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DHAKA, 01 June 2022, (TON): The Indian ethnic group Khasi shot four Bangladeshis on the border of Doarabazar in Sunamganj leaving them injured.

Local residents said “the injured are Mashuk Miah, 40, son of Wazid Miah of Pekpara at Banglabazar union under the Doarabazar upazila, his younger brother Iman Ali, 35, Nayan Miah, 35, son of Azad Miah of the same village and Suman Miah, 32, son of Aziz Miah of Jhumgoan village at the Banglabazar union.”

Local union council member Abdul Kadir said “the victims  went to the frontier along Jhumgaon-Mokamchhara under the Banglabazaar union after Monday evening to collect firewood.”

Abdul Kadir said “at one state of collecting firewood from the area, the ethnic people of the Meghalaya State of India opened fire at them, leaving them injured.”

He added that they were sent to Sylhet Osmani Medical College Hospital.

NEW DELHI, 01 June 2022, (TON): The two-day 118th Permanent Indus Commission meeting between India and Pakistan entered its final round with both sides showing positive signs.

The meeting, which is held annually under the Indus Waters Treaty 1960, began with a six-member Pakistani delegation, including a woman, visiting India to participate in the event.

The Indus talks have survived the freeze in ties as both countries see it as mandatory under the IWT.

The Pakistani delegation includes Syed Muhammed, Mehar Ali shah, Sahibzad Khan, Habib Ullah Bodla, Saman Muneeb and Khalid Mahmood.

India's six-member delegation is headed by AK Pal, the new Indus Commissioner of India.


DHAKA, 01 June 2022, (TON): The UN refugee agency chief has agreed to boost support to Rohingya refugees relocated to a remote and flood-prone island in Bangladesh, despite concerns people were moved there against their will.

Speaking to reporters in Dhaka, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi promised to step up our presence on the island.

Bangladesh aims to eventually relocate around 100,000 Rohingya refugees to the previously uninhabited Bhashan Char to ease overcrowding in the sprawling network of refugee camps near Cox’s Bazar.

Grandi said “much has already been done in Bhashan Char by Bangladeshi NGOs and now by the UN agencies with the government.”

DHAKA, 01 June 2022, (TON): Bus service between Bangladesh and India is likely to resume on June 10, after remaining suspended for over two years due to the pandemic.

Sources said “although no formal order regarding the resumption has been issued, Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation and its operator Shyamoli NR Travels, were verbally informed about the development.”

The development came days after railway service between the two neighbouring countries resumed.

Both bus and train services were suspended in March 2020, when the deadly coronavirus hit Bangladesh.

Meanwhile, Mitali Express, the third passenger train to be operated between the two countries, will start running from today.

DHAKA, 01 June 2022, (TON): The United States does not see any Sri Lanka-like situation in Bangladesh, noting that Bangladesh is a country that has done extremely well in terms of debt management with careful borrowing and a strong foreign currency reserve.

US Ambassador to Bangladesh Peter Haas said “basically Bangladesh is not Sri Lanka۔"

He also mentioned that Bangladesh has taken a small amount of loan from China.

The ambassador, however, said it does not mean that Bangladesh's economy does not face challenges - with inflation and growing food prices.

He was responding to questions at “DCAB Talk” organized by the Diplomatic Correspondents Association, Bangladesh at the National Press Club.

By Nasriya Naffin, TON Sri Lanka

In 2017 more than 9,00,000 Muslims from Rohingya, Myanmar fled to their neighboring country--Bangladesh after a military campaign that took place in Myanmar against Muslim minority. Bangladesh provided temporary shelter to these displaced people Immediately.

However, Dhaka has not succeeded in finding permanent homes for these refugees. Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina requested global leaders to pay attention towards the matter. She prefers if the refugees could return safely to Myanmar soon, as the Bangladesh government is struggling with growing security challenges near the refugee camps and domestic political pressure is building up to end the crisis. According to Hasina, accommodating 1 million refugees is not an easy task for their country. She feels sympathetic to the Rohingya refugees as they were bound to run away from their country for their safety and security.

Two attempts of sending refugees back to Myanmar have failed as they keep refusing to return to their homeland citing continuing danger. Numbers keep adding to the Bangladesh refugees list each year as the flight of refugees continues. Refugee camps near Cox’s Bazar have been getting overcrowded, making the government relocating the camps to a remote and flood prone island called Bhashan Char.

Her Excellency Hasina addressing the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in 2021 stated “For the last four years, we held high hopes that these displaced people could go back to their own homes in their motherland Myanmar in safety, security, and dignity. We reposed our trust in the global assembly and community for their repatriation. However, our calls have remained unheeded and our hopes unfulfilled. We are now in the fifth year of the crisis. Yet, we still hold the hope for a durable solution to this crisis.”

The Prime Minister was disappointed that the endless attempts on returning the Myanmar nationals back home had not shown any progress. According to the Prime Minister, Bangladesh has ensured that all necessary arrangements have been made to provide these refugees to stay safe and secure while they are in Bangladesh. In a congested and overpopulated city like Dhaka it is not easy to accommodate large numbers of refugees with limited land areas. These camps have already brought serious impacts on the surrounding environment and ecology, she added.

On the sideline of the UNGA, a high-level meeting on the Rohingya issue was organized and addressing the meeting once again the Prime Minister mentioned that the Rohingya issue was created by Myanmar and so the solution should come from Myanmar. She requested world leaders to assist on the following issues regarding the refugees.

  • Keeping the repatriation on top of the prioritization list, all activities must be conducted for this purpose.
  • To come up with a permanent solution to the Rohingya crisis through repatriation despite the changed political situation in Myanmar.
  • ASEAN countries must play an active role in creating a favorable environment for the repatriation of Rohingyas to Myanmar.
  •  Implementation of effective measures and projects to create a favorable environment for the repatriation of Rohingyas to Myanmar by the UN and development partners.
  • To provide full support in the ongoing process in ICJ and other international organizations to ensure justice for the violence and ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya.

Also, during the COVID- 19 pandemic the government has ensured the safety and welfare of the Rohingyas not forgetting to include this population to their national vaccination program.

According to Her Excellency Hasina, more than 30, 000 children are born in these refugee camps each year. As a solution for overcrowded camps Bhasan Char Island with 13,000 acres of land cover has been developed for the cost of over US$ 350 million with better infrastructure for about 100000 people. Relocation has begun and is done on the principle of voluntariness. She hopes the UN’S operation on the island will resume soon.

The Prime Minister emphasized that whatever the country is doing towards this displaced will be temporary and they should return to their homeland safely and the international community must help towards this. She requested international support on their effort on resolving this humanitarian crisis as a collective responsibility as its implication goes beyond borders. It is impacting the security of the region so urgent actions should be taken. She also mentioned that Bangladesh believes that the ASEAN has a great responsibility for the matter and will provide full assistance for the sustainable return of these refugees in future.

Humanitarian assistance is not a permanent solution; therefore, she expects the UN and other partners to undertake tangible actions and projects in Myanmar to create an environment conducive for repatriation and their sustainability.

However, in a video statement at the 27th International Nikkei Conference on Future of Asia held recently the Prime Minister called for everyone's support to settle the Rohigya refugee crisis once again as their plans of resettling them in Myanmar has not made progress. Indeed, if return of Rohingyas is not materialized, it would not only create security risks for Bangladesh but itself is not favourable for the Rohingyas. 

By: F.F Mushfika

The history of Rohingya Muslims is an account of a long-driven struggle of a particular group who has been denied of a state for ages. Rohingya Muslims are a minority class – originally from Burma, the country we call as Myanmar today. Regardless of where they claim to belong, Rohingya people are deprived of the most fundamental rights such as the right to live. For them, it is a privilege to feel safe. For them, it is a privilege to have a sound education. For them, it is a privilege to co-exist.

What is it like to be stateless? What is it like to be abused in front of your own family by strangers? What is it like to live to be deprived of having no citizenship on your own country? This is the gruesome reality of the Rohingya- the chief minority class residing at Rakhine state at Western Coast of Myanmar. They are the people who are commonly addressed as “the most persecuted minority in the world” by the United Nations. They are the people who are being integrated into a system that essentially legalizes oppression and discrimination as a part of the law. Myanmar – owing to their claim that Rohingya to be outsiders and “illegal immigrants,” fails to recognize their original history, decent and birth. The 1982 Citizenship Law deprives the Rohingya people from the constitution as a non-citizen and stateless human beings. Regardless of an inclusion of 135 races into the constitution- the Rohingya has been excluded throughout the history coercing them to be displaced.

The state-sponsored oppression that commenced as a form of “operation Dragon King” in 1978 is a military rule deployed to evacuate the Rohingya through misappropriation, threat, sexual exploitation, and violence. During which, a mass number of population were displaced to their neighboring country Bangladesh- who has been a constant shelter for the hopeless Rohingyas. Likewise, the Myanmar government also organized several other campaigns such as “Beautiful Nation” and” Operation Clean” to expel the Rohingyas from the country. It is said that approximately 250,000 innocent civilians were displaced during this mission towards the late 1990’s.

Moreover, the Rohingya are frequently alleged to be involved in “terrorism” – which has a massive impact on their lives being controlled by measures taken to curtail “terrorism”. The discrimination that the Rohingya Muslims face as of today is immense and intolerable. This leads us to the biggest humanitarian crisis of the world at-present. The biographies include heart wrenching stories of poverty, hunger, and abuses that are certainly sensitive in nature. There has also been reported and unreported mass murders and rapes which has further led the population into mass displacements and expulsion. In short, Myanmar holds the darkest history and events of an ethnic cleansing towards their minorities regardless of any mercy.

Bangladesh- an “aspiration” to struggling civilians

Due to the decades of ethnic cleansing and coercion to displacement – Rohingya people are expelled to Bangladesh as their immediate neighbor and savior. Bangladesh shielded these innocent civilians as refugees – giving them the mandatory shelter and right to live. The greater percentage of the population has now settled down at Cox’s Bazar of Southeast. Currently, Bangladesh is facing a huge crisis in overcrowding populace of the Rohingya community. This has led to the downfall of a good maintenance in infrastructure, medic-care, and other basic necessities for the people. The Bangladesh is also on the process and open talks with the Myanmar for a safe repatriation of the Rohingyas. They have hugely supported the Rohingya people to repatriate with a sensible negotiation and agreement.

However, in 2017 the Myanmar-Rohingya crisis intensified due to an attack by the Rohingya Militants- murdering some, which then backlashed into a series of destruction and colonization of Rohingya people. This further exacerbated the situation towards something similar to a “genocide.” This has eventually led the Rohingya people to flee the country from horrific persecutions. Later, the refugees demanded safety over repatriation which burdened the Bangladesh with no immediate solution for the growing issue. Thereby, this led the refugees to be planted in camps – organized by Bangladesh, the host country with the aid of the international community. It is said that these refugees were established in 19 camps in Bangladesh back in their 1992. However, nowadays the significant refugee camp is Cox’s Bazar. In fact, unable for the prevention of the escalating number of the exodus of Burma, Bangladesh today is finding terms and conditions to prevent or repatriate the refugees back to their origin. This is also a reflection of a ‘temporary assistance’ to the most desperate community.

Bangladesh, then proceeded to impose laws to restrict movements of the Rohingya people within their limited territory. They were not allowed to move outside their borders, hence was also marginalized. These policies were said to be created to stabilize Bangladesh for a safe background. In other words, security of the country became the dominated factor in curtailing the movements of these civilians of Myanmar. There have been serious allegations over the Rohingya – alleging them to have connections with ISIS and Al-Qaeda. Whether they are fighting for their democracy or for an independent state, the Rohingya people are asserted as ‘terrorists’ or ‘possible terrorists.’ These baseless allegations are of pivotal importance. Preventive policies have become a mandatory discussion which attempts to avoid any consequences over solutions to a particular group. This is therefore directing the Bangladesh government to skip their duty over the alleged emergence of rising security threats. Although, this is a debatable occasion, no leaders desire to risk security protocols which will eventually de-fame them.

The notion of Rohingya being a security threat

Following “Dhaka Global Dialogue-2019” held at Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina addressed that,

In terms of regional security, I would like to say that more than 1.1 million Rohingya citizens of Myanmar fled to Bangladesh in the face of persecution, and they are a threat to the security not only for Bangladesh but also for the region.”

She also insisted upon action - calling out as,

I urge the world community to take appropriate action realizing the gravity of the threat. It will not be possible to ensure development and prosperity of any country without having peace and safety.”

In addition to that, May 23rd of 2022 she re-insisted the above with another formal request to the International Community to provide a safe return to the Rohingya community. It is evident that she is in fact seeking the solution for the bigger problem that may or may not arise in the future. The exodus of the refugees of the Myanmar has escalated, which has created many issues pertaining to the humanitarian and security crisis.

The security threat being a controversial topic, cannot be snapped due to its weigh upon the consequences. The migrated Rohingya civilians have reported to have settled down in Bangladesh and India regardless of any approval. Their vulnerable situation of being homeless to stateless, the constant pressure of injustice and ethnic hostility at Rakhine state, the abuse and serious violations of rights have caused a fear of a Muslim revolution. The ignorance to their grievances which is not short-lived but is deep-rooted with a long history of violence and persecutions. This forwards for an assumption of insurgency and questions the security of the host country and their borders, respectively. The incident in October 2016 – a surprise attack upon the Myanmar’s police is of a genuine concern. As reported by the Myanmar government it was held that the necessary funding for this targeted project of attacking the police officers was received through international terrorist organizations. This has crippled the efforts of repatriation process and led to serious repercussions such as counter-insurgency campaign by the Militants at Myanmar. The violence that followed by the execution of human rights violations were countless and partly unreported to the world. This grave and dark history has invaded the minds with significant concern and doubt over the plight of the Burmese Muslims.

The International Crisis Group too has declared of an imminent radicalization of Rohingya due to their vulnerable state which is a trump card to several terrorist organizations. They also warned upon their study that Bangladesh could be used as a base for their respective agendas bringing the worst nightmare of destructions of several kind.

The oppression and marginalization of the Rohingya for decades with less to no hope are expected to attract youths and people of the community into violence and terrorism. Although they do not imply as an extremist mob – their struggle to freedom fight and ownership of a state and citizenship right might avert the young minds into violent behavior. Hence, it is important to note that the security threat to Bangladesh by the Rohingya is of a grave concern.

What needs to be done?

A 19-year-old refugee at Nayapara camp in Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar, talks as

I was born in Burma, but the Burmese government says I don’t belong there. I grew up in Bangladesh, but the Bangladesh government says I cannot stay here. As a Rohingya, I feel I am caught between a crocodile and a snake.”

The world is not too late to stop this from happening. Although the situation between the Rohingya and Myanmar has aggravated after several incidents on both sides, it is crucial that the Bangladesh with the help of the international communities talk peace. It is also in dire need to establish Rohingya with a most dignified manner – providing that they are getting the privileges of a citizen in their home country with no fear of violations. It is pathetic that they remain to be stateless, and it is predominantly vital that the world discusses about their rights and upholds it before it is too late.

To sum up, Aung San Suu Kyi- the Noble Prize winner for Peace in 1991 who later assumed duty as a state counselor of Myanmar, who has been continuously criticized for her hesitant to acknowledge the crimes and atrocities towards Rohingya in Rakhine State, once ironically quoted that,

Peace does not just mean putting an end to violence or war, but to all other factors that threaten peace, such as discrimination, such as inequality, poverty.”

WASHINGTON, 31 May 2022, (TON): The State Department said “US Secretary of State Antony Blinken condemned the unjustified seizure of two Greek-flagged vessels by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard last week.”

Iranian forces seized two Greek tankers in the Gulf, shortly after Tehran warned it would take punitive action against Athens over the confiscation of Iranian oil by the United States from a tanker held off the Greek coast.

Blinken said in the statement “Iran’s continued harassment of vessels and interference with navigational rights and freedoms are a threat to maritime security and the global economy.”

The department said “Blinken made the comments in a telephone call with Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias.”

The US and Greek diplomats called on Iran to immediately release the seized vessels, their cargoes, and their crews.

Blinken said “the United States stands with its NATO ally in the face of this unjustified seizure.”

CAIRO, 31 May 2022, (TON): Egypt has condemned Israeli authorities for allowing extremists to storm the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque under police protection.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs warned against the consequences of these developments, which could incite more tension and escalation in the stability of the situation in the Palestinian territories.

Ambassador Ahmed Hafez, the ministry’s official spokesman, stressed that Al-Aqsa Mosque was a purely Islamic endowment for Muslims, and the need to stop any violations targeting the Arab, Islamic and Christian identity of the city of Jerusalem and all its sanctities, as well as changing the existing historical and legal situation.

He called on Israeli authorities to assume their responsibility in accordance with the rules of international law and to intervene immediately to stop these provocative practices.

OTTAWA, 31 May 2022, (TON): Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said “Canada should introduce a total ban on the buying and selling of all handguns.”

His government is proposing a new law that would freeze private ownership of all short-barrelled firearms.

The legislation would not ban the ownership of handguns outright - but would make it illegal to buy them.

Mr Trudeau's proposal comes days after a deadly shooting at a Texas primary school, in the neighbouring US, killed 21 people.

The bill. which was presented to Canada's parliament, makes it impossible to buy, sell, transfer or import handguns anywhere in the country.

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