people familiar with the plan previously told media.

Afghanistan’s 39 million people face a cratering economy, a winter of food shortages and growing poverty three months after the Taliban seized power as the last US troops withdrew from 20 years of war.

Afghan experts have said the aid would help, but big questions remain, including how to get funds into Afghanistan without exposing any financial institutions involved to US sanctions.

While the US Treasury has provided “comfort letters” assuring banks that they can process humanitarian transactions, concern about US sanctions continues to prevent passage of even basic supplies, including food and medicine.

KABUL, 03 December 2021, (TON): Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanekzai Esmatullah Ergashev, Special Representative of the President of Uzbekistan for Afghanistan.

During the meeting, Deputy Minister Stanekzai thanked the Republic of Uzbekistan for its humanitarian aid, transmission of electricity, technical and other assistance.

Representative Ergashev welcomed achievements of the new Afghan government.

He added that his country will back the call of Afghans in all international forums.

ISLAMABAD, 03 December 2021, (TON): Pakistan has turned down the Indian proposal seeking transportation of 50,000 metric tonnes of wheat as humanitarian assistance for Afghanistan either in Indian or Afghan trucks through the Wagah border.

Official sources told media that India seemed to be deliberately spreading "misinformation" about Pakistani modalities for the shipment of humanitarian assistance via the Wagah border.

As per the modalities, Pakistan proposed that trucks under the banner of the UN’s World Food Programme (WFP) should transport the wheat and other essentials from India to Afghanistan.

Pakistan already took WFP on board and the UN agency was ready to execute the plan, a senior Foreign Office official said requesting anonymity. The official clarified that the Pakistani modalities should not be seen as conditions.

Rather, he added, they were meant to facilitate India’s humanitarian assistance for Afghanistan.

However, India made a counter proposal and suggested that the wheat should be shipped either in Indian or Pakistani trucks.

The official said "this option is not feasible.”

Since there is no two-way trade between Afghanistan and India through Pakistan, even New Delhi knows its trucks cannot be used for the transportation of wheat.

The official said “if Pakistan allowed Indian trucks and their crew to use its land route, some incident might happen that would trigger a diplomatic crisis. Secondly, Pakistan did consider the option of using Afghan trucks. However, it was told that Afghan trucks used Pakistani lorries for exports to India.”

NAYPYITAW, 03 December 2021, (TON): Two members of the military-backed Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) have been killed in as many days in Mandalay, both on suspicion of acting as military informants.

A 50-year-old former ward administrator named Myo Myint was shot dead at around 11am in Aye Thukha ward, located in Mandalay’s Maha Aungmyay Township.

According to a resident of the area, the killing took place near the ward’s Thidar Yone monastery.

The local, who spoke on condition of anonymity “it was just a single gunshot to the head. He died on the spot. A social service vehicle came to pick up his body.”

A Mandalay-based resistance group called Generation Z Power (GZP) claimed responsibility for the assassination.

NAYPYITAW, 03 December 2021, (TON): Myanmar’s underground government has welcomed a decision by a United Nations credentials committee to keep the country’s current representative in place, calling the move a first step towards international recognition.

The nine-member Credentials Committee of the General Assembly, responsible for approving the nominations of each UN member state’s ambassador to the world body, deferred a decision on who will represent Afghanistan and Myanmar.

The deferral means that Kyaw Moe Tun, appointed by now-deposed civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi's government last year, will remain as Myanmar's permanent representative for now.

The 52-year-old diplomat denounced the junta and chose to continue to represent the elected government shortly after the military takeover.

The National Unity Government (NUG), comprised of elected lawmakers, civil society groups, and other anti-regime forces, sees the UN committee’s move as a step forward in gaining legitimacy as the official government of Myanmar.

Aung Myo Min, the NUG’s minister for human rights, said in an interview “we can say that the first step has succeeded for U Kyaw Moe Tun to continue representing Myanmar as a permanent ambassador.”

He added “the General Assembly’s decision would be a master key for NUG and U Kyaw Moe Tun to open every door.”

DHAKA, 03 December 2021, (TON): US Ambassador to Bangladesh Earl R Miller has said the US will continue support to Bangladesh with the aim of eliminating AIDS by 2030.

He added “the US is currently providing HIV/AIDS related support and services for about 90,000 Bangladeshi people.”

According to a press release “the US envoy made the remarks during an event organized by the Bandhu Social Welfare Society (Bandhu) at Mohila Shamiti to celebrate World AIDS Day on Wednesday. Ambassador Miller was the guest of honour at the event.”

He said “in line with the UN declaration for the elimination of AIDS, the US will also keep their contribution towards the betterment of the HIV field in Bangladesh. The initiatives taken by the Government of Bangladesh to prevent HIV/AIDS in the country is truly commendable work.”

Health Ministry Additional Secretary Kazi Zebunnessa Begum, UNFPA acting country representative Eiko Narita , UNAIDS Country Manager Dr Sayma Khan and National AIDS/STD Program Director Dr Mohammad Aminul Islam Mian were also present at the event. It was chaired by Bandhu Chairperson and prominent dance artist Anisul Islam Hero.

 According to government data, 729 new HIV cases were identified while 188 died from AIDS last year.

NEW DELHI, 03 December 2021, (TON): India's polluted capital again ordered schools closed on Thursday over dangerous smog levels, as the country's top court demanded officials take action to address the toxic haze.

New Delhi, one of the world's most polluted cities and home to about 20 million people, is cloaked in a thick blanket of smog every winter.

The city government shuttered schools in November but allowed classes to resume after claiming air quality had improved.

They reversed course on Thursday after a Supreme Court hearing gave authorities 24 hours to reduce smog levels.

Chief Justice NV Ramana said during proceedings "small children have to go (to class) in morning fog. There's no respect.”

The Supreme Court asked the government to curb vehicle emissions and industrial pollution, the main drivers of the city's smog problem.

NEW DELHI, 03 December 2021, (TON): Indian Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla is likely to arrive in Dhaka on December 7 on a two-day visit.

A diplomatic source said “a formal announcement is expected to come anytime soon.”

The Indian foreign secretary is set to discuss various issues, including preparations for the upcoming visit of the Indian president to Bangladesh.

Indian President Ram Nath Kovind is scheduled to attend the Victory Day celebrations here on December 16 apart from his other key engagements.

Kovind will be visiting Bangladesh at the invitation of his Bangladesh counterpart Abdul Hamid.

Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen confirmed the Indian President's visit to Bangladesh.

DHAKA, 03 December 2021, (TON): Three trainers from Russia, Sri Lanka and South Africa conducted the training.

Members of Bangladesh Coast Guard have completed a VBSS (Visit, Board, Search and Seizure) training organized under United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

A total of four Coast Guard officials and 12 sailors received the training to resist criminal activity in the coastal areas and conduct anti-drug and anti-smuggling operations more efficiently.

Bangladesh Coast Guard Director General Rear Admiral Ashraful Hoq Chowdhury, ndu, afwc, psc) handing over certificates to the participants for successfully completing the training.

Lieutenant Commander Khandaker Munif Taki, media officer of Bangladesh Coast Guard Headquarters, disclosed the information.

DHAKA, 03 December 2021, (TON): Permanent Representative Rabab Fatima in the UN tells the plenary meeting of the UNGA "Bangladesh has called upon the international community to act in a way to achieve a just, lasting, comprehensive and peaceful solution to the Palestine question through recognizing an independent State of Palestine with rightful place in the United Nations (UN)."

Rabab Fatima "the international community must make genuine efforts to address the root causes of the Palestinian crisis, and put an end to the Israeli aggression.”

She was speaking at the plenary meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on the agenda item- Question of Palestine on Wednesday, according to a message received here.

Fatima said “Israel's compliance with all international human rights and humanitarian laws, and relevant UN resolutions, including resolution 2334 (2016) must be ensured.”

She added "the continuation of the Palestinian debate here is a stark reminder of the international community's failure to protect the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people.”

Ambassador Fatima reiterated Bangladesh's unwavering and steadfast support to the just cause of the people of Palestine for an independent,viable, and sovereign Palestinian State, with East Jerusalem as its capital, under a two-state solution based on the pre-1967 borders.

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