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JERUSALEM, 13 May 2021, (TON): Israeli aerial attacks caused deaths and collapse of buildings including Al-Sharouk tower and surroundings  buildings.
The tensions gripped a month ago in Jerusalem, where Israeli security forces and police adopted coercive tactics during Ramadan and the threatened eviction of dozens of Muslim neighbourhoods ignited protests and clashes with police. On 10 May, Israeli crackdown on a prayer session at Haram esh-Sharif also referred as Temple Mount left hundreds of Palestinians.
A civil-war like situation has gripped the city of Lod which saw riots after thousands of mourners joined a funeral for an Arab killed by Israeli gunman. Hamas confirmed that air strikes, killed some of the members including the commander include women and children. Most of those killed  of its Gaza City Brigade, Bassem Issa. As per a report, the Palestinian death toll raised to 63 including 22 children and over 300 injured. In the retliation by Hamas, eight Israelis were injured. 
Some of the Arab countries including UAE last year agreed to normalize relations with Israel but present provocations has led Muslim world to announce boycott with all the countries which mains diplomatic relations with Israel. The palns may go step further forward. 

NEW DELHI, 12 May 2021, (TON): A day after several decomposed bodies were found in the Ganga river in Bihar's Buxar, hundreds of floating corpses were spotted in the river onear Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh MP Singh, the District Magistrate of Ghazipur "We have got the information. Our officers are present on the spot and an investigation is underway. We are trying to find out where they came from." The Bihar government on Tuesday said altogether 71 bodies were fished out from the Ganges in Buxar district, where these were found floating in the river. There is suspicion that the abandoned corpses could be those of Rohingya who illegally crossed to India in the recent day. Bangladesh had been repeatedly protesting against Indian border guards who push Rohingya across the border into Babgladesh. Since last ten days Bangladesh has tighten the security and is not allowing India to push people without valid documents. Indian State Water Resources Minister Sanjay Kumar, claimed that the bodies had flown downstream from neighbouring Uttar Pradesh while doctors have confirmed upon post-mortem that the deaths had taken place four to five days ago. The satatement of Indian State Water Resources Minister Sanjay Kumar that the tragedy is aimed to "harm holy river Ganga”.

AMMAN, 12 May 2021, (TON): Large protests were held in solidarity with Palestinians around the world including Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Jordon, Kuwait, Oman, Tunisia, Somalia, Sudan etc. In Jordan, protesters gathered outside the Israeli embassy, burning Israeli flags and chanting “Shame, shame the embassy is still there” and “Death to Israel.“ In London protesters gathered outside Downing Street, the residence of Prime Minister Boris Johnson against an Israeli court ruling to evict Palestinian families from their homes in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in east Jerusalem. Israel’s Supreme Court postponed a key ruling Monday that could have forced dozens of Palestinians from their homes, citing the “circumstances.” The recent round of violence began when Israel blocked off a popular spot where Muslims traditionally gather each night during Ramadan at the end of their fast. More than 28 Palestinian were martyred in the incident. 

Amnesty International has accused Israel of using “abusive and wanton force against largely peaceful Palestinian protesters.”

OUAGADOUGOU, 11 May 2021, (TON): Over 20 member of resistance forces have been killed in an ongoing anti-terrorism operation in Burkina Faso since 5 May 2021. The foreign forces supported operation are in progress since years in which hundreds of innocent lives have been lost.
The Burkina Faso Army spokesman told media that the crackdown operation, named Houne, meaning dignity in local language, is being conducted in the terrorist attack prone northern and the Sahel regions of the country. He claimed, "About 20 terrorists have been neutralized, four bases destroyed and various equipment seized."
The military operation is aimed to neutralize the armed groups which have been active in the area. It also aims securing and local populations and establishing State's authority.

KABUL, 11 May 2021, (TON): Pakistan’s Army Chief of Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa visited Kabul after his successful tour to Saudi Arabia, where Prime Minister of Pakistan along with him met Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Deputy Defence Minister Prince Khalid bin Salman in Jeddah. Both sides discussed various issues including peace in Afghanistan and situation arising after the withdrawal of US and NATO forces. 

Pakistan supports Afghan led-Afghan owned peace process based on mutual consensus of all stakeholders." Saudi Arabian consensus was important as the withdrawal of US and NATO forces is likely to change the canvas and have deep impact inside Afghanistan as well as the broader region as well as will also impact Riyadh’s interests when it comes to involvement of various stakeholders. 

During the visit General Qamar Bajwa carried out one to one meeting with Afghanistan’s High Council for National Reconciliation Chairman Abdullah Abdullah in Kabul. After the talks Abdullah Abdullah confirmed that General Qamar Bajwa assured him of Pakistan support for an inclusive power-sharing arrangement and elections as a right of Afghans to self-determination. He also met President Ashraf Ghani and offered Islamabad’s support for the Afghanistan peace process, amid growing violence with US withdraws its troops.

General Qamar Bajwa was accompanied by British Chief of Defence Staff General Nicholas Patrick Carter and Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) head Lieutenant General Faiz Hamid. Pakistani side also offered intelligence sharing including assistance in Saturday’s bomb attacks outside a school in the capital Kabul that killed and wounded many including school children.

KATHMANDU, 11 May 2021, (TON): Aftermath Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli lost the vote of confidence at Lower House on Monday, opposition parties of the Nepali parliament have started preparations to form a new government. 
A coalition of more than two parties representing in the parliament, who will form Nepal's new government, have already started consultations over the next leadership. Three opposition leaders, namely, Sher Bahadur Deuba, Pushpa Kamal Dahal and Upendra Yadav had called on President Bidya Devi Bhandari to initiate government formation procedure, soon after the commencement of a special session of parliament on Monday.
Nepal’s Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli on Monday lost the vote of confidence in the Parliament with 93 lawmakers voting in favour of the motion, 124 against it, while 15 remained abstain. Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli faced set back after the CPN (Maoist Centre) led by Pushpakamal Dahal Prachanda’ withdrew support to his government.
A special session convened on the directives of President Bidya Devi Bhandari in which Prime Minister Oli was to seek vote of confidence in the Parliament. Prime Minister Oli required at least 136 votes in the 275-member House of Representatives to win the confidence motion as four members are currently under suspension.
A total of 124 members voted against the confidence motion while 15 members stayed neutral, Prime Minister Oli only secured 93 votes.Speaker Agni Sapkota announced, “As the votes cast in favour of the motion fell short to achieve a majority of the existing strength of the House of Representatives, I hereby declare that the prime minister’s motion to seek a vote of confidence has been rejected.
Prime Minister Oli is automatically relieved from his post as per Article 100 (3). After losing the Vote of Confidence, the Prime Minister is automatically removed from his post and now the new coalition government will be formed as per the constitutional process.

ISLAMABAD, 11 May 2021, (TON): Pakistan has taken compliance with FATF recommendations in Post Observation Period Report (POPR) seriously and has taken appropriate action to present its case during review meetings of the FATF, scheduled in the next FATF plenary on 21-25 June 2021. Pakistan’s federal cabinet has approved two sets of rules including the AML (Forfeited Properties Management) Rules 2021 and the AML (Referral) Rules 2021 under the National Policy Statement on Follow the Money. This resulted in some changes in existing schedule of Anti-Money Laundering Act 2010 (AMLA). The implementation awaits appointment of administrators and special public prosecutors for implementation.
In the October 2020 review, the FATF watchdog said Pakistan “successfully complied with 21 out of 27 points. Out of total 27 actions points, the three outstanding action points include; demonstrating that terrorist financing (TF) investigations and prosecutions target persons and entities acting on behalf or at the directive of the designated persons or entities; demonstrating that TF prosecutions result in effective, proportionate and dissuasive sanctions; and demonstrating effective implementation of targeted financial sanctions against all designated terrorists, particularly those acting for them or on their behalf.

KATHMANDU, 10 May 2021, (TON): Nepal’s Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli on Monday lost the vote of confidence in the Parliament with 93 lawmakers voting in favour of the motion, 124 against it, while 15 remained abstain.

Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli faced set back after the CPN (Maoist Centre) led by Pushpakamal Dahal Prachanda’ withdrew support to his government.

A special session convened on the directives of President Bidya Devi Bhandari in which Prime Minister Oli was to seek vote of confidence in the Parliament. Prime Minister Oli required at least 136 votes in the 275-member House of Representatives to win the confidence motion as four members are currently under suspension.

A total of 124 members voted against the confidence motion while 15 members stayed neutral, Prime Minister Oli only secured 93 votes.Speaker Agni Sapkota announced, “As the votes cast in favour of the motion fell short to achieve a majority of the existing strength of the House of Representatives, I hereby declare that the prime minister’s motion to seek a vote of confidence has been rejected.

Prime Minister Oli is automatically relieved from his post as per Article 100 (3). After losing the Vote of Confidence, the Prime Minister is automatically removed from his post and now the new coalition government will be formed as per the constitutional process.

NEW DELHI, 10 May 2021, (TON): Indian the External Affairs Ministry confirmed on Saturday that India and the European Union have agreed to resume talks for a balanced, ambitious and comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and also launch negotiations for a stand-alone investment protection pact.

These decisions were taken during a virtual summit between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the heads of state or government of all the 27-member states of the bloc with a focus on expanding overall cooperation in areas of trade, investment and connectivity. The two sides also launched a sustainable and comprehensive connectivity partnership including COVID-19 pandemic and healthcare cooperation.

The India-EU leaders’ meeting hosted by Prime Minister of Portugal Antonio Costa. Portugal currently holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, however, meeting but it was called off in view of the coronavirus crisis and both sides decided to hold it virtually. Meanwhile, Charles Michel, President of the European Council tweeted, “We are opening a new chapter in #EUIndia strategic partnership at the meeting of EU Leaders with PM @narendramodi.”

The EU and India also agreed to build joint infrastructure projects around the world, notably in Africa, to be described as a connectivity partnership. The deal follows on from an accord between the EU and Japan in 2019, seeking an alternative to Chinese largesse known as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) that raised suspicion in the West and Tokyo.

TEL AVIV, 10 May 2021, (TON): Israel is instigating the Muslim world by passage of Annual Jerusalem Day parade through Occupied Jerusalem's Old City. However, Palestinian rejected any such attempt and vowed to react strongly. Last minute agreement was acceptable to the Palestinian in which 700 Jews will be allowed to form a human chain, with two meters between links, around many of the Old City gates.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday that authorities “will not allow any extremists to destabilize the calm," after several days of clashes between Palestinian protesters and Israel police outside the Old City of Jerusalem.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said last week that he hold Israel responsible for the dangerous developments and sinful attacks taking place in the holy city. He called on the United Nations Security Council to hold an urgent session on prevailing situation. Saudi Arabia's Foreign Ministry rejected Israeli plans to evacuate Palestinian households from Jerusalem and called for the reinstatement of the pre-1967 borders. Jordan has termed Israeli moves as "dangerous provocations." Sudan termed Israeli measures in Jerusalem against Palestinians as "repression and coercive action".

Some of the Arab countries including UAE last year agreed to normalize relations with Israel but present provocations has led Muslim world to announce boycott with all the countries which mains diplomatic relations with Israel.

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