Afshain Afzal

Afshain Afzal

By Afshain Afzal

The very first statement Sajeeb Wajed, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wajed’s son gave was, "My mother was so disappointed that she even thought of considering the proposal of her resigning as after all her hard work for the minority, they rise up against her.” As today, there is no evidence that Prime Minister Hasina resigned or left for India. The helicopter and transport aircraft story as well as the one narrated by India was discussed but on the ground it was not implemented. Careful observation of the video clip attributed to PM Hasina and her sister claiming to be taken before fleeing for India proves that PM Hasina or her sister were not the ladies seen in white Saree in the video as neither the physique was matching PM Hasina nor being a 77 year old lady, PM Hasina can mount on a SUV by standing on the pedestal as shown in the video.

The Indian and Western nations since long planned to introduce a broad-based government in Bangladesh with Indians, Iranians and other minorities controlling the helm of affairs. To achieve this task the West assigned Nobel laureate Dr Muhammad Yunus, who took oath on 7 August 2024, as the head of Bangladesh's interim government. Yesterday Dr Yunus spoke to the media and said, “People are being attacked, houses are being burnt, properties are being destroyed, instances of theft, offices are being destroyed, minorities are being attacked; Hindus, Buddhists, Christians and Ahmadiyyas are all under attack. Our responsibilities are to protect everyone; all are our brothers and sisters." By such misleading statements the masses around the world will get an impression if the killings carried out in Bangladesh in recent days were that of Bangladeshi minority members. Can Dr Yunus disclose how many minority members got killed since the protests started till today? Independent reports confirm only two deaths and one not related to protests. As the head of Bangladesh's interim government, Muhammad Yunus must clarify motives behind such misinformation before he may be allowed to proceed further.

There are reports that Dr Muhammad Younus changed his religion to Christianity and started attending Church sessions after marrying his first wife, Vera Forostenko, who was also a lifetime member of St. Vladimir's Orthodox Church, Trenton, and St. Alexander Nevsky Russian Orthodox Cathedral, Lakewood. In 1977, first daughter Monica Yunus was born but a few months after the birth of baby girl, Dr Yunus divorced Vera Forostenko, who returned to the US along with few months old Monica to live with her parents, claiming that Bangladesh was not a good place to raise a baby girl. Later, little girl suffered from identity crisis but managed to become an opera singer in New York City.

The drama being staged after the kidnapping of a sitting Prime Minister of a sovereign nation has not been condemned by a single country. Without understanding its repercussions nations are welcoming the formation of an interim government of criminals and money launderers. The fact cannot be denied that Dr Muhammad Yunus, as the head of Bangladesh's interim government was undergoing sentence for his criminal activities. He deposited $1.2M evaded tax amount outstanding against him and a huge amount is still pending as tax evasion. He also influenced the US against the US government and caused blocking of $3 billion funding of the World Bank for the country’s biggest multipurpose Padma bridge project. There is a requirement that UNO and human rights organizations must support the reinstatement of a democratically elected Prime Minister of Bangladesh.


By Afshain Afzal

We all know that it was Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wajed annulled Quota System from Bangladesh in 2018, and the new 100 percent merit-based recruitment was fully implemented since then. She as a Prime Minister is not above the law therefore she was supporting the rule of law and honoured the verdicts of Bangladeshi courts. In her statement, Prime Minister Hasina on 7th July 2024 said, “After the court’s verdict, there is no justification for the anti-quota movement.” Again, on 14 July she said, “Why do they have so much resentment towards the freedom fighters? If the grandchildren of the freedom fighters don’t get quota benefits, should the grandchildren of Razakars get the benefit?” Although the statements of the Prime Minister were quite impolite but such statements became necessary to support the judgments passed by the Courts. Just to remind that in Bangladesh, Razakar” are Urdu-speaking who collaborated with Pakistan during the unrest and military crackdown of Bengali-speaking locals in East Pakistan in 1971.

In the early years following independence, the quotas were reserved for war veterans themselves, and then it expanded to include their children in 1997 and then grandchildren in 2010. Students protested in 2018 that it was clearly discriminatory and needed to change. Prime Minister Sheikh, Hasina promised the students to abolish the system, when she announced, “There is nothing to get angry at, the students are demanding end to quota, and I totally accept it.” Prime Minister Hasina scrapped the entire quota system. The 2018 circular said “Direct recruitment in all government jobs in 9th grade (old first class) and from 10th to 13th grade (old second class) will be completely based on merit”, abolishing the existing quota system.

There were protests from civil society groups who called for reform of the quotas, rather than outright cancellation, but the government remained unmoved, and the agitation died down. In June 2024, when a group of people, including relatives of war veterans, went to the High Court and challenged the government’s 2018 order to cancel the quotas. The court ruled that the government order was illegal and restored the quotas in their entirety. On 5 July 2024, The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court has upheld (for now) a High Court judgment that declared illegal a 2018 government circular abolishing the 30 percent quota system for the Freedom Fighters' children in the ninth to 13th grades of government jobs.

Bangladesh’s High Court on 14 July 2024, gave its decision to retain the 30 percent government job quota for the children of freedom fighters in the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War. Following widespread student protests, the Appellate Division of Bangladesh’s Supreme Court has suspended the government service quota system for one month. The Supreme Court order dated 21 July 2024, pronounced that the quota for veterans’ descendants be cut to 5 percent, with 93 percent of jobs to be allocated on merit. The remaining 2 percent will be set-aside for members of ethnic minorities and transgender and disabled people. One wonders that when Prime Minister Hasina Wajed abolished the quota system in her previous term of government, why she is being blamed for the action taken by the judiciary against her decision to abolish quota system? The Western and Indian pressure groups to include transgender and militant groups in quota have directly started interfering in the internal affairs of Bangladesh. This also led to the abduction and imprisonment of sitting Prime Minister with her whereabouts unknown. Prime Minister Hasina is still the legitimate Prime Minister as she never resigned and under what law new interim government has been established? Is this democracy? Why UNO and Human Rights groups are silent?

By Afshain Afzal

The whereabouts of 77 years-old Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina Wajed are not known to anyone, no one heard a single word since her arrest; she is a prisoner of conscience. It all started and nations turned against her when she delivered her first speech at the 14-party meeting at the Gono Bhaban, Dhaka on 23 May 2024. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said, “I was offered a hassle-free reelection in the 7th January polls if she allowed a foreign country to build a military airbase in Bangladesh territory. Told that a plot is in progress to carve out a Christian state like East Timor, comprising of parts from Bangladesh and Myanmar with base in the Bay of Bengal.” Aftermath many nations turned against her and staged a conspiracy against her for her illegal and undemocratic kidnapping. The whereabouts of other politicians loyal to her are also not known.

On 5 August 2024, General Waker-Uz-Zaman, Bangladesh Army Chief confirming Prime Minister Hasina Wajed’s resignation disclosed that she landed at Indian Airforce Base Hindon in Ghaziabad and is being closely monitored by Indian security agencies. The inside circle claimed on the condition of anonymity that Prime Minister Hasina Wajed refused to render resignation and declined to leave for India or any other country so she was forcibly removed to an unknown location. In the recent month India has expelled a large number of non-Indians and pushed them to Bangladesh as illegals; they were also seen in the protests.

On the other hand, Indian National Security Adviser Ajit Doval confirmed, “Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina along with her family left Dhaka on C130J transport aircraft of Bangladesh Air Force on 5 August 2024, and landed at the Indian Air Force Base, Hindon near Gaziabad, New Delhi at around 5:45 pm. The Indian Air Defence radars kept a close watch on the aircraft as it entered Indian airspace and flew over Kolkata. Indian Air Force personnel also activated two Rafale fighter aircraft to provide any assistance to the flight in case of any emergency. The officials of the IAF and other agencies of the Government of India received her after the aircraft with Prime Minister Hasina, her sister Rehana as well as others close to the family onboard at the Indian Airforce Base, Hindon.”

Amnesty International’s Regional Director for South Asia Smriti Singh in a statement said, “It’s an opportune moment for any new interim government in Bangladesh to show solidarity with its people, protect the most vulnerable and not repeat the mistakes of the past.” US State Department spokesman welcoming the announcement of the formation of the interim government has declared that America stands with the people of Bangladesh in the wake of the recent political upheaval in Bangladesh and suggested that the interim government should be democratic and multi-party. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina won the January 2024 elections for the fourth consecutive term and is enjoying the 3/4th majority. Her party Awami League and the allies won 225 of 300 parliamentary seats contested while the Bangladesh Nationalist Party and the allies boycotted the elections. She is to remain Prime Minister of Bangladesh till 2029. One wonders is this not the slaughter of democracy, violation of human rights and UNO Charter where foreign nations are directly interfering in the internal affairs of a sovereign nation. The human rights organizations, the UNO and  the European Union must investigate the whereabouts of the democratically elected Prime Minister. The people of Pakistan have great respect for Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his family. Pakistan welcomes Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wajed and her family to come to her own country “Pakistan” and reside at her residence at East Pakistan House.

By Afshain Afzal

Iranian leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said in a statement on 31 July 2024, “The criminal and terrorist Zionist regime martyred our dear guest in our house and made us bereaved; it also prepared the ground for a harsh punishment for itself.” The question arises will Iran carry out a direct attack on Israel or the US, other than some symbolic volley of rockets inside Israeli territory? The answer is “No”. It will be encouraging if Tehran reacts within the space provided by International Law. One wonders every time Iran and Lebanon intensify rocket attacks on Israel when there is hope of peace between Jews and Muslims over the issue of complete independence of Palestine.

We all are waiting for the International Court of Justice (ICJ) verdict and implementation of arrest warrants of war criminals declared by the International Criminal Court (ICC). At this juncture, focusing on a single event inside Iran will reduce the broader canvas and harm the Palestinian cause. More so, Hamas did not recognize former Hamas leader Ismail Haniyah as sincere to the Palestinian cause as Hamas has adopted the path of peace and obedience of International Law. Tehran reported that Ismail Haniyah died as a result of Israeli attack at his Tehran residence but it is yet to be ascertained as Iran recently arrested some of her Intelligence personnel while the pattern of attack matches the operations of one of the strongest allies of Israel. Israel has not officially admitted the attack and preferred to keep the silence over the assassination.

Iran has accused Israel of carrying out a cowardly attack inside Iran and vowed to take decisive action against the aggressor but the Iranian tone is too mild otherwise by now action would have been taken. Meanwhile, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) will hold an open-ended extraordinary meeting of its executive committee at the foreign ministers’ level at OIC General Secretariat in Jeddah tomorrow,  7th August 2024, to discuss the ongoing crimes of the Israeli intrusion and war crimes against the Palestinian people. An outcome of the conference will be a strong condemnation of Israel's genocide of Palestinian orthodox Muslims and a need for greater unity amongst Muslim nations and allies over the issue of complete withdrawal of Israeli and foreign allies forces from Gaza, full independence and sovereignty of the State of Palestine. We all are waiting for ICJ’s decision, which will be followed by a consolidated response by Muslim nations and allies.

DAKHA, 6 August 2024 (TON): Sajeeb Wazed Joy, son of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wajed, in a statement to media said, “"My mother had been considering resigning since yesterday as she was so disappointed that after all her hard work the minority to rise up against her and she do not intend to make a political comeback.”

The violence had foreign support and footmarks of elements from neighbouring India were evident. The Bangladeshi protesters started killing police personnel and the official figure reflected 13 Police personnel killed till 5th August. Under the circumstances Police restored to live firing which could have been avoided. But Indian media using AI techniques reflected that bad law and order situation has paralyzed the political machinery and the resignation of Prime Minister Hasina was the only option to control the events. The US also played a prominent role in the ousting of Prime Minister Hasina when US State Department Spokesperson Mathew Miller blew whistle on 22 July 2024 condemning violence against peaceful protesters called on the Awami League government to uphold the right to peaceful protests.

The general masses of Bangladesh and a great number of Pakistanis still support Prime Minister Hasina and would see her or at least her family's representation in the forthcoming election, however, they are of the view that past mistakes should not be repeated including baring Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and Jamaat e Islami (JI). The Indian and Western have planned to introduce a broad-based government in Bangladesh with Indian and other minorities controlling the helm of affairs.

DAKHA, 6 August 2024 (TON): Bangladeshi President Mohammed Shahabuddin on Monday ordered the release of jailed former Prime Minister Khaleda Zia. An official statement from Dakha said, “Meeting decided unanimously to free Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia immediately". Bangladeshi Army chief General Waker-Uz-Zaman, along with the Chiefs of the Airforce and Navy, and top leaders of several opposition parties including the BNP and Jamaat-e-Islami attended the meeting.

Meanwhile, the military authorities announced that it has lifted a curfew imposed to control the protests and the offices, factories, schools, colleges and other establishments will be open from today.

Earlier today, General Zaman said in a broadcast to the nation on state television that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina had resigned and the military would form a caretaker government. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was forced at gunpoint to resign and a deal was made for her extradition to the United Kingdom via India.

By Afshain Afzal

A joint statement from Hamas leadership controlling Gaza and the Palestinian Government in exile in Eastern Europe disowned any link with Ismail Haniyah or any armed group saying, “Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim; We respect the peaceful efforts being made by different Palestinian groups struggling for the complete independence and restoration of Palestine state including Jews’ associations and the general masses around the world. However, Hamas has no connection with the acts of Ismail Haniyah or any armed group. It does not receive any funding or arms from Iran or Lebanon. Hamas neither has any armed outfit nor will support in the future. Hamas' peaceful struggle against Israel's and its allies' intrusion inside Palestinian territories will continue till complete restoration of Palestinian sovereignty over the Islamic Republic of Palestine.”

By Afshain Afzal

Whom should we trust?

Iran has claimed that Hamas former leader Ismail Haniyah, who was in Tehran to attend 30th July 2024 swearing-in of President Masoud Pezeshkian, was hit by a drone on his North Tehran’s residence, in which he along with one of his bodyguards were martyred. Iranian media quoting a statement of Iran's Revolutionary Guards official said, “At 2:00 am, the residence of Ismail Haniyah, head of the political office of Hamas-Islamic Resistance, was hit in Tehran, and as a result of this incident, he and one of his bodyguards were martyred”. Statement from Palestinian Government from exile in Eastern Europe has not yet been made public. 

In a conflicting statement quoted by Israeli media, Ismail Haniyah was killed in a drone attack in Beirut on 30th July 2024, Israel retaliated with a UAV strike in Beirut in which two people were killed including Fuad Shukr alias Al Hajj Mohsinand Ismail Haniyah. IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said Fuad Shukr was the commander responsible for the Golan Heights Majdal Shams Massacre, in which 12 children were murdered. It is the same area where Israel and the United States are trying to settle as many non-Muslims and other faiths as possible for the purpose best known to them. The killing of Fuad Shukr could not be confirmed from the inner circles. 

If we recall, there was a rocket attack on a football ground at Majdal Shams in the Golan Heights that killed 12 people including children. This attack was given extraordinary coverage. Israeli military spokesman Daniel Hagari said on Saturday the rocket used in the deadly attack was an Iranian-made Fala Haq-1 fired by Hezbollah, which was carried out from an area located north of the village of Chebaa in southern Lebanon. Surprisingly on 13 March 2024, Hezbollah launched more than 100 Katyusha rockets on two Israeli military bases in the Golan Heights, but it was not taken that seriously. Reports say that there was an earlier understanding between Hezbollah and Israel over settlers and residents of the Golan Heights.

The ICC has issued Israeli Prime Minister Nethanyahu and other’s arrest warrants while the ICJ's Advisory has declared Israeli occupation of Gaza etc as illegal. Hence, it is the responsibility of every peace-loving individual and the nations to affect his arrest and handover to the Court. There are some claims that attempts will be made to arrest him either from within Israel or from other countries during his visit. The other names reflected in the ICC judgment including Palestinians, earlier submitted that the moment Nethanyahu's arrest is materialized they, if surviving, would surrender before the Court. Ironically, unconfirmed reports claim that Yaha Sinwar was martyred a long time back while Ismail Haniyah who were expected to reveal the truth about Hamas and its enemies who are supported by Israel and the US but projected as Palestinians’ wellwishers. Will Hezbollah and Iran show the dead bodies of Fuad Shukr and Ismail Haniyah to allow the people to believe it, otherwise it leads that Israel is only interested in the genocide of Palestinians. 

By Afshain Afzal

Speaking before the Congress on 24 July 2024, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu disclosed that 3000 Hamas terrorists stormed into Israel they killed 1200 people from 41 countries. He then proudly introduced two Israeli military persons as heroes who stood up against terrorists early on the morning 7th October 2023, soon after the attack on Israel. He claimed, “Lieutenant Avichail killed many many terrorists” and “Master Sergeant Ashraf al Bahiri killed many terrorists”.

The world has been following the developments without a minute delay. No one ever heard about even a single terrorist killed or injured on 7 July 2023. Prime Minister is a responsible position and cannot be excused if it was a slip of his tongue that Israeli military personnel, Lieutenant Avichail and Master Sergeant Ashraf al Bahiri killed many many terrorists. If this is the truth about these two officers, where are the dead bodies of Palestinian terrorists they killed? As yet, neither any official statement reflected it nor any media coverage was given. Israel's Prime Minister must tell the world why he told so many lies?

The fact cannot be denied that the 7 October attack was Israeli intelligence agency Shen Beth and Mossad’s self-engineered plot to malign Hamas. Hamas as a political organization still controls Gaza not because they have better military weapons but because the Israeli Forces carry out only artillery and aerial bombing and their ground forces have refused to carry out attacks in Gaza. Despite a large number of Court Martials and termination of services, the Jews are not ready to obey any unlawful command that aims killings of innocent Palestinian civilians and destruction of their houses without any cause. Jews are neither enemies of Muslims nor Muslims are their enemies; as in the past, they were living together peacefully with complete harmony. We are hopeful that all communities of Palestinian territories will express a sigh of relief after going through the “Charter of Independence” already issued by Hamas Government today on 26 July 2024. Peace has won as the Government of Palestine has announced general amnesty with no revenge from anyone.

By Afshain Afzal

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his speech to Congress on 24 July 2024, specifically targeted Iran by saying, “In the Middle East, Iran’s axis of terror confronts America, Israel and our Arab friends. This is not a clash of civilizations. It’s a clash between barbarism and civilization. It’s a clash between those who glorify death and those who sanctify life.” He also said, “Iran is virtually behind all the terrorism, all the turmoil, all the chaos, all the killings. In the Middle East Iran is virtually behind all the terrorism; all the turmoil, all the chaos, all the killings and that should come as no surprise. When he founded the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Khomeini pledged we will export the Islamic revolution to the entire world.”

Ironically, when Prime Minister Netanyahu said “Today it is Israel’s fight in the frontline of the civilization, I do appeal to America Give us the tools faster and we will finish the job faster,” and “America and Israel today can forge a security alliance in Middle East to counter the growing Iranian threat,” he did not mean that with these tools Israel would finish Iran. There was an impression that Israel, the US and its allies are going to give a final ultimatum before Israel “finishes the job”. But as traditionally being followed in the past, Israel instead of planning to destroy Iranian military and nuclear capabilities and its ruling in the Middle East, forged an unwritten alliance with Iran, Hezbollah and Houthis to eliminate Hamas and those who are clash with the opposing religious, social and political ideologies.

As planned since decades, Netanyahu announced three conditions in his speech, “War in Gaza will end tomorrow if Hamas surrenders, disarms and return the hostages. But if they don’t Israel will fight until we destroy Hamas’ military capabilities and its ruling Gaza and bring all its hostages home. He claimed that after we defeat Hamas, a new Gaza will emerge, my vision is to demilitarize and de-radicalize Gaza. Israel does not seek to resettle Gaza but for the foreseeable future we must retain overriding security control there to prevent resurgence of terror and ensure that Gaza never posses a threat to Israel”. He added, “A new generation of Palestinians will no longer be taught to hate Jews but rather to live with peace with us.”

To comprehend the Truth, extracts of Netanyahu's speech to Congress 24 May 2011, must be highlighted where he said, “ The truth is that Israel needs unique security arrangements because of its unique size… Israel on the 1967 lines would be only nine miles wide. So much for strategic depth, it is therefore absolutely vital for Israel’s security that a Palestinian state be fully demilitarized. And it is vital Israel maintains a long-term military presence along the Jordan River. Solid security arrangements on the ground are necessary not only to protect the peace; they are necessary to protect Israel in case the peace unravels. For in our unstable region, no one can guarantee that our peace partners today will be there tomorrow.” He also said, “The Palestinian attempt to impose a settlement through the United Nations will not bring peace. It should be forcefully opposed by all those who want to see this conflict end.… so I say to President Abbas: Tear up your pact with Hamas! Sit down and negotiate! Make peace with the Jewish state! And if you do, I promise you this. Israel will not be the last country to welcome a Palestinian state as a new member of the United Nations. It will be the first to do so.”


Now when we are clear but Israeli criminal and hegemonic designs that existed even over a decade back to eliminate Hamas and like-minded political leadership, there should be no sympathy with Netanyahu or Israeli war criminals. An invitation to war criminals and state-sponsored terrorists as an official guest and allowing deliver a speech at the US Congress has set a new precedent. The message is clear, “the world stands divided”. Netanyahu might be a role model for a couple of thousand Americans but a majority of American taxpayers, Jews, Christians, and Muslims are angry over the dirty politics being played over the dead bodies of thousands of orthodox Palestinians. On 26 July Palestinians are going to declare their independence and are issuing the “Charter of Peace”, world must recognize the new state of Palestine, which existed the centuries.


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