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TEHRAN, 04 November 2021, (TON): The head of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council tweeted “negotiations to revive Iran’s 2015 nuclear agreement with world powers will fail unless U.S. President Joe Biden can guarantee that Washington will not again abandon the pact.”

Ali Shamkhani tweeted “the U.S. President, lacking authority, is not ready to give guarantees. If the current status quo continues, the result of negotiations is clear.”

MOSCOW, 04 November 2021, (TON): The crews of submarines and aircraft of the Black Sea Fleet have worked out the conventional missile and bomb strikes in the Black Sea on a detachment of ships of the imaginary enemy, the press service of the Black Sea Fleet reports.

The message says that the crews of the Black Sea Fleet submarines Rost-ovon-Don and Veliky Novgorod, during the exercise, practiced striking with Kalibr-PL missiles at a detachment of imaginary enemy ships.

In addition, the crews of the Su-30SM and Su-24 aircraft from the Naval Aviation and Air Defense of the Black Sea Fleet, in the course of their combat training tasks, practiced the application of simulated missile and bomb strikes against a sea target in cooperation with the crews of the coastal anti-ship missile systems Bal and Bastion.

BEIJING, 04 November 2021, (TON): Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu, speaking with US Special Representative for Iran, Robert Malley, urged Washington to take a positive and constructive stance on Tehran’s nuclear program and resume negotiations.

As stated in the message of the PRC Foreign Ministry, their telephone conversation took place.

The Deputy Foreign Minister said “currently, the situation around Iran’s nuclear program is at a key stage. The parties concerned must make joint efforts, take into account the fair and rational concerns of the Iranian side, take a positive and pragmatic position, promote the resumption of negotiations and progress in the right direction.”

According to the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Malley announced his intention to continue contacts with the PRC on this issue and expressed hope for an early resumption of negotiations.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Said Khatibzadeh confirmed that the dialogue on a return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on the Iranian nuclear program will resume by the end of November, and the exact date will be announced within a week.

WASHINGTON, 04 November 2021, (TON): The delivery of American Black Hawk attack helicopters to the National Armed Forces (NAF) of Latvia is delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

This was announced by the commander of the National Armed Forces Leonids Kalnins at a meeting of the Seimas (parliament) commission for defense, internal affairs and the fight against corruption.

The local agency LETA reported “it was planned that the first Black Hawk helicopter will be delivered to the NVS at the end of 2022, the next two in 2023, and the remaining fourth in 2024.”

In September 2018, the Latvian government approved the purchase of four Black Hawk attack helicopters worth about € 175 million. The helicopters were planned to be purchased under the US defense funding program for foreign states and an intergovernmental agreement between the countries.

WASHINGTON, 04 November 2021, (TON): Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov said “the United States should reconsider its concept of “moral egoism”.

“What is the essence of this concept? At one time, Henry Kissinger gave an answer to this , who formulated as follows:” what is good for America is good for the whole world, “Antonov said on the air of the Russia 24 TV channel.

He stressed that this principle ignores the cultural and historical differences of countries, as well as their priorities.

The ambassador added “so, the Americans impose their approaches in economic and international markets … At the same time, they constantly threaten us with sanctions.”

The head of the diplomatic mission noted that Russian enterprises have learned to work in these conditions and find opportunities for interaction without violating American laws.

There is a possibility that the US will impose new sanctions against Russia, said Russian Ambassador.

TEHRAN, 04 November 2021, (TON): Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) said  that they had thwarted an attempt by the US Navy to seize a tanker in the Sea of Oman carrying its oil.

The sequence of events was initially reported by state television, without specifying the date.

In a statement on its website Sepahnews, the IRGC later suggested that the incident occurred over a week ago.

BEIJING, 04 November 2021, (TON): China accused the US of a lack of transparency and responsibility regarding an accident in the South China Sea involving a Navy submarine last month.

At a daily briefing, foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said “the US should provide full details of the incident that has revived a dispute between the two countries over the strategic waterway.”

He said “we once again urge the US to give a detailed account of the accident.”

Two US Navy officials said “the service had determined the nuclear-powered USS Connecticut struck a seamount, or underwater mountain.”

The Navy has yet to fully explain how or why the sub struck the seamount or to reveal the extent of damage to the Seawolf-class submarine. Wang described what he called a lack of transparency and responsibility by the US in following up with the incident.

He said that the US has so far failed to offer a clear explanation” of what the Navy nuclear submarine was doing in the area, as well as the specific location of the accident, whether it was in another country’s exclusive economic zone or even territorial waters, whether it caused a nuclear leak or damaged marine environment.

China claims sovereignty over virtually the entire South China Sea, through which trillions of dollars of international trade pass each year.

WASHINGTON, 04 November 2021, (TON): The US Commerce Department added Israel's NSO Group and Candiru to its trade blacklist, saying they sold spyware to foreign governments that used the equipment to target government officials, journalists and others.

Positive Technologies of Russia, and Computer Security Initiative Consultancy PTE. LTD, from Singapore, were also listed.

The Department said that they trafficked in cyber tools used to gain unauthorised access to computer networks.

The companies' addition to the list, for engaging in activities contrary to US national security or foreign policy interests, means that exports to them from U.S counterparts are restricted. It for instance makes it far harder for US security researchers to sell them information about computer vulnerabilities.

A spokesperson for the US State Department said "we are not taking action against countries or governments where these entities are located.”

Suppliers will need to apply for a license before selling to them, which are likely to be denied.

In the past, the NSO Group and Candiru have been accused of selling hacking tools to authoritarian regimes.

NSO said “it only sells its products to law enforcement and intelligence agencies and takes steps to curb abuse.”

KABUL, 04 November 2021, (TON): A roadside bomb struck a Taliban patrol in eastern Afghanistan, killing two people and wounding three, witnesses said.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility.

A Taliban district commander in the city confirmed the blast and said “our Taliban fighters were wounded. The commander, who identified himself as Mubariz and like many Afghans goes by one name did not provide details about those killed in the attack, saying the investigation continues.

In recent weeks, Taliban officials have been reluctant or slow to release details about Taliban fatalities.

Taliban officials said “guards prevented the attackers from entering the hospital.”

KABUL, 04 November 2021, (TON):  Officials of the Islamic Emirate pledged to support the freedom of expression under the structure of Islamic regulation.

Talking at a ceremony held to increase coordination between the media and related institutions, the spokesman for the Interior Minister Sayed Khosti said that the Islamic Emirate would not allow anyone to silence the freedom of expression.

He added “the Islamic Emirate supports the freedom of expression based on Islamic values and the country’s interest, and is committed to not allow anyone to make obstacles for the media.”

The journalists and media watchdogs called on the officials of the Islamic Emirate to form a clear scheme for freedom of speech and media policy.

“An amendment should be formed for the media. So, based on the scheme of the Islamic Emirate the media should run their activities,” said Abdul Moyed Hashimi, head of Afghanistan’s journalists safety committee.

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