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COLOMBO, 06 August 2021, (TON): High Commissioner of India to Sri Lanka Gopal Baglay called on Foreign Minister Dinesh Gunawardena.

Minister Gunawardena thanked the government and the people of India for extending assistance to opening of the country for economic activities. The High Commissioner Baglay also appreciated Sri Lanka for lifting entry restrictions imposed on Indians if they are fully vaccinated as lifting of such restrictions would provide immense benefits for Sri Lanka’s tourism industry and the economy as a whole.

During the discussion, a joint commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of Independence of India and Sri Lanka was proposed in view of celebrating the centuries old cultural values shared between the two countries. Commemorating this milestone which consists of cultural and religious events such as Buddhist pilgrims' programmes and more importantly bringing down sacred Buddhist relics from India to Sri Lanka, which would the bilateral relations to flourish further.

The Minister Gunawardena underscored the government's priority in the field of renewable energy and he invited Indian private sector investments in the sustainable energy sector in Sri Lanka.

TEHRAN, 06 August 2021, (TON):  The protégé of Iran’s supreme leader, Ebrahim Raisi, was sworn in as the country’s new president during a ceremony in parliament on Thursday, an inauguration that completes hard-liners’ dominance of all branches of government in the Islamic Republic.

The former judiciary chief known for his distrust of the West takes the reins at a tense time. Iran’s indirect talks with the US to salvage Tehran’s landmark 2015 nuclear deal have stalled, as Washington maintains crippling sanctions on the country and regional hostilities simmer.

Raisi said during his half-hour inauguration speech “the sanctions must be lifted, we will support any diplomatic plan that supports this goal.”

Wearing the traditional black turban that identifies him in the Shiite tradition as a direct descendant of Islam’s Prophet Muhammad, Raisi recited the oath of office with his right hand on the Qur’an.

In his address, Raisi stressed his embrace of diplomacy to lift US sanctions and mend rifts with neighbors, a subtle reference to Sunni rival Saudi Arabia. But he also signaled that Iran seeks to expand its power as a counterbalance to foes across the region.

He said “wherever there is oppression and crime in the world, in the heart of Europe, in the US, Africa, Yemen, Syria, Palestine, we will stand by the people.”

Raisi, who won a landslide victory in an election that saw the lowest voter turnout in the nation’s history, faces a mountain of problems, what he described on Thursday as “the highest level of hostilities by Iran’s enemies, unjust economic sanctions, widespread psychological warfare and the difficulties of the coronavirus pandemic.”

ISLAMABAD, 06 August 2021, (TON): Prime Minister Imran Khan and Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa on Thursday called out India over its continuous "inhuman military siege" and "unprecedented oppression" in occupied Kashmir.

Their rebuke came as the country observed Youm-e-Istehsal Kashmir (the day of exploitation) to mark two years since New Delhi stripped the valley of its special autonomy.

The prime minister, in a series of tweets, said "today marks two years since India’s unilateral and illegal actions of 5 Aug 2019 in IIOJK.

In these two years, the world has witnessed unprecedented oppression in IIOJK (Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir) by Indian Occupation forces. It is also witnessing Indian efforts to force demographic change and destroy Kashmiri identity.

He praised the people of occupied Kashmir for remaining "undaunted in their struggle for self determination" and vowed to continue to raise his voice for their rights "till Kashmiris are allowed to decide their future according to UNSC resolutions".

The Inter-Services Public Relation (ISPR), the military's media wing, quoted COAS Bajwa as saying that the “continuation of inhuman military siege, machinations to bring demographic changes and gross violations of human rights and international laws are perpetuating humanitarian and security crises in IIOJ&K" that imperil regional security.

KABUL, 06 August 2021, (TON): Hibatullah Alizai, the commander of the Special Operations Corps, said that a clearance operation in Lashkargah city, the capital of Helmand province, began.

The operation was launched about 10:00 pm local time in PD1 of Lashkargah, Alizai said, and he urged residents to evacuate areas under Taliban control as the airstrikes and ground operations move forward, warning that the Taliban are “using civilian homes” as fighting positions.

According to officials “the operation began after hundreds of Afghan commandos and special forces were deployed to Helmand.”

Alizai said “the Taliban’s designated governor for Helmand was killed in the fight with security forces, but the Taliban denied this claim. The Taliban has suffered heavy casualties in the Helmand clashes.”

According to security forces “airstrikes in several parts of Lashkargah were carried out. There have been no numbers available of casualties sustained by government forces or of civilians. Out of 10 districts in Lashkargah, nine have been captured by the Taliban in the recent fighting.”

12 of the 13 districts in Helmand are controlled by the Taliban. Only Kajaki district remains under government control. Fighting continued near the police HQ, governor’s office, the prison, the National Directorate of Security (NDS) and other government buildings in PD1 of the city, according to the local officials. All key government offices are in PD1.

Previously, the residents of Helmand said that houses, shops, and markets have sustained heavy damage during the ongoing clashes. Thousands of families have been displaced.

By Aroussa Hafeez

On 5th August, 2019, India took a unilateral step by abrogating Article 370 and 35A and permanently incorporating disputed state of Jammu and Kashmir in Indian Union. The decision left deep impact on the Himalayan region of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. India’s BJP-led fascist regime ended the special status of Kashmir, the unconstitutional measure which is against the spirit of democracy, which caused a burning effect throughout Kashmir. Since then, Jammu and Kashmir has been directly under the control of New Delhi, which wiped out the scope for any middle parties. To avoid any reaction to the move, severe months-long restrictions were imposed by the government in the region.

In the starting days of August 2019, there were signals that something is going to happen in occupied territory. Hundreds and thousands of Indian troops were deployed in the valley moreover, telephone and internet services were suspended, tourists and Indian nationals were ordered to leave, educational institutions were shut down and around 400 regional political leaders were detained or placed under house arrest. Suddenly on 5th August, Indian government announced that the special status given to the state of Jammu and Kashmir is nullified. Indian government scrapped the Article 370 and 35(A) and put the state on the same footing as rest of the India.

The article 370 gave the state of Kashmir an autonomous status, having its own constitution, own flag and freedom to make own laws but as a result of unconstitutional action of 5th August by Narendra Modi-led BJP fascist regime, Jammu and Kashmir could not make its own rules about permanent residency, ownership of property and many other basic rights. According to a report by Kashmir Media Service (KMS) “Indian troops had martyred 411 Kashmiris including top APHC leader, Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai, 11 women and 16 young boys during the period. It said that at least 2,047 people were critically injured due to the use of brute force, bullets, pellets, PAVA and teargas shells, by Indian troops, paramilitary and police personnel on peaceful demonstrators and mourners in the territory.”

The killings since August 5th, 2019 have been higher than those in previous years. Undoubtedly, the Kashmiri martyrs have been the real asset of the Kashmir freedom movement and Kashmiris do not allow the blood of their martyrs go in vain. The government of India wants to change the demographics of the region because it was Muslim majority state and today Indian nationals can buy land anywhere in the region. It could also not be denied that the partition of subcontinent is hopscotch of blunders because most of the majority Muslim states were incorporated into India through heinous and clever planning.

Undeniably, the move of Indian government has made the life of people of Jammu and Kashmir miserable. There has been violence in IIOJK from more than thirty years due to the freedom movement of native people and since day one people of IIOJK resisted against Indian forces and rejected their illegitimate occupation. From the partition of subcontinent, the denial of Indian government of right to self-determination is the only reason of Kashmir dispute. India has been indulged in killing the people of IOJK with indemnity ever since their launch of freedom fight but Kashmiri’s had been continuing their freedom struggle despite of the killings of thousands of people Indian troops.  

With over half a million of Indian soldiers in Kashmir, making it one of the most militarized zones in the world, these massive force are not to protect people of Kashmir but merely to protect India’s interests. The entire valley is marked by the presence of troops either in bunkers, on patrols, watching, monitoring, making random searches, a force that perceives even noncombatant Kashmiris with suspicion in what India claims to be its own territory. The quality of life of Kashmiri people is severely decreased as the guns are always pointed at them, whom India claims its own citizens. It has become normal for every family to lose a member or two by the atrocities of Indian forces. Kashmiris are living a life where one could only see a bleak future.

The current mismanagement and deprivation of rights of Kashmiris of IIOJK has made the life of the people down in the mouth. The people of Kashmir have vowed not to participate in the elections unless the statehood is restored and plebiscite is held on the basis of United Nations Security Council Resolutions. In addition, the Kashmiris are fed up of the powers of Indian Armed Forces under Armed Forces (Special powers) Act (AFSPA). It is high time that Prime Minister Modi should extend right of self-determination to the Kashmiris for sustainable peace.

It is strange that a game of fire and blood is going on in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir by Indian authorities, which has been intensified since 5th August, 2019 but the United Nations Organization (UNO) and human Rights Organizations, European Union (EU) and other peace organization are merely silent spectators. Whatsoever, Kashmir was always temporarily a part of India but never an integral to India. Political status of entire Jammu and Kashmir State shall be determined only after a plebiscite whereby the wishes of the people of the state shall rule supreme. A rational decision is also needed by the world for the solution of Kashmir dispute.

KABUL, 05 August 2021, (TON):  In an interview with Russian media, former president Hamid Karzai said the Taliban will be defeated by Afghans and the people will confront them and will form an uprising against them if the group continues its violence.

Karzai said “the Afghan people are giving the Taliban an opportunity, if the Taliban continue to oppose that, this would be confronted but I want this confrontation to be political, not military.”

Karzai said in an interview “they must agree to that or they will be defeated. The Afghan people will rise against them.”

He said “this means an opportunity to coexist and to allow the country to progress. If they don’t allow that and if they continue to seek their own domination of Afghanistan the way they think of it, that will give rise to a national uprising without a doubt and I will be one of those people.”

He added that the current situation is challenging but he hopes that the country will move toward improvement.

WASHINGTON, 05 August 2021, (TON): A key Senate committee voted on Wednesday to repeal two authorizations for the use of military force against Iraq, setting up a full chamber vote later this year.

All Democrats and three Republicans on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee backed a bipartisan bill to scrap the 1991 authorization for the Gulf War and the 2002 authorization to topple Saddam Hussein’s regime in Baghdad. Both conflicts are effectively o-ver, and U.S. troops remain in Iraq only under invitation from the government to provide security assistance and conduct counterterrorism operations.

The vote marks a significant step toward Congress reasserting its constitutional authority over matters of war and peace, proponents said, and the effort is on track to become the first successful repeal of an authorization for the use of military force in 50 years.

Sen said “Congressional action to repeal these authorizations will represent a step toward Congress taking its most solemn responsibility seriously.”

Tim Kaine (D-Va.), who led the repeal effort alongside Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.). “Allowing outdated authorizations to persist in perpetuity invites the prospect of serious abuses in the future.”

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer reiterated on Wednesday that he plans to bring up the repeal measure for a vote by the full Senate later this year.

According to a POLITICO tally, the bill is likely to secure the requisite 60 votes to break a filibuster, with all 50 Democrats exp-ected to vote in favor and several Republicans already committing to support it.

President Joe Biden has said he supports repealing the outdated authorizations and the House passed separate measures scrapping the 1991 and 2002 AUMFs.

ADDIS ABABA, 05 August 2021, (TON): The head of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) said she had raised concerns about “dehumanising rhetoric” with Ethiopian authorities and also called on rebel forces to “immediately” withdraw from two regions bordering the country’s war-hit Tigray.

Wednesday’s call by Samantha Power came as the conflict threatens to envelop other parts of the country and humanitarian groups struggle to reach cut-off populations.

Tigray has been in the throes of a humanitarian crisis for months, with hundreds of thousands of people suffering from famine, according to the UN, while access for aid to the northern region remains hobbled by delays and bureaucratic hurdles.

The situation took a turn for the worse this week when Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s government suspended two aid groups active in Tigray, accusing them of “disseminating misinformation”.

Ethiopia said on Wednesday the Dutch section of Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres, or MSF) and the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) “have been disseminating misinformation in social media and other platforms outside of the mandate and purpose for which the organisations were permitted to operate”.

The move sparked condemnation from Washington, with the US ambassador to the UN calling the suspension “unacceptable”.

COLOMBO, 05 August 2021, (TON): New Zealand and Sri Lanka’s Foreign Ministers, Nanaia Mahuta and Dinesh Gunawardena, have welcomed the opening of the New Zealand High Commission in Colombo next week.

The Foreign Ministers, who met virtually, spoke about the opening of the High Commission as a major milestone in the bilateral relationship. Both Ministers stressed that New Zealand's diplomatic presence in Sri Lanka is a further affirmation of the significance of the steadily expanding bilateral engagement in recent times.

“Our countries and our peoples have been good friends for over 70 years, including through New Zealand’s early commitment to the Colombo Plan in 1950,”

Minister Mahuta said “Sri Lanka and New Zealand have a lot in common, as diverse, island nations making our way in a complex geostrategic world.”

“The opening of our High Commission in Colombo is a signal of New Zealand’s long-term commitment to Sri Lanka, in realms as varied as the strategic, economic, educational, cultural, sporting and people-to-people. There’s still a lot of potential to realise in our relationship, and the new High Commission is New Zealand’s recognition of that.”

Minister Gunawardena appreciated the opening of the New Zealand High Commission as a timely move as “our two countries work together in a geostrategically more complex region”.

He expressed confidence that it would contribute to the advancement of bilateral trade while also supporting efforts at promoting investments.

LONDON, 05 August 2021, (TON): Lithuania accused Belarus of using migrants from the Middle East and Africa as a “political weapon” and urged the EU to intervene.

Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis said “Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko was allowing flights with what he claims are tourists from Iraq, Syria and African countries who then illegally cross the border into Lithuania in an attempt to seek asylum in the EU.”

More than 4,000 migrants have already entered Lithuania in this way so far this year, compared with only about 80 in the whole of 2020, Landsbergis told the website Politico.

He said “This is not the 2015 migration crisis.”

“This is not people fleeing the war in Syria. This is actually a hybrid weapon, a political weapon one might say, that is (being) used to change the European policy.”

He warned that a recent decision by Belarus to increase the number flights from Iraq to Minsk could lead to more than 6,000 migrants crossing the border into Lithuania every week.

Landsbergis said “there are currently 24 flights to Minsk from Istanbul and eight flights from Baghdad each week.”

If you consider that each of these flights can transport up to 170 people, and if you fill all the seats with asylum seekers, the capacity is up to 6,000 people a week — or even more because new flights from Erbil have been announced on Monday. So there is a possibility for Lukashenko to really up the ante.

The foreign minister called for increased international pressure on Minsk through further sanctions and by lobbying the home countries of migrants to take action.

Landsbergis said “the EU could tell countries such as Iraq that there’s a list of instruments — restrictions of visa programs, for example, that we will use if they don’t stop these flights to Minsk.”

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