Afshain Afzal

Afshain Afzal

ISLAMABAD, 11 March 2020, TON: A Pakistan Airforce fighter aircraft crashed near parade ground at Shakarparian, Islamabad on Wednesday. As per the details Wing Commander Noman Akram was carrying out nose diving rehearsal for 23rd March “Pakistan Day” parade when his F-16 lost control due to bad weather cum technical fault and crashed in the adjoining green belt. 

According to the Air Force authorities, “The aircraft was taking part in rehearsals for a Pakistan Day air show and Wing Commander Noman Akram was the only pilot in the aircraft and embraced martyrdom in the crash. Investigation into the crash has been ordered.

The F-16 fighter-aircrafts are often developing technical faults and crashes have become quite frequent.  In just less than one year, a number of aircrafts crashed, In May 2019 a F-16 fighter jet crashed into a warehouse outside of Los Angeles,  in September 2019, a Belgian F-16 fighter jet crashed in western France, in December 2019, another F-16 Fighting US Airforce crashed as it was about to land on Kunsan Air Base, near Gunsan, South Korea, another F-16 fighter jet stationed at the US air base in Spangdahlem, Rhineland-Palatinate crashed in Trier near the Luxembourg border.  Similarly, in January 2020 an Egyptian Air Force F-16 fighter jet crashed in North Sinai and on 11 February 2020, one more aircraft crashed in Islamabad, Pakistan.   

KHARTOUM, 9 March 2020, TON: It was a surprise when Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok claimed through Tweet on Monday, 9 March 2020 that his motorcade was attacked. There were no eye witnesses, no deaths, no injuries or even a scratch to anyone. A low intensity explosion took place near north-eastern entrance to Kober bridge, leading to Sudanese Prime Minister's office, which was claimed to be attack on Prime Minister motorcade. Abdalla Hamdok Tweeted, “"I would like to assure the people of Sudan that I am safe and in good shape, "Rest assures what happened today will not stand in the way of transition, instead it is an additional push to the wheel of change in Sudan.” Later, minor dame to some vehicle was show to media as evidence that attack actually took place.

The terrorist attack coincided with visit of US Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Marshall Billingslea along with delegation of US Department of the Treasury Monday, 9 March visit to Sudanese Capital Khartoum. The American delegation discussed with the Sudanese Prime Minister and Foreign Minister financial reforms to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. US government has already lifted the economic sanctions imposed on Sudan, but the country’s designation as a State Sponsor of terrorism prevents Sudan from being able to make financial transfers with international financial institutions. Washington has linked all the privileges and benefits with recognition of Israel as legitimate state with capital at Jerusalem.

Abdalla Hamdok, PhD degrees holder from the University of Manchester, remained at senior positions at Deloitte & Touche, the UN and other positions. Abdalla Hamdok, popular in the Western world and international organizations was appointed as head Sudan's transitional government in August 2019, a few months after the overthrow of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir. Immediately, Abdalla Hamdok demanded that country needs US $8 billion to run the government. The question arises was this a real attack or an attempt to attract the sympathies of Western countries? There are also reports that Tel Aviv staged this drama for obvious reasons of recognition. The fact cannot be denied that Sudan was officially at war with Israel till the times ousted Prime Minister Omar al-Bashir. The new chance brought leadership who were trusted in the eyes of US and Israel. Presently, the Sudanese Army is in favour of relations with Israel claiming it is in the interest of Sudan's national security. Sudan’s transitional military-civilian council leader, General Abdel-Fattah Burhan met Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Entebbe on 2 February 2020.

With regard to General Burhan meeting with Israel premier, Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok told media that he was not consulted and only learned of the meeting through the media, when Israeli premier made an announcement. He tweeted, “The road to meaningful change in Sudan is riddled with challenges and obstacles, however, we must understand that abiding to legal institutional roles and responsibilities is key to building a truly democratic state." He added, “The transitional government as a whole must ensure accountability, responsibility and transparency in all decisions made.” However, analysts established his links with Israelis since he was at senior position at Deloitte & Touche and the UN.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo thanked General Burhan for his leadership in normalizing ties with Israel and invited Burhan to talks in Washington that would focus on creating a "stronger, healthier US-Sudan bilateral relationship".  However, Palestine Liberation Organization called General Burhan and Netanyahu's meeting "a stab in the back of the Palestinian people". In a statement carried on official news agency WAFA, Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat accused Netanyahu and his US allies of "trying to liquidate the Palestinian cause".

It is important to highlight that the immediate reaction of the attack was that US Embassy in Sudan tweeted: “We continue to support Sudan's civilian led transitional government and stand in solidarity with the Sudanese people.” The popular media channel reminded that attack is a reminder of the volatile situation that still prevails in Sudan less than a year on from the coup. In other words, the foreign agencies are planning to conduct all-Africa operations to eliminate orthodox Muslims and Coptic and all those who oppose foreign occupation, interference in the internal affairs by Western and Europeans and recognition of illegitimate state of Israel. It is worth appreciation that Sudan’s agencies has the power to detain individuals without a warrant for up to 45 days, granting it impunity to act without judicial oversight or accountability, in violation of international laws on arbitrary arrest and detention. It is expected in weeks to come there would be game of blood and fire to silent all those who oppose.

It was a surprise when Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok claimed through Tweet on Monday, 9 March 2020 that his motorcade was attacked. There were no eye witnesses, no deaths, no injuries or even a scratch to anyone. A low intensity explosion took place near north-eastern entrance to Kober bridge, leading to Sudanese Prime Minister's office, which was claimed to be attack on Prime Minister motorcade. Abdalla Hamdok Tweeted, “"I would like to assure the people of Sudan that I am safe and in good shape, "Rest assures what happened today will not stand in the way of transition, instead it is an additional push to the wheel of change in Sudan.” Later, minor dame to some vehicle was show to media as evidence that attack actually took place.

The terrorist attack coincided with visit of US Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Marshall Billingslea along with delegation of US Department of the Treasury Monday, 9 March visit to Sudanese Capital Khartoum. The American delegation discussed with the Sudanese Prime Minister and Foreign Minister financial reforms to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. US government has already lifted the economic sanctions imposed on Sudan, but the country’s designation as a State Sponsor of terrorism prevents Sudan from being able to make financial transfers with international financial institutions. Washington has linked all the privileges and benefits with recognition of Israel as legitimate state with capital at Jerusalem.

Abdalla Hamdok, PhD degrees holder from the University of Manchester, remained at senior positions at Deloitte & Touche, the UN and other positions. Abdalla Hamdok, popular in the Western world and international organizations was appointed as head Sudan's transitional government in August 2019, a few months after the overthrow of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir. Immediately, Abdalla Hamdok demanded that country needs US $8 billion to run the government. The question arises was this a real attack or an attempt to attract the sympathies of Western countries? There are also reports that Tel Aviv staged this drama for obvious reasons of recognition. The fact cannot be denied that Sudan was officially at war with Israel till the times ousted Prime Minister Omar al-Bashir. The new chance brought leadership who were trusted in the eyes of US and Israel. Presently, the Sudanese Army is in favour of relations with Israel claiming it is in the interest of Sudan's national security. Sudan’s transitional military-civilian council leader, General Abdel-Fattah Burhan met Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Entebbe on 2 February 2020.

With regard to General Burhan meeting with Israel premier, Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok told media that he was not consulted and only learned of the meeting through the media, when Israeli premier made an announcement. He tweeted, “The road to meaningful change in Sudan is riddled with challenges and obstacles, however, we must understand that abiding to legal institutional roles and responsibilities is key to building a truly democratic state." He added, “The transitional government as a whole must ensure accountability, responsibility and transparency in all decisions made.” However, analysts established his links with Israelis since he was at senior position at Deloitte & Touche and the UN.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo thanked General Burhan for his leadership in normalizing ties with Israel and invited Burhan to talks in Washington that would focus on creating a "stronger, healthier US-Sudan bilateral relationship".  However, Palestine Liberation Organization called General Burhan and Netanyahu's meeting "a stab in the back of the Palestinian people". In a statement carried on official news agency WAFA, Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat accused Netanyahu and his US allies of "trying to liquidate the Palestinian cause".

It is important to highlight that the immediate reaction of the attack was that US Embassy in Sudan tweeted: “We continue to support Sudan's civilian led transitional government and stand in solidarity with the Sudanese people.” The popular media channel reminded that attack is a reminder of the volatile situation that still prevails in Sudan less than a year on from the coup. In other words, the foreign agencies are planning to conduct all-Africa operations to eliminate orthodox Muslims and Coptic and all those who oppose foreign occupation, interference in the internal affairs by Western and Europeans and recognition of illegitimate state of Israel. It is worth appreciation that Sudan’s agencies has the power to detain individuals without a warrant for up to 45 days, granting it impunity to act without judicial oversight or accountability, in violation of international laws on arbitrary arrest and detention. It is expected in weeks to come there would be game of blood and fire to silent all those who oppose.

ISLAMABAD, 8 March 2020, TON: Every year International Women’s Day is celebrated on 8th March, This year the theme for Year-2020 is,” I am Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights”. The United Nations observed International Women’s Day on 6 March 2020 from 10am to 1pm at the UN Secretariat in New York. The day marks as a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Generally speaking, women and girls throughout the world are facing disadvantages; they are mostly undervalued so they have to work more and appreciated less and where they have to earn they have comparatively fewer choices and earn less. Generally speaking, they have to face multiple forms of harassment and violence at public spaces and sometime at their home.

Tens and hundreds of demonstrators assembled in different cities of Pakistan to raise voice for the rights of women. They chanted slogans and displayed play cards. Some foreign funded NGOs raised controversial slogans which were criticized by majority of segment of the society. Some media persons used unacceptable language while criticizing them that created even bitter atmosphere. All print, social and electronic media channels gave full coverage and generated discussions from different point of view.

There is a lot of debate of the Women March “Aurat March”. Interestingly, resistance was faced not by the Islamic religious factions but the modern community. With the exception of criticism over some unethical and vulgar playcards and posters, the Islamic parties supported the rights of women. On the contrary the modern factions opinioned that Women March was hijacked by less than dozen of controversial foreign funded third gender  holding National Identity Cards of female.

Dhaka, 7 March 2020, TON: The relationship between Bangladesh and Germany had always been cordial and this time would be celebrating almost 50 years together. German Chancellor Angela Markel has been invited on the occasion of the celebration of 100th Birthday of Father of the Nation Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. The German Ambassador to Bangladesh, Mr Peter Fahrenholtz spoke about different aspects of the relations between the two countries and put forward some viable suggestions including how Bangladesh could get attention of the investors from different countries.  

Bangladesh, as one of large growing economy of the world, geo-strategically, regionally and globally, it is becoming an important actor. Germany is focusing on academic exchange and exchange of students and researchers. Germany is also trying to enhance cooperation with regard to civil society, schools, NGOs and sports; football remains the top focus, which they want to import. German automobile companies are interested in producing low-cost cars here for Bangladeshi middle class. Germany has also ensured continued support to repatriate Rohingya sheltering in Bangladesh.

Prime Minister Sheikh has called upon the international community, including Germany, for mounting more pressure on Myanmar’s government to take back its Rohingya nationals from Bangladesh. She particularly requested German Ambassador to play active role in repatriation of the forcibly evicted Rohingyas during German Federal Minister of Economic Cooperation and development Dr Gerd Muller courtesy call on her at official Ganabhaban residence in Dhaka.

German Minister also visited Rohingya camps to chalk out meaningful measures compelling Myanmar for safe, dignified and sustainable return of the forcibly displaced Rohingyas. After visiting the camps , the German Development Minister said they will suspend all development cooperation with Myanmar until the country ensures the safe repatriation Rohingya refugees.  Gerd Muller disclosed that Germany will provide 15 million euros in additional funding for education and sanitation measures to help the Rohingya refugees living in the camps in Bangladesh as well as the communities hosting them.

WASHINGTON, 7 March 2020, TON: President Donald Trump on Friday signed an $8.3 billion measure to help tackle the coronavirus outbreak that has killed several dozen people and infected over 1000 people in America.

The legislation provides federal public health agencies with money for vaccines, tests and potential treatments and helps state and local governments prepare and respond to the threat.

WASHINGTON, 7 March 2020, TON: US President Donald Trump said on Friday, Taliban could possibly overrun the Afghan government after the United States at the White House withdraws from the country, leaving the US-backed authorities to defend for themselves.

At the White House briefing, President Trump said, “Countries have to take care of themselves…. You can only hold someone’s hand for so long.” The statement was given by President Trump on the apprehensions that Taliban being overwhelming Pastun majority would overrun the country and the elections if US withdraws from Afghanistan. Analysts say that 7th March deadly Kabul attack at a minority ceremony in which top opposition leadership including Abdullah Abdullah was also present was aimed to impress upon the western forces of dangers if US and NATO withdraw its forces from Afghanistan.The opposition, which in the past enjoyed the fruits of broad-based government despite democratic elections are perturbed over their future domination over the political, government and social structure of Afghanistan.

President Trump clarified, “We can’t be there for the next twenty years. We’ve been there for twenty years and we have been protecting the country but we can’t be there for the next twenty years,  eventually they’re going to have to protect themselves. ” Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Defense Secretary Mark Esper  and US special envoy for Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad discussed plans to convince   Afghan President Ashraf Ghani to agree to a mechanism in which minority fill the political and governmental seats regardless of election results and government rules.

KABUL, 6 March 2020, TON: In a renewed attack at Afghan capital Kabul, unidentified gunmen opened indiscriminate firing at a ceremony organized by the Hazara community in which top opposition leaders were also present. At least 29 people were killed and scores of others injured. As per the detail top opposition leadership was celebrating death anniversary of Abdul Ali Mazari, a  Hazara leader who was killed in 1995.  

Last year too during the ceremony several people were killed in a similar attack. Taliban have denied any involvement in the attack. As per the analysts the attack was carried out by foreign intelligence agencies to create suspicion against the Taliban and create doubts amongst the masses about peace in Afghanistan.

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani in a statement condemned the attack and termed it  “a crime against humanity and against the national unity of Afghanistan”. Representatives of Representatives of the US, European Union, Pakistan and NATO condemned the attack. Hazaras are mostly Shi’ite Muslims, who had been in favour of foreign occupation and were critical of any deal with Taliban. It has become a routine affair that any unclaimed attack is attributed to Sunnis and Taliban but this time Taliban and other Sunni leadership has condemned the attack and denied their involvement.

SAN DIEGO, 4 March 2020, TON: At annual West 2020 conference which concluded on 3 March, the US was represented by Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Mike Gilday, Marine Corps Commandant General David Berger and Coast Guard Commandant Admiral Karl Schultz. The commanders ensured that the spreading Covid-19 coronavirus so far has not affected US military readiness but the actual figures of Coronavirus positive is not being disclosed.  

However, more than a week ago, another American Army soldier stationed in Korea became victim of Coronavirus as his test was positive for Coronavirus and is under treatment. His wife and their baby were also transported from Daegu to an isolation unit at Camp Humphreys where the soldier also is being held. An Army spokesman confirmed the soldier’s test is positive. Reportedly, as on 4 March 2020, 71 US military personnel are infected with virus and have been quarantined.

The US military command has prohibited travel to Italy due to the concentration of the outbreak there. Navy is scrutinizing port visits for its ships and scaling back some naval exercises.

WEST is a large naval conference held in San Diego each year. It attracts top military brass and defense contractors to the San Diego Convention Center.

DHAKA, 3 March 2020, TON: Thousands of Bangladeshi protesters marched through the street of the Bangladeshi capital Dhaka. They were demanding cancellation of the invitation to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is scheduled to visit Dhaka on 17 March 2020. It was reaction of anti-Muslim policis in India, especially after recent anti-Muslim violence in the Indian capital Delhi.

At least 46 people have been killed and more than 200 injured in the mob violence that continued for three days beginning from Sunday in the Indian capital New Delhi.

Bangladeshi government has invited Indian Prime Minister Modi to address a function marking the 100th birth anniversary of the father of the nation Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

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