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KABUL, 25 March 2022, (TON): China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi arrived in Kabul, a week before Beijing hosts a meeting of Afghanistan's neighbours on how to assist the Taliban government.

Even before the Taliban seized control of the country in August, Beijing had sought to maintain ties with the group as US-led foreign forces withdrew. However, like other countries, China has so far not officially recognised the Taliban government.

Ahmad Yasir, a top Taliban official tweeted "Chinese Foreign Minister arrives in Kabul for talks with Islamic Emirate leaders.”

Soon after his arrival he went into a meeting with Taliban Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi.

Wang arrived in Kabul from Islamabad where he attended a two-day meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

SAHEL, 24 March 2022, (TON): The army said in the latest violence sweeping the Sahel state “twin attacks in Mali this week have killed 16 soldiers and wounded 18.”

The statement lifted the casualty toll of four soldiers dead and 17 injured in separate attacks in the northeast and centre of the conflict-torn country.

The army said “thirty-seven terrorists were also killed during the attacks, and weapons and munitions captured.”

The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for one of Monday’s attacks, on a military outpost in northeastern Mali.

An impoverished nation of 21 million people, Mali has struggled to contain a jihadist insurgency that emerged in 2012, before spreading to neighbouring Burkina Faso and Niger.

WASHINGTON, 24 March 2022, (TON): Guided by our shared commitment outlined in President Biden and Prime Minister Trudeau’s February 2021 Roadmap for a Renewed U.S.-Canada Partnership to re-establish the Cross-Border Crime Forum.

Given the interconnectedness of U.S. and Canadian industry and economies, we affirm our shared commitment to work bilaterally to combat common cyber threats, such as ransomware attacks, and to strengthen critical infrastructure cyber security and resilience.

We will work together to improve coordination around reporting of ransomware attacks that can affect cross-border critical infrastructure.

Further, we will identify and implement options to strengthen sectors of our economies that are increasingly targeted by criminals and to implement effective responses.

We have agreed to promote the adoption of best practices on cyber hygiene to help defend against these threats as well as provide stakeholders with the tools needed to effectively and rapidly report cyber incidents.

NEW YORK, 24 March 2022, (TON): UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said “the UN and the Arab League remain united in their pursuit of multilateral solutions to cascading challenges facing the Arab world.”

He added “stronger cooperation between the two organizations is essential for the enhancement of multilateralism.”

He pointed out that the war in Ukraine and its profound ramifications around the globe have revealed the need for such cooperation to be all the more urgent, as many Arab countries, including Lebanon, Egypt, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen, import at least half of the wheat they require from Ukraine or Russia.

Guterres added “since the war began on Feb. 24, food and fuel prices have soared as supplies were disrupted, which is hitting the poorest the hardest and planting the seeds for political instability and unrest across the globe.”

He was speaking at a ministerial-level meeting of the UN Security Council.

WASHINGTON, 24 March 2022, (TON): The NATO is considering deploying additional forces on its eastern flank on a permanent basis, in violation of previous agreements with Russia.

This was confirmed by US Permanent Representative to NATO Julianne Smith.

“However, NATO is now in the process of in-depth reflection on the medium and long-term presence of its forces on NATO territory on the eastern flank.

We do not yet have all the answers to the questions under consideration. “Of course, one solution could be the permanent deployment of additional troops.”

Or another option being explored could be continuous rotations of forces,” the American diplomat said, speaking at an online seminar of the Atlantic Council.

To the host’s remark that this sounded like evidence of the Alliance’s readiness to at least consider the idea of basing its additional forces on the eastern flank, Smith replied, “yes, all options are being explored, absolutely.”

GENEVA, 24 March 2022, (TON): The World Health Organization is concerned about the safety of chemical and nuclear facilities in Ukraine.

WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Gheb-reyesus said at a briefing in Geneva “all parties to minimize the risk of a nuclear or chemical accident.”

The director general said “we are concerned about the reliability and safety of the operation of nuclear and chemical facilities.”

“We are working with the IAEA and continue to urge all parties to minimize the risk of a nuclear or chemical accident, which could have catastrophic consequences for people’s health.”

As Ghebreyesus stressed “the humanitarian situation continues to deteriorate in many regions of Ukraine, it has become critical in places like Mariupol and Bucha.”

WHO has sent 150 tons of medical supplies to the country’s residents, he said, drawing attention to the “serious lack of cash flow” to help the needy population.

WASHINGTON, 24 March 2022, (TON): The US State Department said “it welcomed the trilateral summit between the leaders of Egypt, Israel and the UAE, who met in Sharm El-Sheikh for talks on the economic impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the growing influence of Iran in the region.”

State Department spokesperson Ned Price told reporters that US Special Envoy for Iran Robert Malley has been in close consultations with Gulf partners.

The summit came nearly a month after Russia invaded Ukraine in a move that sparked concerns about security and sent prices of oil, wheat and other key commodities soaring.

A statement from the office of Israeli Premier Naftali Bennett said “against the backdrop of the recent developments in the world and the region, the leaders discussed the ties between the three countries and ways to strengthen them on all levels.”

VIENNA, 24 March 2022, (TON): For the past few weeks, the International Atomic Energy Agency has been actively working to ensure the safety and security of all nuclear installations in Ukraine during these dramatic and unique circumstances where major nuclear facilities are operating in an armed conflict zone.

I remain gravely concerned about the safety and security of the nuclear facilities in Ukraine. We have been and will remain in close and continuing contact with the Ukrainian Government, the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine, and the nuclear operator Energoatom.

said Rafael Mariano Grossi, IAEA Director General on Nuclear Safety and Security in Ukraine said “we have also been publishing daily updates with validated technical information about the situation on the ground to keep the global community informed, and we will continue to do so.”

As I have stated many times, there is an urgent need to conclude an agreed framework to preserve nuclear safety and security in Ukraine by establishing a clear commitment to observe and respect the seven indispensable pillars for ensuring nuclear safety and security.

BRUSSELS, 24 March 2022, (TON): The Council adopted two assistance measures under the European Peace Facility that will allow the EU to further support the capabilities and resilience of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to defend the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country.

The assistance measures will increase the original budget announced on 28 February 2020 with an additional €500 million, thereby doubling its initial amount to €1 billion.

Borrell, High Re-presentative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy said “we will continue supporting Ukraine against Russia’s aggression and the unspeakable suffering it is inflicting on the Ukrainian population. The additional €500 million under the European Peace Facility is another sign of the EU’s support to the Ukrainian armed forces to defend their territory and their population.”

The agreed assistance measures will finance both the provision of equipment and supplies such as personal protective equipment, first aid kits and fuel, and military equipment and platforms, designed to deliver lethal force for defensive purposes.

The duration of the assistance measure is also extended by 12 months.

MOSCOW, 24 March 2022, (TON): Russian President Vladimir Putin and Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennet exchanged assessments of the situation around the Russian special military operation in Ukraine in a telephone conversation.

This was announced on Wednesday by the press service of the Kremlin following the results of the conversation between the leaders.

The message says “Vladimir Putin gave his assessments of the negotiations and the course of the special military operation to protect Donbass.

In turn, Bennett “shared his assessments of the situation around Ukraine, taking into account his contacts with the leaders of a number of foreign states, and expressed some ideas regarding the ongoing negotiation process between Russian and Ukrainian representatives.”

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