Afshain Afzal

Afshain Afzal

ABUJA, 2 March 2020, TON: Ever since row between Washington and President Buhari Muhammadu started over certain anti-Islamic actions, the liberals and minorities have joined hands to weaken the Nigerian Government. Thousand of Christians gathered in Nigerian capital Abuja to protest against the worsening insecurity in the country. They demanded a liberal society.

The march started from the National Christian Centre and terminated at the Our Lady Queen of Nigeria and was led by president of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN).  

Speaking after the procession, Rev. Augustine Akubeze threaten President Buhari Muhammadu that silence of Christians is causing insecurity problem in the country and sowing and breeding a seed of mistrust.

Meanwhile, The Northern Youth Coalition (NYC) has admonished President Muhammadu Buhari to resign from office before Nigeria becomes another Somalia.  Chairman, Senate Committee on Army, Ali Ndume has urged the Federal Government to immediately engage the services of foreign mercenaries in the fight against insurgency if that would end the Boko Haram crisis.

DOHA, 29 February 2020, TON: American media is celebrating US -Taliban historic agreement, which American leadership claims would set into motion the drawdown of US troops from Afghanistan and potentially pave the way to ending America's longest-fought war. The media throughout the world is rejoicing over deal between the US and the Taliban but question remains, where is the deal? In fact, the deals authenticate US troops’ presence till April-May 2021, censures Taliban-Al Qaida linkage and set condition of political settlement prior to the withdrawal.

This winter the average deployment of US troops in Afghanistan was less than 4000 but the agreement provides reduction of US troops from about 12,000 to 8,600. Similarly, the NATO troops have also been explained in the deal in a similar fashion. A joint statement issued by the US and Afghan governments from Doha provide that the United States and NATO would withdraw all troops in Afghanistan within 14 months if the Taliban upheld its commitments.

Afghanistan’s Independent Election Commission has announced that President Ashraf Ghani won 50.64 percent of a 28 September. Where Washington has asked President Ashraf Ghani to give up his claim of winning the elections, interestingly, the so called Taliban representatives are also dubbing President Ashraf Ghani’s government as US puppet regime. Obviously, who is left to be negotiated is an open secret.  Interestingly, Afghanistan’s government has also agreed to postpone President Ashraf Ghani’s inauguration to a second term. In the same regard, US State Department spokesperson Morgan Ortagus said in a statement that US notes the results announced in Ashraf Ghani’s favor but Washington claims that it is not recognizing either victory claim.

If we recall, prior to the signing of the deal, President Donald Trump said: “If the Taliban and the government of Afghanistan live up to these commitments, we will have a powerful path forward to end the war in Afghanistan and bring our troops home”. One wonders is this the same democracy which USA, Britain and other western feel proud of and want the other nations to follow and implement as a political system in their countries.  

The Afghan war has led around 1.6 million innocent Afghan men, women, children killed since bloody attacks on Kandhar by the US in 1998 from the Arabian Gulf.  Whereas, although the death toll of the foreign forces in Afghanistan is much higher but the official figures released by the US and British governments says that more than 2,400 American troops and 450 from Britain have been killed in the Afghan war. One wonders if United Nations Organizations has a role to play as World Organization; if United Nations Organization can authorize US and allies to invade and destroy Afghanistan what bars United Nations Security Council to order complete withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan.

I am a human, and this is my primary identity in this world. What about you? But it is regretful that some people feel ashamed to express them as ‘humans’. Many among these ashamed people are, no doubt, strong supporters of Aristotle. According to Aristotle they are not specifically humans but political animals but what about those who are not political animals? They are just humans who love each other without imposing any condition; they are the true patriots, whose religion never becomes the resistance in the path of patriotism.

Yes, I am a Muslim also. My Islam gives me the lessons to be a die-heart lover of own country and our people. It never advises me to hate people of other religions. Instead, Islam is practical that never separate us from rest of the world. Each country comprises of different segments of the society on the basis of their religions, races, classes and the very aspect is even recognized by Islam. We never want to separate ourselves from our neighbors, our fellow people as they are our siblings. Like Islam other divine religions also teaches us the same. Even Hinduism spread the message to maintain peace. I know a large number of Hindus living in our country who are very generous, love others irrespective of their religions and posses patriotism. So should we hate such people? No! we can never do that.

The world is familiar with patriotism of people of India. Although, Hindus are the majority but Indian Muslim nation is very patriotic and are equally contributing in the development of today’s India. So why they are kept oppressed and deprived? The political animals have its answer. Some Indians are of the view and have tweet like this, “Sometimes A King Has To Remind Fools Why He’s King.”  In India, many Muslims are beaten to death or seriously injured; their homes and shops are burned only because they are living within Hindustan which should be only for Hindus.

Nevertheless, majority of Indians want peaceful environment and desire their expelled brothers back. Yes, they are humans rather than political animals as regard to their patriotism. If we recall, some Muslim brothers were killed were singing their national anthem despite inhumane torture. One wonders, how meaningless was their patriotism and entire service for the country.

Now I want to talk about my country, Bangladesh, where people are happy and peaceful. Here people believe in The Creator but our religion lives inside us. Segregation from each other and making trouble for others can never be way or mean to secure a religion or a nation. Rather, it can destroy our religion and the nation. Recently, issue of oppression of Indian Muslim in India is instigating our local people and some groups who are trying to mislead Bangladeshis. We need to hate political animals but not the innocent humans, specially the Hindu minority in our country. As some groups are spreading feelings of hatred towards Hinduism inside local Bangladeshi people, we should not forget our religion does not permit us to hate them. So in order to save our own-self, we need to first protect them, which in sour national and religious obligation.

ANKARA, 29 February 2020, TON: In the backdrop of  attack on Turkish positions in Syria in which 34 Turkish soldier were killed, Turkey summoned emergency meeting of NATO. Turkey’s 28 allies expressed their condolences over the deaths and urged de-escalation, but no additional NATO support was offered in open. Since NATO is already engaged in Syria there is an apprehension from Russia that NATO would take appropriate action to aid to its ally in Syria. Apart from providing some aerial surveillance over Syria, NATO had been covertly active in operations. Presently, NATO has refused to play any direct role in the conflict. However, NATO members are divided over Turkey’s actions there, and European allies are concerned about any new wave of refugees.

The principle of collective defence is at the very heart of NATO’s founding treaty.  It is laid down in the NATO Charter that an attack against one Ally is considered as an attack against all Allies. NATO invoked Article 5 for the first time in its history after the 9/11 terrorist attacks against the USs. NATO has taken collective defence measures on several occasions, for instance in response to the situation in Syria and in the wake of the Russia-Ukraine crisis. However, NATO members are silent over attack on Turkish soldiers.

Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in a statement  said, “We stand by our NATO ally Turkey in the aftermath of the despicable and brazen February 27 attack on Turkish forces in Idlib, which resulted in the death of dozens of Turkish soldiers”, He added, “The Assad Regime, Russia, Iran and Hizballah must cease their ongoing attacks in Idlib.”

Earlier, at Friday’s emergency Security Council meeting, 13 of its 15 members supported U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ call for an immediate cease-fire.

NEW YORK, 29 February 2020, TON: The American stocks sank around the globe again Friday, 28 February due to the spread of coronavirus outbreak, sending US markets to their worst weekly finish since  2008 financial crisis.

The damage remained: The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 3,583 points, or 12.4%. Microsoft and Apple, the two most valuable companies in the S&P 500, lost a combined $300 billion. In a sign of the severity of the concern about the possible economic blow, the price of oil sank 16%. Crude oil prices sank 4.9% over worries that global travel and shipping will be severely crimped and hurt demand for energy.

The Federal Reserve released a statement saying it stood ready to help the economy if needed. Investors increasingly expect the Fed to cut rates at its next policy meeting in mid-March. The US is facing worst recession and unless Fed do not shoulder the economy, the economic situation in the US is facing greatest challenge of the times.

DECCA, 27 February 2020, TON: Bangladesh is going to celebrate the 100th birthday of the father of the nation Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from 17th March this year till 17th March next year. Not only the people of Bangladesh but many foreign nations would celebrate the day abroad. This will be the international projection of the significance of Sheikh Mujibur Rehman towards Bangali nation. The day will be celebrated in order to let the world know who is Sheikh Mujib? why He is? and how He is? The countdown of ‘Mujib Year’ started on the 10thJanuary 2020 as the commemoration of returning back of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib to the new born Bangladesh in 1972. The countdown will be end on 17th March when Bangladesh and the world will celebrate the day. 294 programs have been chalked out with regard to ‘Mujib Year’ celebration. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has forbidden the excessive expense and illegal projection without approval of the authority in our country on this day.

Bangladesh has already received a long list of global guests who will attend a series of programs during the ‘Mujib Year’ celebrations. Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, former Indian President Pranab Mukherjee, Indian National Congress Party’s President Sonia Gandhi, Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s Secretary General Dr. Yousef A Al-Othaimeen, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Sheikh Mohammad bin Zayed Al Nahyam, former UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Bhutanese King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, and former UNESCO Director- General Irina Bokova are some of the global leaders who will attend the programs. Chinese President Xi Jinping expressed intense interest in the ‘Mujib Year’ celebration and wished a complete success to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. In Pakistan too, which remained as the Western Part and Bangladesh as Eastern part, there will be celebrations throughout the country. The Bangladesh High Commission located at Sector F-6/3, Islamabad will organize special programme while special features will be published in Pakistani media.

RIYADH, 27 February 2020, TON: Saudi Arabia has restricted  travel to Holy Kaabah over fears about a viral epidemic. The move came as there were reports of over 245 confirmed cases of the new coronavirus in the neighbouring countries. In an official statement announcing the decision, Saudi Foreign Ministry said “We ask God Almighty to spare all humanity from all harm.”

The extraordinary decision by Saudi Arabia stops movement of foreigners from reaching holy city of Mecca and Medina. Otherwise those already in Mecca and suburbs have not been stopped from offering prayers five times a day and other rituals. The decision also affected travel to Prophet Muhammad’s mosque in Medina.

In the neighbouring Iran, reportedly death toll from the virus has reached 22 dead and 142 confirmed cases. In Kuwait so far 43 cases have been reported while Bahrain confirmed 33 cases, all linked to travelers who recently came from Iran. In Iraq government has ordered schools and universities closed for 10 days. The government also ordered the closures of cinemas, cafes, clubs and other social gathering.

JAMMU, 26 February 2020, TON: In a recent statement, Director General of Jammu and Kashmir Police Dilbag Singh said, “there are 240 to 250 active listed militants in the Jammu and Kashmir valley". Few days back, New Delhi has announced that Panchayat elections in occupied Jammu and Kashmir, scheduled to be held in March 2020, have been postponed for indefinite period. It is pertinent to mention here that India abrogated the special status of Jammu and Kashmir under Article 370 on 5 August and bifurcated it into two Union territories. The election for a local government was first litmus test after occupied Jammu and Kashmir State was bifurcated into two union territories, however, Indian intelligence agencies have furnished reports that it would be a great blunder and may lead to irreparable loss to India’s Jammu and Kashmir Policy.

Meanwhile, Speaking at the 43rd session of the UN Human Rights Council which is being held in Geneva, Switzerland from 24 February 20 March, Vikas Swarup, Secretary Indian Ministry of External Affairs, described Pakistan as the epicenter of global terrorism. He called for decisive action against states who direct, control, fund and shelter terrorists. Interestingly, Indian Chief of Army Staff General Naravane visited Indian formations deployed in the Northern Command  and witnessed the damage caused by the Pakistani Armed Forces at the Indian positions. There were allegations by some civilians that Pakistan violated Indian airspace at Ranbir Singh Pura (RS Pura) sector however, same could not be confirmed.

There are speculations that India might be planning an attack inside Pakistani territories but same is not supported by ground realities. However, there are reports that Indian Military and the Air Force are planning a misadventure during March this year. There are planners who have supported move of elements of 50 Independent Para Brigade from Chushul to Jammu as well as that of Independent Mountain Brigades. One wonders it would be a great folly on part of India to perceive that a common friend of both the countries would interfere to isolate Pakistan in case of an aerial attack. The fact cannot be denied. In case a misadventure by India is repeated, Islamabad would adopt an entirely different strategy to deal with the situation.  

NEW DELHI, 25 February 2020, TON: Seventeen people were killed, 42 injured and three missing in clashes between anti and Pro Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) groups. President rump has been holding meetings with Indian leaders, diplomats and businessmen in the same city where worse clashes witnessed.

AHMEDABAD, 24 February 2020, TON: President Donald Trump arrived here on Monday on 36 hours visit to India. President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, accompanied by a 12-member official delegation on board US Airforce aircraft took off from Joint Base Andrews and reached New Delhi today evening on 24 February. This is President Trump’s second visit; earlier he visited India in 2014 as a real estate businessman for investment purposes.President Trump arrival at Ahmedabad witnessed a rally like environment attracting a very large crowd.

Few hours ahead of President Trump’s arrival, the Indian Lieutenant Governor of New Delhi tweeted that he has instructed Delhi Police and the Delhi Commissioner of Police to ensure law and order is maintained.  However, clashes erupted between pro and anti-Citizen Amendment Act (CAA). A Police Head Constable was killed while Deputy Commissioner (DCP) was injured after few individuals masked restored to violence. As the clashes broke out between pro-CAA and anti-CAA protestors in Bhajanpura, Maujpur and Jaffrabad localities of New Delhi; the pro-CAA torched vehicles while chanting slogans  “Jai Shri Ram“ and anti-CAA pelted stones on the opponents over the controversial legislation. The pro-CAA protested carried out firing on Police and several protester killing Police Head Constable and injuring dozens others. The authorities have imposed Section 144 of CrPC at twelve different localities in North-east district of New Delhi. Meanwhile, Mobile internet was suspended at all the twelve locations and weak signals were received at other locations.

Formal talks will be held at on Tuesday, followed by a state banquet in the evening. Reputedly, the main agenda would be US-Iran standoff following the killing of Iranian Major General Qasem Soleimani, who was killed as result of input provided by Indian Radio Interception Company deployed off Baghdad. During the visit beside a Memorandum of Understanding on intelligence sharing about Iran, major defence agreement, trade and energy as well as real state agreement would be announced.  President Trump is scheduled to visit cyber excellence center on Tuesday.

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