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DHAKA, 01 May 2022, (TON): Bangladeshi garment exports to Russia have not been disrupted by international sanctions on Moscow, businessmen say, as most of their transactions are made through third countries.

The textile sector is the No. 1 industry in Bangladesh, employing over 4 million people, contributing over 11 percent of the country’s gross domestic product and accounting for 80 percent of its exports.

Russia is a growing destination for Bangladeshi producers and last year imported garments worth about $600 million.

When a host of Western sanctions hit Moscow, following its invasion of Ukraine in February, some Russian banks were banned from the Swift system.

Bangladeshi exporters were initially jittery about the future of their trade, but so far their businesses have not been largely affected, as according to the central bank, most of the transactions are not settled directly with Russia.

NEW DELHI, 01 May 2022, (TON): Defence Minister Rajnath Singh met the outgoing Army chief General Manoj Mukund Naravane on the last day of his service and said “his contributions of serving the nation for 42 years as a military leader have strengthened India's defence capabilities and preparedness.”

Earlier today, General MM Naravane received a guard of honour at the South Block lawns prior to relinquishing as Chief of the Army Staff.

General Manoj Pande on Saturday took over as the new Chief of Army Staff from General Naravane.

Taking to Twitter, Rajnath Singh said “had a wonderful meeting with the Army Chief, General MM Naravane who is going to retire today after serving the nation for 42 years.”

He said “his contributions as a military leader have strengthened India's defence capabilities & preparedness. I wish him success in his future endeavours."

NEW DELHI, 01 May 2022, (TON): After meeting the King of Bhutan, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar admired his vision of transforming Bhutan and termed it a key aspect in shaping the 'unique' partnership with India.

Taking to Twitter, Mr Jaishankar wrote "Privileged to be received by His Majesty the King of Bhutan.

His vision of transforming Bhutan shapes the direction of our unique partnership."

External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar, who is visiting Bhutan, also held talks with the Bhutanese Prime Minister Lotay Tshering and discussed “the current global scenario along with the bilateral cooperations between the two countries.”

During the talks, Mr Jaishankar informed the Prime Minister on the progress in the bilateral cooperation and development partnership.

The EAM arrived in Bhutan on an official visit.

NEW DELHI, 01 May 2022, (TON): An official said “India test-fired an anti-ship version of the BrahMos supersonic cruise missile.”

The Andaman and Nicobar Command said in a tweet “Indian Navy & ANC yet again demonstrate combat readiness by successfully destroying target at sea through antiship version of BrahMos at Andaman & Nicobar Islands on 27 Apr.”

The Andaman and Nicobar Command is the only tri-services command of the Indian armed forces.

A video was also shared by the command showing the BrahMos missile destroying a target at sea.

Last month, India successfully tested the accuracy of an extended-range BrahMos supersonic cruise missile launched from the stealth destroyer Indian Navy Ship Chennai.

WASHINGTON, 30 April 2022, (TON): United States President Joe Biden held a phone call with his Mexican counterpart Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, as the US prepares to deal with a surge in migration at the US southern border.

Earlier, the White House had said “the two leaders plan to discuss cooperation on migration, joint development efforts in Central America, competitiveness and economic growth, security, energy, and economic cooperation.”

The leaders were also expected to discuss the upcoming Summit of the Americas, which the US will host in Los Angeles in June and convenes leaders from North, South and Central America and the Caribbean.

Biden tweeted ahead of the conversation “I look forward to discussing our vision for the Ninth Summit of the Americas and discussing North America priority initiatives for the region.”

NEW YORK, 30 April 2022, (TON): Barbara Woodward, Permanent Representative of Great Britain to the World Organization, announced “United Nations Security Council next week will discuss the situation in Ukraine, including the visit to Kyiv of the Secretary General of the world organization António Guterres.”

She noted “during the visit of the Secretary General to Kyiv, rocket attacks were reported.”

She said “secretary general’s mandate includes efforts to achieve peace, and it is our duty as members of the United Nations Security Council to support them.”

MOSCOW, 30 April 2022, (TON): Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed at an operational meeting with permanent members of the Security Council of the Russian Federation issues of ensuring the country’s security in the southern direction, including in connection with the situation in Afghanistan.

The head of state noted that in terms of ensuring Russia’s security “of course, the events related to the provision of assistance to our people in the Donbass, with a special military operation in Ukraine are in the focus of attention.”

Putin continued “but we also have other issues that are of great interest from the point of view of ensuring the security of our country, including in the southern direction. And therefore, today we will discuss this issue in relation to the events in Afghanistan and in this region in general, on this direction.”

He gave the floor to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

LONDON, 30 April 2022, (TON): Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has confirmed that Her Majesty The Queen has approved the new appointment of Commander United Kingd-om Strategic Command.

Lieutenant General Sir James Hockenhull KBE is to be appointed Commander United Kingdom Strategic Command and Aide-de-Camp General to Her Majesty, in the rank of General, in succession to General Sir Patrick Sanders KCB CBE DSO ADC Gen, in May 2022.

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said “I am delighted to congratulate General Sir James Hockenhull on his well-deserved promotion and appointment as Commander United King-dom Strategic Command.”

As the current Chief of Defence Intelligence, General Jim has had an extraordinary impact on Defence, including vital work most recently in supporting the crisis in Ukraine, declassifying Defence Intelligence products to help inform the public in a way that we have not seen before. I know he will bring his significant skills and experience to bear in his new role.

Defence’s joint capability will be in excellent hands under General Jim’s leadership.

He takes up his appointment at a crucial moment in the UK Strategic Command transition to becoming the Defence capability integrator as laid out in the Integrated Review and Defence Command Paper.

WASHINGTON, 30 April 2022, (TON): Antony Blinken, Secretary of State said “today marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the entry into force of the Chemical Weapons Convention.”

For a quarter of a century, the United States has worked with its Allies and partners to help rid the world of chemical weapons and deter their use by anyone, anywhere, and under any circumstances. Our collective goal is to exclude completely the possibility of the use of chemical weapons, which are abhorrent tools of war.

On this anniversary, we renew our commitment to upholding the CWC and note the Convention’s important role in contributing to U.S. national security. Unfortunately, this anniversary reminds us that the world continues to be threatened by the specter of these weapons.

In recent years, the world has witnessed chemical weapons use that challenges the CWC’s core prohibitions by the Assad regime and ISIS in Syria, by Russian government operatives against the Skripals in the UK and Aleksey Navalny in Russia, and by the DPRK against Kim Jong Nam in Malaysia.

Syria remains in noncompliance with the CWC, and we will continue to work to hold the Assad regime accountable for its repeated use of chemical weapons against its own people.

CAIRO, 30 April 2022, (TON): A Sudanese doctor’s union said that 24 children and nine women were among dozens killed in tribal clashes over the weekend between Arabs and non-Arabs in Sudan’s western Darfur region.

The Sudan’s Doctors Committee also said “23 elderly and 144 men were also killed.”

Khamis Abdalla Abkar, the provincial governor of West Darfur province, said  “the death toll had surpassed 200.”

The committee, an independent doctors association, said that the actual death toll may be higher, as the count does not include casualties that were not subjected to autopsy or were not even reported.

The fighting, some of the deadliest in the region in recent years, grew out of the killing of two Arab herdsmen just outside Kreinik, 80 kilometers east of Genena, the provincial capital of West Darfur.

Large numbers of Arab militias, known as janjaweed, then reportedly stormed the town in retaliation early Sunday with heavy weapons.

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