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DHAKA, 06 May 2022, (TON): Ministry of Foreign Affairs said “the reports on closure of Rohingya children learning facilities and barring teachers or students to attend the classes are false and fabricated.”

The ministry said in a press statement "It is deep concern that disinformation is being propagated about the learning facilities for the Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals (FDMN)/Rohingya children.”

The foreign ministry said “Bangladesh government is working with the UN agencies to gradually bring learning facilities under Myanmar Curriculum, streamline the volunteer teacher's engagement and adopting policies for their capacity building. “

It said “Bangladesh government places great importance on ensuring access to education for all especially for girls and in a similar vein while it is facilitating learning activities for the Rohingya children inside the camps.”

WASHINGTON, 05 May 2022, (TON): State Department said “United States is now preparing equally for both a scenario where there is a mutual return to compliance with Iran on a nuclear deal, as well as one in which there is not an agreement.”

Department spokesperson Ned Price said “because a mutual return to compliance with the JCPOA is very much an uncertain proposition, we are now preparing equally for either scenario.”

Meanwhile, the US Senate voted 86-12 with strong bipartisan support for a motion to instruct sponsored by Republican Senator Ted Cruz seeking a report on terrorism-related sanctions on Iran and saying such sanctions are necessary to limit cooperation between China and Iran.

MOSCOW, 05 May 2022, (TON): Russia said “it has banned entry to several dozen Japanese officials, including Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, after Tokyo joined international sanctions against Moscow over its military campaign in Ukraine.”

The foreign ministry said in a statement “the administration of F. Kishida launched an unprecedented anti-Russian campaign (and) allows unacceptable rhetoric against the Russian Federation, including slander and direct threats.”

The ministry added “it is echoed by public figures, experts, representatives of Japanese media, who are completely engaged by the attitudes of the West toward our country.”

It accused Tokyo of taking “practical steps aimed at dismantling good neighborly ties, damaging the Russian economy and the international prestige of the country.”

KYIV, 05 May 2022, (TON): Ukraine accused Russia of planning to hold a military parade in the captured city of Mariupol on May 9 to celebrate victory over the Nazis in World War II.

Kyiv said “an official from Russia’s presidential administration had arrived in the strategic southern port city, which has been largely destroyed in Russia’s more than two-month invasion of Ukraine, to oversee plans for the Victory Day Parade.”

Ukraine’s military intelligence said “Mariupol will become a center of ‘celebration’.”

“The central streets of the city are urgently being cleaned of debris, bodies and unexploded ordnance.”

Mariupol is one of the most battered cities in Ukraine. A group of Ukrainian forces are still holding out in its Azovstal steel plant.

It said “a large-scale propaganda campaign is under way. Russians will be shown stories about the ‘joy’ of locals on meeting the occupiers.”

LVIV, 05 May 2022, (TON): A crucial source of revenue “complaining that the West is stuffing Ukraine with weapons, Russia pounded railroad stations and other supply-line points across the country, as the European Union moved to further punish Moscow for the war by proposing a ban on oil imports.”

According to the mayor “heavy fighting also raged at the Azovstal steel mill in Mariupol that represented the last pocket of Ukrainian resistance in the ruined southern port city.”

But a Russian official denied Moscow’s troops were storming the plant, as Ukrainian commanders claimed a day earlier.

The Russian military said Wednesday it used sea- and air-launched missiles to destroy electric power facilities at five railway stations across Ukraine, while artillery and aircraft also struck troop strongholds and fuel and ammunition depots.

The flurry of attacks comes as Russia prepares to celebrate Victory Day on May 9, marking the Soviet Union’s defeat of Nazi Germany.

NAIROBI, 05 May 2022, (TON): Burundi’s army said “ten Burundian peacekeepers were killed in attack on an African Union base in Somalia.”

It said in a statement “twenty-five soldiers were also injured and five are missing while 20 rebels were killed.”

It was the first attack on a peacekeeping base since the AU Transition Mission in Somalia replaced the previous AMISOM force on April 1.

Somalia’s government condemned the heinous attack and appealed to the international community to do more to support Somali forces and ATMIS in effectively combatting terrorism.

RIYADH, 05 May 2022, (TON): Saudi Arabia’s King Salman received a phone call from King Abdullah II of Jordan to extend wishes on the advent of Eid Al-Fitr.

The two kings exchanged greetings on the festive occasion, calling for more prosperity for both countries and the entire Islamic nation.

Muslims around the world marked the first day of the eid holiday, which is celebrated every year following the end of the fasting holy month of Ramadan.

LONDON, 05 May 2022, (TON): UNESCO and the UN Human Rights Council called for the Houthis to release two of their staff members.

The two organizations said “as families across Yemen gather to mark Eid Al-Fitr this year, UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet urge the immediate release of two of their staff members who have been detained since early November last year in Sana'a.”

It added “despite repeated assurances, as early as last November, by the Ansar Allah movement (also called the Houthis) that the two staff members would be immediately released, their whereabouts remain unknown.”

UNESCO and the UN Human Rights Office said “they were both deeply concerned about the well-being of the staff members.”

NEW DELHI, 05 May 2022, (TON): Prime Minister Narendra Modi met his Swedish counterpart Magdalena Andersson in Copenhagen and the two leaders discussed ways to deepen bilateral ties, the progress in the Joint Action Plan and exchanged views on regional and global developments.

Prime Minister's Office tweeted "Cementing ties with Sweden. PM narendramodi and SwedishPM Magdalena Andersson held extensive talks on further diversifying the India-Sweden friendship.”

PM Modi, who arrived here from Berlin on the second leg of his visit to three European nations, met PM Andersson on the sidelines of the second India-Nordic Summit in the Danish capital. This was the first meeting between the two leaders.

Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Arindam Bagchi tweeted “took stock of the progress in the Joint Action Plan. Appreciated the expanding scope of the jointly launched LeadIT initiative.”

MEA said in a press release "discussions also took place on regional and global developments.”

KABUL, 05 May 2022, (TON): The officials said “nearly 20 people have died and 30 others were injured in flooding in more than 10 provinces of the country over the past several days.” 

The deputy Minister of Natural Disaster Management, Mawlawi Sharafuddin Muslim, said “the flood left dozens of houses destroyed and caused losses of around 100 livestock.”

He said “we have 18-20 dead and 30 wounded due to the floods. Two people have been missing. More than 100 livestock were lost and 100 residences were destroyed.”

Following heavy rainfall, the floods hit Kandahar, Helmand, Herat, Badakhshan, Takhar, Parwan, Kunduz, Maidan Wardak, Baghlan, Faryab and Jawzjan provinces.

However, Baghlan, Parwan and Badghis were the three provinces affected most severely by the recent floods. 

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